Marriage Or Single Life? 20 Advantages And Disadvantages

Having a partner and starting a family: this is the goal and/or desire of a large number of people in the world. The idea of ​​marrying a stable partner is seen as something normative at a social level, as if it were a universal aspiration shared by all human beings. In fact, the fact of Remaining single has been a source of ridicule and ridicule for many centuries

However, in today’s society many people advocate staying single, proclaiming that it is not necessary to share your life with a partner to be happy and that it brings great benefits and a freer life. And with this we arrive at the controversial debate regarding what is better: Marriage or single life? Below we reflect on some aspects of this interesting question.

A complex question

Resolving the question that gives its name to this article is not easy. First of all, we are talking about something very subjective, and you may get different answers depending on the person you ask. This is because everyone has very different values, beliefs and needs.

Secondly, we must take into account that being single or married may not depend on the will of the person to: There are many people who are single not because they want to, but because they cannot find someone to stop being single despite wanting it with all their might, or because despite having a partner they do not have the means to live with them. Likewise, it is also possible to find in various cultures cases of marriages in which their partners have been forced to become spouses, which entails serious harm to them.

Finally, regarding whether it is better to be single or married, why does there have to be one option that is clearly better than the other? The truth is that both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so determining which is better It depends largely on the objectives that each person has been raised as vital goals. Below we present the positive and negative aspects of each of the options.

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Arguments in favor of marriage

Below we present some of the ideas that statistics reflect in the comparison between married and single. In the case of married people, we find that statistics show a series of advantages over single people.

A longer life

One of the most widely known arguments in favor of marriage in the controversy between whether it is better to be single or married is that On average, married people tend to live longer (around three specifically) than single women.

This information has been confirmed in different investigations. However, it must be taken into account that this effect does not have to be a consequence of marriage itself, it could be due to many other reasons and it is even possible that it is not that people are healthier because they get married but that those who are healthier tend to to get married.

Stability: they have a regular support framework

Although family and friends are great social support, married people enjoy one more point of support who shares a large part of their lives with them. As long as we are talking about a healthy and well-established relationship, Having a partner is a protective element against stress Although at the same time it can be a source of it, depending on the relationship maintained between its components.

In any case, marriage also serves to regularize time and allows us to establish predictable routines that, although they may become monotonous over time, can serve as support in moments of tension.

Better prognosis for heart disease

Especially in the case of women, it has been detected that in married people there is greater chance of survival against heart problems, as well as other types of serious illnesses.

Provides a source of brain stimulation

With age, human beings tend to reduce contact with other people outside their closest circle. In this context, the existence of a couple provides cognitive stimulation which acts as a protective factor against diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Greater amount of total economic resources

Being two at home allows for economic have a greater amount of capital which in turn implies a greater possibility of obtaining desired goods or services such as renting or buying a house.

Social rights and privileges

Although today’s society is dynamic and fluid, it is still configured under the assumption that citizens will tend to get married. So there are a series of social, cultural and even legal benefits and financial services designed for married couples that single people cannot benefit from or have more difficult access to (aid, adoption, etc.).

Marriage: elements against

However, in the comparison with singles, the presence of a series of disadvantages of marriage

It can be a source of stress

Although, as we have said, the couple is a protective factor from stress, depending on the situation in which the couple finds themselves, it can in fact be a source of it. Conflictive relationships or prolonged problems can aggravate the state of stress, tension and frustration of a person. It all depends on the dynamics that occur in the relationship.

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The social circle tends to narrow

Although it does not occur in all cases and currently this trend has decreased, traditionally there has been a certain predisposition that married people obligations and time dedicated to the couple In the case of married people, it causes a progressive distancing from the usual social circle, restricting socialization to the closest circle and common friends. On the other hand, the relationship with the latter tends to be somewhat deeper.

They tend to lead a more sedentary and less healthy life

Statistically, it has been proven that having a stable partner usually correlates with a decreased level of physical exercise achievement and interest in maintaining one’s figure (thereby reducing healthy behaviors), as well as a tendency to abandon oneself.

Less personal autonomy

The fact of sharing your life with someone means that you have to take into account how your own actions can affect the other person. In this sense, one’s own desires and desires must be reflected in order to maintain a common project which may cause some to be delayed or modified.

The advantages of a single life

On the other hand, the life of a single person also reflects a series of advantages compared to people who have married, some advantages that we present below.

Higher level of physical exercise and health

It has been shown that on average single people tend to engage in a much higher level of sport, something that in addition to maintaining physical shape protects their health. In fact, singles register a lower number of cardiovascular diseases, although their survival rate is lower. Likewise, it has been shown that as a general rule they tend to have more stable and regular sleep cycles, sleeping better than married people.

Higher level of autonomy

The single person has more free time and much more choice, since they do not have to stop and think about what another person wants like when you are in a stable relationship. So what, how, when and with whom to do something can be chosen more easily, without having to negotiate with anyone This also implies that there is a greater option to pursue individual personal goals.

Economic independence

It is possible that married people, having the financial support of each other, have a greater amount of capital. However, being in a relationship involves investing a large part of yourself in common elements. Singles, however, are more independent in this sense, being able to distribute their money however they want without having to negotiate what.

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They live a more heterogeneous life

Married people tend to live a more regular and stable life, with a greater number of fixed routines. However, single people They have more free time and can afford a greater number of diverse experiences without having to plan them too far in advance (beyond what other obligations require of them). They can travel, play sports or dedicate themselves to their hobbies without having to explain themselves to anyone.

Greater capacity for socialization

Although living as a couple does not eliminate socialization, single people tend to be more open to establishing new relationships, meeting more people and expanding their social circle. Also It is easier to maintain ties with friends and acquaintances by not focusing their attention on the couple.

Facilitates the exercise of resilience

Not having someone next to you who you can lean on in case of need can be devastating. However, forces the person to exercise their resilience in a much more powerful way than in front of someone with said support.

Disadvantages of being single

As with married people, being single also has a series of disadvantages that we discuss below.

Lower level of stability and support

As we mentioned previously, having a partner helps maintain a regular and relatively stable life, helping to focus efforts on specific points. Single people tend to have a greater level of freedom, but they do not enjoy such a stable and relatively safe environment.

Having a stable partner and/or being married means having frequent contact with someone on whom, in principle, you can lean on in times of need. While family and friends can also be a powerful support, single people They do not enjoy this extra reinforcement

Healthier, but at the same time more risky behaviors

Although they are more likely to play sports and generally take better care of themselves, Singles tend to engage in more risky behaviors The consumption of tobacco and drugs is more frequent, as is the performance of high-risk sports or the practice of risky sexual relations.

Worse prognosis in recovery from serious illnesses

It has been shown that singleness, especially when it is involuntary, tends to be linked to a lower survival rate or recovery from serious disorders such as cardiovascular disorders.

Socially they are less taken into account

Society is structured around the concept of couples and families. Single people will find that most institutions offer different options and advantages that they cannot access, or they find it more complex to do so.

Final score

The final conclusion of the question that gives rise to this article is that each of the options It has advantages and disadvantages both in the short and long term depending on the answer to each person’s question, their personality, their values ​​and desires and the type of relationships they have throughout their life.

Likewise, the data that we have reflected in the article is data extracted from different statistics, indicating only general trends. Not all married people nor all single people experience their marital status in the same way, so the elements mentioned are not true in all cases.