Mediation Or Family Therapy? Which To Choose?

Mediation or family therapy

Throughout the evolutionary cycle of a couple or a family, it inevitably goes through multiple phases or situations in which, due to very diverse factors (previous family peculiarities, unexpected situations or, simply, due to the management of daily life where it is necessary to make important decisions), its members have to face or adapt to these new realities that they have to live. The optimal management of these situations favors the growth of the family but on other occasions the crises generated can cause difficulties and conflicts of various kinds.

For these problems, the interventions that have proven to be most suitable and efficient are family therapy and family mediation depending on whether shorter and more specific interventions or broader and longer duration interventions are required.

Family therapy and mediation: differences and similarities to choose well

Although these two ways of working with families have their own objectives and ways of proceeding, in many cases the distinction between them is not clear. In order to clarify the fields of action of both approaches, we are going to talk, even if very generically (with the risk of simplification that this entails), about their main characteristics and differences, which can help determine what the alternative would be. most suitable intervention based on each family and their needs.

Family therapy

The fundamental objectives of family therapy are the evaluation, support, guidance and psychological treatment of any problem or clinical symptomatology presented by the family as a whole. Although there is a specific symptom or demand that, of course, is addressed, the psychotherapeutic intervention is presented in a broader way, covering the dynamics and relational patterns of its members, in relation to the problem and, usually, in connection with the history and biography of its members

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The temporal focus in psychotherapy is placed on the present, but in connection with the past: past stories and experiences are explored, understanding that the past is fundamental to understanding what is happening to them at the current moment. In this sense, the aim is to understand and resolve underlying conflicts or conflicts that are not evident at first glance due to the family dynamics themselves.

Psychotherapy, therefore, has the general objective of accompanying and promoting deeper and structural changes that allow the family to acquire greater coping resources both in moments of crisis caused by the passage from one stage to another in the family cycle, as well as to address and resolve underlying psychological or emotional conflicts For these reasons, the duration is usually much longer than mediation, since it can be reduced to a few sessions.

family mediation

Unlike psychotherapy, family mediation does not focus on psychological treatment, but on the management and resolution of specific and well-defined conflicts (for example, in a divorce, custody of children). In the event that larger underlying problems are detected, mediation would not be the appropriate approach, unless the intervention is very limited to a specific objective and always as a complement to therapy as a general framework.

The temporal focus in family mediation is placed on the present and, above all, on the future: attention is preferably placed on manifest conflicts and on concrete and practical aspects such as, for example, making decisions regarding custody or visitation of children

Mediation consists, therefore, of a process of cooperative conflict resolution, which helps the parties involved communicate appropriately and reach agreements that they consider most appropriate according to their mutual needs.

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The neutral attitude as a professional requirement

The family therapist, as the mediator, adopts a neutral attitude towards family members although it is usually more directive in the sense that it evaluates, guides, advises, offers instructions, proposes actions, etc., always with the purpose of favoring or provoking the change of dysfunctional dynamics and deeper and more general relational patterns.

The family mediator, for his part, adopts a less directive and facilitative role in communication (through the use of micro communication techniques), helping participants to reflect on their conflicts and disagreements, encouraging the creative search for alternatives. possible, which allows them to make decisions and reach mutual agreements that they consider most appropriate based on their needs and interests.

The decisions that people can reach freely and voluntarily occur in a context of security and confidentiality, free from any type of coercion or reciprocal pressure and without the meter directing them in any direction: it is the interested parties themselves who have to reach, if they so consider, the agreements that they deem. The mediator neither assesses nor offers solutions to his problems.

Although one of the fundamental objectives of family mediation is for people to reach agreements that allow them to resolve their conflicts, in many cases, the most important thing is not so much the agreement itself, but rather generating a different and healthier relational space, as well as offer resources for the management of their conflicts, having a clear preventive component.

The legal aspects

When conflicts can have legal consequences (such as, for example, in a divorce, with the consequent dissolution of the community property or disagreements regarding the care and custody of minor children), mediation becomes the most convenient method to resolve these issues.

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Following Law 5/2012, of July 6, on mediation in civil and commercial matters, through mediation agreements can be reached that, respecting current regulations, can subsequently be transformed into a legal document to give it legal character. . To this end, it is always convenient that the parties are at all times independently advised by their respective lawyers before formalizing the agreement that will end up having legal effects.

A combination that works

As we can see, depending on the needs, one or the other approach will be the most appropriate, although, of course, they can also be complementary to offer comprehensive care to families and couples. To do this, it is necessary that professionals be trained in both disciplines.

Diego Albarracín Garrido: Psychologist, family therapist, couples therapist and mediator from El Prado Psychologists.