Methadone: What Is This Drug And What Is It Used For?

Heroin addiction carries risks such as contracting diseases, developing liver problems, suffering an overdose or consuming very toxic products mixed with the drug, in addition to greatly interfering with daily functioning.

To treat this addiction, substitution therapies are commonly used with methadone, a synthetic opioid with milder side effects than those of heroin, codeine or morphine.

    What is methadone?

    Methadone is a drug in the opiate family, substances used to treat pain, such as codeine, or for recreational purposes, such as heroin. Opiates are also known as narcotics although this term sometimes includes cocaine, which has stimulant effects.

    Currently, the term “opioid” is used to refer to any psychoactive substance that has agonistic effects on the opiate receptors of the central nervous system. In contrast, opioids are endogenous substances in the brain with analgesic effects, in particular endorphins, enkephalins and dynorphins.

    Heroin is especially known among opiates for its addictive potential ; Immediately after being consumed, this drug concentrates in the brain, causing a feeling of euphoria. Shortly afterward it spreads to other tissues, causing sensations related to sedation.

    Methadone is a synthetic opioid that is taken orally, in liquid or capsule form, or by injection. Used to treat withdrawal syndrome of opiates, which causes symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, vomiting, fever, muscle pain, diarrhea and dysphoria. It gradually subsides between 5 and 7 days after stopping consumption.

      History of opioids and methadone

      The ancient Greeks, Arabs and Egyptians already used opium, the dried resin of the plant known as opium poppy, to treat pain and diarrhea. Its use became popular in England in the 18th and 19th centuries, and came to the United States with railroad workers from China; The opium dens typical of this era are famous.

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      During the 19th century, codeine, morphine and heroin, the three most popular opium derivatives, appeared. These drugs shown to be useful in treating pain symptoms diarrhea and cough, as well as in the withdrawal of other more powerful substances, but they carried a high risk of addiction in themselves.

      Methadone was created synthetically in Germany in 1937 in response to this country’s need for easy-to-develop opiates. It was found to have significant addiction potential, although its lesser sedative and depressant effects suggested it could be used as a medicine.

      Ten years later Methadone began to be marketed as a pain reliever in the U.S. In addition, its usefulness was detected in treating opiate withdrawal syndrome, so that its effectiveness as a component of replacement therapies in cases of heroin addiction began to be investigated.

      What is it for?

      Methadone is primarily used to reduce withdrawal symptoms in people in the process of detoxification of opiate consumption, especially heroin. With this objective it is usually prescribed in the context of replacement therapy.

      Contingency management programs using methadone (or naltrexone, an opioid antagonist) have been shown to be effective for heroin detoxification, according to available scientific evidence. In general, it is much more difficult to maintain abstinence from this drug without the use of compensatory drugs.

      Methadone is usually administered to people who cannot maintain abstinence without the help of a substitute. Although ideally the consumption of this substance is only maintained for a few months, In some cases the treatment lasts for life to prevent the consumption of other substances with more serious side effects and the possible spread of diseases.

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      In recent years the use of methadone has been extended to the treatment of chronic pain, especially the neuropathic type; In these cases it may be more recommended than other opiates because its effects are longer lasting, which reduces the frequency of administration and therefore the addictive potential.

      Methadone Side Effects

      Side and adverse effects of methadone They are very similar to those caused by other opiates. In addition to the risk of developing physical and psychological dependence, the most common are drowsiness, a feeling of dizziness, vomiting and sweating.

      Other signs and symptoms that may appear are diarrhea, dry mouth, difficulty urinating, decreased blood pressure, physical weakness, feelings of chronic fatigue, confusion, memory loss, and hallucinations. Miosis (pupillary contraction) is also a characteristic sign of taking opiates.

      Chronic methadone use can reduce respiratory capacity and alter heart rate On the other hand, it is estimated that approximately 25% of deaths from opioid poisoning in the United States occur as a result of methadone consumption.

      Stopping this substance may cause akathisia (intense restlessness and discomfort), fever, dizziness, tachycardia, tremors, nausea, photophobia (sensitivity to light), anxiety, depression, auditory and visual hallucinations, suicidal ideation, delusions and chronic insomnia.