Middle Adulthood: What It Is, Characteristics And How It Affects Us

Middle adulthood

Middle adulthood, also known as middle age is the period that occurs between 40 and 65 years of age, after early adulthood and before late adulthood.

This period is characterized by being less vigorous than in previous periods, but also by having a more stable life, forming a family and already having a well-established professional career.

There are several characteristics that stand out in middle-aged people and below we are going to see them in detail.

What is middle adulthood?

Middle adulthood or middle age is the period between early adulthood and late adulthood, or in other words, young adulthood and old age. As with the rest of the life stages, there is some debate about when it begins and when it ends but, As a general rule, it is considered to range from 40 to 65 years of age

In general, this stage has not been as studied as the previous ones. Middle adulthood has not received as much research attention as childhood and adolescence. However, in recent decades, more and more experts have been concerned with understanding what changes occur throughout middle age, especially as life expectancy has been increasing in developed countries.

Among the most important aspects for the lives of people in middle adulthood are your professional career, the care and education of your children and the preparation for your future retirement

Physical and psychological characteristics

Among the notable characteristics and aspects of middle adulthood we find:

Physical characteristics

Throughout the period between 40 and 65 years of age, some signs of aging appear Most people reach middle age with some feature that shows that they are getting closer to old age, although they are not necessarily symptoms of illness or health problems, but rather signs that the years are passing.

It is around the age of 40 when the sensory organs begin to lose acuity and it will be necessary to use aids for vision and hearing, such as glasses for eyestrain or hearing aids to increase the volume of sounds. The external appearance also changes, with certain signs of aging appearing, such as, for example, less smooth skin, wrinkles or age spots. The hair will have grayed and, in many men and some women, alopecia appears.

Regarding energy levels, It is normal for people to be less vigorous in middle age than when they were young In some cases they begin to notice pain in the joints, less strength in the extremities and greater general fatigue.

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Psychological characteristics

For a long time, developmental psychology believed that intelligence and cognitive abilities in general reached their peak around age 20 and, from that point on, began to decline hopelessly. This belief has been questioned as more research has been done on this issue and as the idea of ​​fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence has been conceived.

It is true that as we age certain abilities, such as memory, attention and orientation, are reduced, however, This does not mean that you are less intelligent in general The original belief that when we get older we are less intelligent was due to the fact that only fluid intelligence was taken into account, that which is used to solve new problems with more or less success, and it was discovered in the 60s that the most peak of this capacity is at age 20.

Characteristics of middle adulthood

However, it should be noted that Throughout life, crystallized intelligence develops, as long as there is no neurological disorder This type of intelligence is defined as the ability that has to do with the acquisition of knowledge throughout life and the degree of mastery when applying it. It could be understood as synonymous with experience and wisdom and, since people over 40 have lived longer than someone over 20, they have more knowledge and therefore greater crystallized intelligence.

And it is as a result of having more experience with life that middle-aged adults tend to show greater confidence and self-assurance than when they were young. Having lived many experiences and better understanding how the world works makes them feel that they are more confident, in addition to understanding what their true abilities are and knowing in which situations they will have no problem exhibiting them.

But it cannot be ignored either that It is at the beginning of this stage that some individuals begin to manifest certain difficulties It is common that once the psychological barrier of 40 years of age is overcome, one enters a period of identity uncertainty, known as the midlife crisis. This crisis is characterized by strong stress produced by the fact that the person realizes that he has not managed to meet some of his vital goals and is already halfway through his life.

The crisis of 40 makes some people want to relive their best years of youth This is evident in a change in style and behavior in general, wearing new clothes, joining risky activities or trying to get along with younger people and even trying to become friends with their children’s friends. Although these behaviors should not be seen as pathological, they can be interpreted as symptoms associated with a process in search of a new identity, also known as “middescence” or “middlelescence” in English.

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Physiological changes

As we mentioned before, the body manifests a series of changes at the beginning and during middle age. In fact, this is the aspect that changes the most in people in middle adulthood. As the body ages, certain vital functions begin to deteriorate and cause certain problems, which can be more or less serious depending on the lifestyle, habits and genetics of each individual.

It is worth commenting that Development experts differentiate between primary aging and secondary aging The primary one would have to do with all the changes associated with age that are inevitable, and that occur the same in all people; while the secondary one would be what would make the difference between some people and others, related to having led an unhealthy lifestyle or presenting some genetic condition that makes aging more or less pronounced.

Among the symptoms of primary aging we find slight circulatory problems, lower levels of some hormones such as testosterone, some loss of muscle mass and bone mass… In the case of secondary aging, lack of physical exercise, an unhealthy diet and Consumption of harmful substances can have serious consequences such as, for example, advanced sarcopenia, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or cancer.

For these reasons, If it is already important to take care of your health in childhood, adolescence and early adulthood to prevent long-term problems from developing, arriving at middle adulthood it is even more so. It may be a little late, but not enough to avoid major problems.

Sexuality and relationships

Sexuality, of course, has its particularities during middle adulthood. Sexual desire is still intense, but it is not as high as during early adulthood As they gain years and approach old age, people feel less and less sexual desire, although this does not mean that it is completely lost.

Sex is still enjoyed, but its intensity and frequency is less and it is experienced in a different way. Men and women have greater self-confidence, due to their life experiences and greater maturity, they enjoy their own sexuality in a less passionate but deeper way during middle age.

However, it should be said that there may be certain problems associated with middle age that hinder the enjoyment of sex, or directly make it impossible to have sexual relations with a partner. One of these problems is the loss of intimacy, related to an excessive workload, lack of moments of solitude for the couple due to having to take care of children or high levels of stress.

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On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that also There may be other more physiological problems that prevent you from enjoying a full sexual life Among them we can find lack of erections, difficulties in lubricating naturally or even premature loss of libido. Fortunately, all these physiological difficulties, and also the more relational and psychological ones, can be solved by going to a specialized professional, such as a couples psychologist or a doctor.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the relational aspect. Unlike in the previous period, People who are in middle age look for some stability in terms of emotional relationships This is a trend that is usually suggested at the beginning of the thirties, a decade in which people are no longer so interested in having the maximum number of sexual partners and look for the definitive one, the one with whom they will spend the rest of their lives. their life and start a family, at least in most cases.

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Life expectancy

Thanks to advances in biomedicine and the improvement in the quality of life in developed countries, life expectancy has grown. People living in the West and other welfare societies such as Japan have foods available to them that meet their nutritional requirements, allowing them to live longer. Besides, There is greater awareness of the importance of taking care of health through a healthy lifestyle regular exercise and avoidance of unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol.

This not only translates into People live longer, they also look younger In popular culture it is often said that 40 is the new 30 and so on with the rest of the age groups and it has its reason. It is not strange to find people who look up to 10 years younger, not only from a physical or physiological point of view but also psychologically.