Mind Control: 7 Psychological Techniques To Master The Mind

Do you think your mind dominates you? Do you constantly think negatively and can’t control it? Discover why it is important to have mind control and how you can hack your mind.

How to control our mind effectively?

The mind can be both our best ally and our fiercest enemy. Exercise mental control About it means being able to manage all your thoughts and therefore influence how you see life. Knowing how to control your mind will allow you to interpret reality with the filters you want. Luckily there are some mental control techniques that can help you take control of this problematic part of us.

How does the mind affect us?

Master the mind It is more difficult than it may seem at first glance. The reason is that its influence has a lot of weight in our brain. This is why taking control of the mind is so difficult.

The main reason why this difficulty arises is that the mind It is the precursor to most of our thoughts. According to different studies, an average person can think around 70 thousand thoughts a day. In addition to all these ideas that go through our heads, the vast majority are unproductive and self-abusive, which is a general waste of our energy.

It is for this reason that to know how to control the mind and how to control thoughts, it is vital to detect and analyze their content. This will be the key to being able to regain their power and become the owner of your mind again.

In this way, there are different common ways that the mind takes to occupy all our thoughts These ‘squatters’ can appear in these four ways:

  • inner critic

When the inner critic takes control of the mind, he is motivated by all the pain he has received in the past. So much so that he is characterized by gaining strength from a lack of self-esteem and the insecurities that arise in our daily lives. In this way, the inner critic exercises mental control characterized by the following thoughts:

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Hurtful words from other people (especially parents)
Thoughts you have created based on expectations
Constant comparisons with other people
Guilt and self-doubt based on past painful experiences

In cases where the inner critic begins to dominate the mind, pessimism and negative thoughts are constantly present within us. In this way, people who receive this mental manipulation can end up suffering from depression and anxiety as a result.

2. The Worried

The people to whom ‘the worried’ exercises mental control In them, they do not stop visualizing catastrophism through their fantasies. In them, fear is the base emotion of all their feelings. Most people who suffer from this type of mental dominance are due to trauma that happened in the past. So much so that this experience ends up exerting an influence on all other thoughts for fear that a similar situation will occur again.

3. The reactor or troublemaker

When thoughts generate anger, frustration and pain, it means that the mental control is being triggered by the reactor. In these cases, these types of thoughts are triggered by a past injury that returns to our memories. In this way, when this type of mental attitude ends up dominate the mind of someone, there is little resistance to impulses in a person. Therefore, it is characterized by anger and pain.

4. Sleep deprivation

In these cases there are several ‘occupants’ in your mind. The thoughts derived from them end up meaning that you cannot sleep well at night or that you even end up with an insomnia disorder.

These may be some of the recurring thoughts that can exercise mental control in your life. So much so that sometimes we don’t even realize that each of them can influence our lives in a very negative way. Therefore, it is vital to detect these patterns in our minds in order to master them. In many cases, not exercising mental control over ourselves can lead to problems for our mental health that require the help of a specialist.

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How to master the mind?

Mental control techniques: How to control your thoughts?

He mental control It represents a strength for our character with which we can improve many aspects of our lives. So much so that in most cases, being able to have control of your mind will help you achieve success in your life. The first step to achieve this is to identify the thoughts that trigger mental discomfort. In addition to this, there are a series of attitudes or exercises to control the mind.

1. Be aware

Being in the present and being aware of your body and your thoughts is essential to be able to dominate the mind. Negative thoughts invade everyone. But the essential thing is to detect these thoughts and be aware of them. To do this, it is vital to detect the triggering origin of this whole wave of negative ideas. The more aware you are, the more you can exercise control of the mind

2. Name it

At the moment the thought that triggers all the negativity arises, one of the mental manipulation techniques about them will be to name what is happening to you. In this way, what you achieve is to separate yourself from your subconscious mind and you can break the cycle.

3. Rationalize fear

The moment you detect that your mind is controlling you, you can analyze your thoughts and try to rationalize why you are thinking them. The mind is very illogical, so much so that if you think about what its statements and ideas really imply, it is very likely that you will end up dismantling it. In this way you will be able to exercise greater mind control in your life.

4. Delete and replace

One of the best mind control techniques It is precisely to erase and replace each of your thoughts. Although it may seem like an easy exercise, the habit of thinking negatively is very difficult to break. To practice it and dominate your mind, you must replace all the negative thoughts you detect with positive ones. You can delete the previous thought or simply change it to a more happy and optimistic one.

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Exercises to master the mind

5. Practice gratitude

By reviewing reality and seeing everything around you, it is very likely that you will realize what you have and have achieved. Imagining yourself in other situations and fantasizing about it is not bad if you take it as a reference to improve, but in many cases the mental control ends up creating a negative comparison with reality. So what you should do is be grateful for what you have and are.

6. Meditation and mindfulness

Concentration is one of the keys to exercise mental control cash. So much so that the practice of meditation and especially mindfulness can be a great advantage in achieving authentic control of the mind. In this way, when you are trapped in a sea of ​​negative thoughts, it is vital to direct your attention to what you are doing and to the present. Paying attention to details and stopping thinking about the future and the past can be a good way to control your mind.

7. Choose the effort

You have complete freedom to decide if exercise control over your mind or not. Many times laziness gets the better of us and we let ourselves be carried away by all the negativity in our minds. You must know that only with your effort will you be able to exercise control over your mind and leave behind these negative attitudes that harm you so much. The sooner you get used to mastering your mind, the sooner you will be able to achieve the key to success in all aspects of your life.

control the mind It is one of the objectives you must pursue if you want emotional well-being. In this way, there is a close relationship between the way we treat our mind and happiness. If we let ourselves be guided by it, it will always take us down a path full of stones and bad times. On the contrary, if we take the reins, this will become a very useful tool for our lives.