Mobile Phone And Screen Addiction: A Look Through Psychology


In today’s digital age, mobile devices and screens have become an integral part of our lives. From communication to entertainment to work, we are increasingly reliant on these devices. However, behind this dependence is a growing concern about addiction, and how it is affecting our mental health and well-being.

The latest global statistics reveal that People spend 6 hours and 37 minutes a day connected to the internet on their mobile devices. This represents a quarter of our day dedicated to surfing the web, about 48 hours a week, and it is estimated that 70% of the world’s population is already online.

Brazil Argentina and Colombia have the highest navigation times with more than nine hours a day, Mexico spends at least a third of the day approximately eight hours, Spain is almost an hour below the global average with five hours and forty-five minutes of daily Internet use, Japan has the lowest online presence time per day at three hours and forty-five minutes. In the year 2022, the global average time on social networks will exceed 150 minutes, which is equivalent to two and a half hours a day.

Impact on mental health in adults and children

Addiction to cell phones and screens can have serious repercussions on mental health. Studies have shown that excessive use of mobile devices is associated with higher levels of anxiety, depression and sleep problems, as well as leading to addiction.

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Additionally, the constant bombardment of information and notifications can make it difficult to concentrate and focus, negatively affecting academic and work performance. Research has identified criteria to determine when mobile device use crosses the line into addictive behavior:


Psychological consequences in adults

In adults it can cause the following:

Screen use in children

The use of screens in the first years of life has increased considerably. According to a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics, 92% of children under 2 years old have a digital presence in their lives, including access to mobile devices and screens.

However, several studies have shown that excessive screen use at this stage may be associated with language development problems, delays in the acquisition of motor skills, attention difficulties, and increased risk of sleep disorders. These psychological complications can have a lasting impact on children’s cognitive and emotional development. The behaviors associated with screen addiction in children and adolescents are the following:


Treatment for screen addiction in children and adolescents

The approach should consist of:

It is important to address screen addiction in children, adolescents and adults early and effectively to avoid long-term negative consequences on their physical, mental and emotional health.
Ask for help if you feel dependent on your cell phone, it is a condition that our modern society often suffers from.
