Motherhood: 9 Tips About Being A Mother And Pregnancy That You Should Know

What is the secret behind motherhood? Is there a dark side to being a mother? Discover the psychological facts that you have never been told about experiencing motherhood.

The secrets behind motherhood

During maternity many things change. But what most people don’t know, being a mother involves more changes than can be seen at first glance. There are many studies that suggest that being a mother ends up modifying the structure of the brain from the first moment she becomes pregnant. What does motherhood really entail?

How does the brain change during motherhood?

Living motherhood It involves different changes in the mother’s brain. According to recent research, when a woman enters motherhood, some regions of the brain, especially those involved in the regulation of emotions, begin to change. Due to this, when experiencing motherhood, women begin to experience changes in their attitude related to empathy, maternal motivation, and to feel their emotions more.

What is motherhood and what does it entail?

The maternity/paternity It comes loaded with preconceived ideas that once in reality, with our newborn child in our arms, we see that they are falling by themselves and that is where we face many emotions: frustration, anger, sadness, etc.

The process of being parents is accompanied by many moments, some of light and others of shadow, in which we have to come face to face with those things about motherhood that we did not expect. Thus, there are a series of facts that will change when you become a mother that in many cases are not expected. So much so that psychologists highlight the following realities of motherhood

  1. Hormones and brain changes will make it a difficult process: The motherhood and pregnancy It is a more difficult process than we imagine. The reality is that there are a series of hormonal and therefore emotional changes that make being a mother a complicated process due to the ups and downs experienced during pregnancy and postpartum. Furthermore, on many occasions these changes end up affecting the coping skills that people have when faced with problems. Facts about motherhood
  2. You will not be happy at all times: As we said, maternity It is a hard process. It is obvious that having a son or daughter is a unique and special moment, but the reality is that despite all the happiness that having a baby implies, in many cases the situation will become difficult. Thinking that there is only happiness during motherhood is a mistake that will only make you feel worse right now. The key will be to look for joy in the small moments that children give us during their evolution and development.
  3. It is not normal to live with anxiety or depression during motherhood: Both anxiety and depression affect one in five mothers during motherhood process For this reason you should take into account the warning signs of these pathologies and go to a professional psychologist if you feel that you cannot handle it. In many cases these effects can leave consequences if they are not treated immediately.
  4. It is not possible to experience motherhood alone: Sometimes we are sold the idea that it is possible to be a mother without the help of anyone else. That’s not true. The reality is that the support during maternity It is crucial for both the baby and the mother’s mental health. You must have someone to confide in when you cannot afford to be with your children due to physical and mental exhaustion.
  5. Loss is part of motherhood: One of the most important changes during maternity It will be precisely around the loss. You won’t be able to help but put aside your work, your personal goals and your rest to be a mother. During the first years, being a mother will entail a series of losses that you must know and value. The other side of being a mother
  6. It’s not about having the perfect child: In many cases the mothers They become obsessed with taking care of everything around the little person who is being formed. Having everything perfect is not realistic, at some point people fail and that is what makes us human. You don’t have to worry about every decision you make, it’s just essential that you enjoy it and try to do the best you can.
  7. Don’t forget yourself: During maternity many mothers end up leaving themselves alone. Although during the first months this is a completely normal process, the reality is that in many cases you should try to take a few moments to take care of yourself. The key so that you can live motherhood in the best way is precisely by trying to take care of your self-esteem during this process.
  8. Find time to rest and sleep: New mothers tend to experience a lot of difficulty managing their sleep schedules. In fact, it is very common for them to end up dealing with insomnia. For this reason, it is crucial that you try not to take on the entire burden of work alone, but rather ask your family and partner for help if you are experiencing a bad rest.
  9. Practice positive self-talk: Whether you are a new mother or not, it is completely normal to have doubts about how you are doing. However, you should pay more attention to how you talk to yourself. That is, you should not allow your insecurities to make you feel insufficient or a ‘bad’ mother. By speaking to ourselves in bad ways what we do is limit our potential, therefore, it is essential to try to practice a more positive internal dialogue towards yourself. This involves reviewing what your thoughts are like and how you direct yourself. In fact, treating yourself with greater kindness will help you have greater resilience and, above all, feel more positive.
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Be a mother It is a process that completely changes women. These moments will have good and bad moments, but the fruit of all this effort will be well worth it. Although we must dedicate ourselves to our children, in many cases taking care of our mental health is also essential to achieve the best development for newcomers to the family.

Myths about pregnancy and motherhood

Both pregnancy and childbirth are two exciting and terrifying times for women. A woman’s body and mind will go through many physical and emotional changes throughout all of these stages. Although it is a very special process, it is normal for women to be distressed by some popular myths about pregnancy and motherhood Some of the best known are the following:

  • Myth 1. You must eat for two: There is a popular belief that a pregnant woman should eat for two. This is a myth that is even harmful to the health of both the baby and the mother. Doubling your caloric intake can cause excessive weight gain, which can cause problems later in pregnancy. It is recommended that women consume around 200 additional calories a day and, above all, develop healthy eating habits.
  • Myth 2. Breastfeeding is natural: Some people believe that mothers have an instinct that will arise naturally during breastfeeding and this is not always true. Although babies are born with the reflex to seek their mother’s breast, it is completely normal for a woman to require some guidance and support to know how she should breastfeed her child. You should keep in mind that breastfeeding requires both time and practice, so mothers should not feel depressed or ‘inadequate’ if they do not know how to do it correctly.
  • Myth 3. All mothers are happy after giving birth: Obviously, childbirth and pregnancy are a unique and unforgettable experience. But this does not mean that everything will be pure happiness. In fact, it is very normal for there to be many problems and bad days during these stages. It is very normal for women to experience many hormonal changes during and after childbirth, so it is common for there to be days where you do not feel completely comfortable or are overcome with sadness.
  • Myth 4. Postpartum depression is rare and resolves on its own. In fact, one in 10 mothers ends up suffering from postpartum depression. Additionally, in many cases, it can take up to a year for these women to fully recover.
  • Myth 5. Good mothers sacrifice their own needs to care for their baby: It is completely true that having a baby is very demanding. Therefore, you will have less time to take care of yourself and dedicate it to yourself. But this does not mean that you should sacrifice everything for your child. That is, it is not healthy for you or the baby to neglect yourself. It’s not selfish to take time to eat, shower, or just rest.
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These are some myths that can affect you during motherhood You must keep in mind that not all the things that are said about pregnancy and motherhood are real, so you should take many of the comments that you will hear during all these stages with a grain of salt. The best decision you can make is to prioritize both your mental and physical health and that of the baby during these phases. Living motherhood is a unique experience, although it also has its difficulties.