Mutual Knowledge: What It Is, Characteristics, And Functions

Mutual knowledge

Mutual knowledge can be understood as the set of information that two or more people know, regardless of whether they know that the other knows it. This idea, which at first seems simple, has certain nuances depending on the area with which it is related.

This knowledge can refer to norms, beliefs, cultural, work or any type of aspects that have a social dimension, and can become very important in a society, weaving the fabric of coexistence.

Next we are going to talk about what can be understood as mutual knowledge and several definitions that have been proposed for this same term.

What is mutual knowledge?

At first, we would understand mutual knowledge as precisely that, the set of knowledge that is shared by two or more people We can expand the term, describing it as a series of elements, knowledge and capabilities that are shared by several people in a certain area, whether work, academic, cultural, ethical… There are several conceptualizations of this same term and it can be understood in different ways. multiple ways depending on which area we are referring to.

Mutual knowledge is developed through shared experiences, events in people’s lives that cause them to share knowledge and perspectives, or at least become similar. Mutual knowledge is often what makes two individuals understand and also tolerate each other, highlighting what they have in common but also accepting their differences.

A more academic definition of what mutual knowledge is understood to be is that proposed by Daniel J. and Diane M. Hintz. These authors approach the topic from a specifically linguistic perspective, stating that The main sources of mutual knowledge are language and culture establishing that this is constructed jointly through shared perceptual experience and linguistic interaction.

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However, there are voices that differ from this definition. Some authors promote the idea that mutual knowledge does not necessarily require sharing the same mother tongue or the same cultural traits We can see this by taking as an example an international medical conference, in which there are two speakers, one American and one Japanese. Although each one speaks a different language and comes from a different country with very different customs, they have a common knowledge of medicine. Both share skills that allow them to communicate, understand and respect each other.

Types of mutual knowledge

Conceptual variations of mutual knowledge

Although we have already suggested it, the definition of mutual knowledge is very variable depending on the perspective that each author or branch of knowledge gives it. Disciplines such as logic and epistemology conceive mutual knowledge as any data or fact that is known by several people, although this does not necessarily imply that a certain person knows that others also know that information.

As we have introduced before, from a linguistic perspective mutual knowledge is understood as knowledge that is constructed through linguistic interactions and shared perceptions The sources of information for this shared knowledge are the beliefs, assumptions and conversations that occur among the members of a given community.

Mixing a little of the ideas we have seen up to this point, we can conclude that mutual knowledge is everything that a group of people may have in common, be it language, culture, religion, profession and other aspects However you prefer to understand it, what can be highlighted about mutual knowledge is that it allows for establishing links and promoting development both in the workplace and in the community.

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From social ethics

From ethics, mutual knowledge is defined as the set of norms or customs that are responsible for directing human behavior within a community Thus, in this sense it refers to the social parameters that the people who are part of a society follow and share.

Based on this conceptualization, it can be said that it is mutual knowledge to respect traffic rules, respect older people, not wear a hat indoors, wear a mask when asked or have your cell phone turned off during a conference. From this perspective, this knowledge is linked to values, coexistence and respect.

From work ethics

Mutual knowledge within the workplace is a very important element for the development of any organization, company or company Here we can talk about a peculiar case. Paul Harris (1868-1947), who was the founder of Rotary International, is probably one of the most notable and classic cases of interest in the development of mutual knowledge in the field of organizations. Harris took several ethical actions in order to benefit the work community and avoid any interpersonal conflict that occurred that would harm productivity.

Among Harris’ measures was to establish sanctions or fines if any of the workers told off-color jokes or engaged in religious or political discussions. This made the workers mutually aware of the fact that tolerate your colleagues and address them with respect not talking to them about controversial or sensitive topics and focusing only on carrying out work activities efficiently and, if engaging in a conversation, doing so on superficial or emotionally non-disturbing topics.

However, we should not think that mutual knowledge within the professional environment is solely focused on ethical standards or parameters. This shared knowledge is also related to strengthening those things that workers have in common, with the intention of strengthening labor relations.

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It is known that people, by recognizing the elements they have in common with others in work and non-work environments, they become more willing to collaborate in group activities to achieve group well-being In addition, collective tasks are carried out more fluidly and with less possibility of tensions or conflicts during them.

Its importance for human coexistence

The fact that a group of people share the same information about social laws and codes of conduct encourages coexistence. For this reason we can say that mutual knowledge is one of the most solid foundations of societies, closely linked to ethics.

It should be said that this is not only limited to the rules, but is also made up of all customs and beliefs shared by the community Within this knowledge is information such as the notions of heritage and territory, concepts that shape and strengthen the identity of the communities.

By this we mean that the mutual knowledge that favors coexistence within a community is made up of the historical and cultural heritage of the country or nation. It is normal for members of a given culture to share national dates and holidays, in addition to also having a common language or particular accent, with their own sayings, vocabulary and terminology. Also part of this mutual knowledge is the set of typical foods of the region, the gestures, the clothing, the historical buildings that fulfill a cultural function, the museums…