Neocortex Brain: What It Is, Parts And Functions

Neocortex brain: what it is, parts and functions - What is the neocortex brain

Surely on some occasion you have had an x-ray taken. Doctors request these types of studies to detect physical anomalies, injuries and/or discomfort that confirm the origin of the patient’s symptoms. However, these methods are also used to study human body composition. In this way, for many years research has tried to resolve the unknowns related to the complexity of our body. In this way, medicine was able to conclude that there are various well-differentiated areas in the brain, including the brain neocortex.

In this PsychologyFor article we will provide you with information about the neocortex brain: what it is, parts and functions

What is the brain neocortex

The brain neocortex is one of the most important structures of the human being, since this region of the nervous system is linked to a series of human capacities essential for its development. In general terms, to determine the appearance of this brain area we must think about how the human being has evolved over the years.

As time went by, situations arose that promoted the acquisition of specific skills that were incorporated into our lifestyle. In order to achieve this, human beings have had to develop specific areas within the body that allow them to execute vital functions for survival in a given environment. Due to this evolution, several investigations determined an increase in the size of brain structures as a result of the participation of serotonin in various neuronal processes.

In turn, the transmission of electrical signals through neuronal connections has an influence on serotonin receptors, since they promoted additional growth of the neocortex. Its significance is considerable because the functions that human beings carry out can mostly be produced through this structure.

Neocortex brain: what it is, parts and functions - What is the neocortex brain

Parts of the brain neocortex

The neocortex brain is divided into precise sectors that account for a general organization of the structure. We describe the parts below:

  • Outer plexiform layer: It is the part closest to other structures within the nervous system. In other words, this layer is the periphery of the brain’s neocortex. Among its qualities are cellular communication between various sectors of the central nervous system.
  • External granular layer: contains cells inside that connect with the external plexiform layer. Therefore, intracellular communication is another characteristic of this sector.
  • outer pyramidal layer: It is the third part of the brain neocortex. The main characteristic of this zone is the size of the cells, which differ in thickness and thickness.
  • Inner granular layer: This part of the brain neocortex has other cells that maintain direct communication with different sectors of the central nervous system. Its functionality is vital for the internal processes that are developed.
  • Polyform layer: Generally speaking, this part sends information to the white matter of the brain. For this reason, its functionality consists of the transmission of information.

Brain functions neocortex

Taking into account the points mentioned above, it is clear that the proper functioning of the brain’s neocortex is crucial for the person to be able to function in daily life without major complications. Next, we show you some functions of the neocortex brain:

Concrete and abstract reasoning

One of the main functions of the brain neocortex is the ability to reflect on aspects of reality. Beyond the person’s age, the possibility of Develop situations through the use of logic It is linked to the type of intelligence achieved.

If you want to know more about this topic, you can also read the article Types of reasoning and their characteristics.


The use of vocabulary based on words and symbols It can occur thanks to the intervention of the brain neocortex. Likewise, it is possible that there is an integration of information from different senses that, after being processed, can be used in different situations, both social and personal.


He sensory information storage It is another of the functions of the brain neocortex, since this is where data about reality is stored. In this way, human beings have the ability to appeal to their short, medium and long-term memories.

Neocortex brain: what it is, parts and functions - Functions of the neocortex brain

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Neocortex brain: what it is, parts and functions we recommend that you enter our Neurosciences category.


  • Seijo, C., Barrios, L. (2012). The triune brain and ethical intelligence: fundamental matrix of multifocal intelligence. Praxis Magazine, 8 (1), 147-165.
  • Velásquez Burgos, BM, Calle, MG; Remolina De Cleves, N. (2006). Neuroscientific theories of learning and their implication in the construction of knowledge of university students. Tabula Rasa Magazine, 5 (1), 229-245.

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