Nosophobia (fear Of Getting Sick): Symptoms, Causes And Treatment


Although concern for one’s own health and not wanting to get sick is a normal and rational reaction that occurs due to the need to avoid pain and for one’s own survival, when this concern becomes an excessive and irrational fear we may be facing a case of nosophobia

Throughout this article we will talk about this exaggerated fear of contracting a disease; as well as the symptoms it presents, the causes and the possible treatments that the patient can undergo.

What is nosophobia?

Nosophobia is categorized within specific anxiety disorders and is characterized by causing the patient an exacerbated, irrational and uncontrollable fear of suffering or developing a fatal disease.

Although it does not always have to be this way, nosophobia occurs more commonly in people whose work or context is closely related to the world of diseases or health, as well as in health sciences students. It is hypothesized that the reason for this higher incidence may be related to the imprint or impression that some pathologies can cause in the person’s mind.

One of the characteristics of people who suffer from nosophobia is that, although for them any symptom can be a sign of a fatal illness, They avoid going to the doctor’s office at all costs The reason is the exacerbated fear of discovering that they have a dangerous or lethal condition, so they prefer to live without finding out.

Furthermore, these patients feel a total aversion to the passage of time and the fact of turning years old. Since the older you are, the more likely you are to develop a fatal disease and the closer death is.

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How to differentiate it from a normative fear?

Experiencing a certain fear of contracting or developing any type of disease, especially if it is fatal or poses a serious risk to health, is completely normal; since it is an evolutionary reaction and follows a survival instinct. That is why it is so important to specify the characteristics that distinguish a phobic fear from a habitual or normative fear.

The first difference is that the phobic fear is completely irrational, the person is unable to find a reasoning or logical basis for the fear who experiences and may even accept this irrationality but still cannot fight it.

The second distinction typical of this type of disorder is that the fear experienced is completely disproportionate to the real threat that exists. Although there is always the possibility of developing a fatal disease these days, the level of fear these people experience is excessive and exaggerated.

Finally, in phobic fears the person is absolutely unable to control the fear experienced. This means that the person cannot prevent the sensations and feelings of anxiety from appearing as well as the intrusion of intrusive thoughts and beliefs that enhance this anxiety.

Nosophobia and hypochondria: differences

Although it is true that both psychological disorders are related and that a hypochondriac person can develop nosophobia, there are certain features that differentiate each of the disorders.

The first of them, and most distinctive, is that Unlike a hypochondriac person, someone who suffers from nosophobia does not believe they have developed the disease he only experiences a deep fear of doing so.

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Furthermore, as mentioned above, a person with hypochondria makes constant visits to the health center in order to confirm their suspicions, while in nosophobia, going to the doctor is avoided by all means.

It is an avoidance mechanism with which the person can avoid any risk of discovering a fatal disease. Likewise, people with nosophobia avoid contact with sick people, talking, reading or watching movies or documentaries that may be related to illnesses.

Unlike hypochondriac people, who dedicate themselves to researching or seeking all possible information about any disease, in nosophobia people prefer to ignore and ignore any of these topics for fear of being recognized.

What symptoms does this anxiety disorder present?

Throughout the article, some of the characteristic symptoms of nosophobia have already been mentioned. However, it is necessary to specify that, since it is a specific anxiety disorder, There are many other symptoms in relation to this type of phobias

As in the rest of phobias, the clinical picture of nosophobia is divided into three sets: physical symptoms, cognitive symptoms and behavioral symptoms. However, although most people experience the same symptoms, this phobia presents great variability between people.

In physical symptoms the person experiences an increase in the activity of the nervous system which translates into symptoms such as increased blood pressure, tachycardia, muscle tension or stomach pain, among many others.

Regarding cognitive symptoms, this It is distinguished by the presence of a series of irrational ideas and beliefs in relation to the possibility of developing a life-threatening disease.

Finally, as mentioned in the previous point, the person also experiences a series of behavioral symptoms. In the specific case of nosophobia, the person tends to carry out avoidance behaviors such as not going to the doctor, avoiding medical check-ups and trying to remain unaware of any information or exposure related in any way to lethal diseases.

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What are the causes?

Although it is very difficult to find out the specific cause of a phobia, It is hypothesized that a genetic predisposition, combined with the experience of highly traumatic experiences It can lead to the development of phobias.

In the specific case of nosophobia, the experience of the death of a loved one or someone close to you due to a fatal illness may be enough to develop said phobia. In addition, the fact of being constantly exposed to environments or environments in which death from disease is a common occurrence (hospitals, nursing homes, health centers) or being a student in any branch of health, are also risk factors when it comes to of acquiring this type of anxiety disorder.

Is there a treatment?

Luckily, there are different psychological therapies that can help reduce the intensity of the symptoms of nosophobia to the point of disappearance. Intervention through cognitive restructuring It can help eliminate irrational thoughts and beliefs, which form the basis of this disorder.

Likewise, treatment through systematic desensitization, in which the patient is gradually mentally exposed to the feared thoughts or situations, accompanied by training in relaxation techniques, is highly effective in helping the person restore their usual pace of life.