Online Training: A Good Option In Times Of Coronavirus

Online training: a good option in times of coronavirus

There is no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic has been a phenomenon with great harmful potential for millions of people who, in a matter of weeks, are exposed to a situation of health and economic vulnerability.

In other words, no one would argue that the vast majority of the population would prefer that a situation like this had not occurred. And yet, this reality is complemented by another, equally true: In the face of difficult situations, we continue to have the ability to maneuver Whether we adapt better or worse to this COVID-19 crisis will depend on the decisions we make during these days.

An example of this is the range of possibilities that online training offers us Fortunately, the consolidation of the Internet as a learning context has meant that, today, not being able to leave home does not necessarily mean losing time and opportunities.

    The importance of seeing beyond pessimism in the face of the pandemic

    One of the problematic aspects of the epidemic or pandemic crisis is that it is very easy to fall into a defeatist vision about what is going to happen The bombardment of news highlighting the negative about the harmful potential of the coronavirus means that, automatically and unconsciously, our attention is constantly focused on everything bad that is happening, and this eclipses any initiative to try to improve our future prospects.

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    Obviously, it is essential to be aware that COVID-19 carries risks and is posing a challenge for the entire society, but it is also true that obsessing about the bad leads us to have a distorted view of reality. In many cases, without realizing it, we settle into the idea that almost everything bad that can happen to us will end up happening to us, and that we have to resign ourselves.

    However, Those who are capable of not getting carried away by immobilizing pessimism do not lose their medium and long-term vision and they can detect situations of opportunity to cushion the blow caused by the pandemic.

    In cases like this, distrusting the “black or white” mentality and being able to see the grays that reality has helps to maintain control over one’s life. And do not forget that today home is an excellent place in which to train and learn is one of these qualities that allow us to adapt to adversity.

    Why is it worth resorting to online training during confinement?

    There are several reasons why, in times of confinement and quarantine, it may be a good time to take advantage of the potential of online training. The most important are the following.

    1. It allows you to rethink the future of work with a large number of options

    The coronavirus crisis is, for many people, closing a life cycle This, in some cases, can generate pain and nostalgia, as occurs for example when having to close a business, but sometimes it also frees us from certain inertia and short-term responsibilities.

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    It is a “clean slate” situation in which it is convenient to have many options to choose from so as not to be limited from the beginning, and the good thing about online training is that it allows us to find very specialized courses, even on topics that are not We can learn in the schools or faculties of our city.

    2. Allows you to quickly adapt to what is happening

    Online training offers the possibility of reacting quickly, in a matter of hours or a few days, to start promoting a new project as soon as possible without having to wait for a new university course to start, to find new accommodation, etc.

      3. Offer lower prices

      Typically, online training options offer lower prices, as they have lower costs for the entities that teach these courses. This is very interesting in situations in which the economy suffers from crises such as COVID-19, and It does not imply making risky decisions such as committing to pay a lot of money to train for years

      4. Allows you to neutralize the opportunity cost

      From an economic and work perspective, seeing our freedoms reduced by not being able to go outside means missing out on several opportunities. However, if we incorporate the online world into our daily lives and understand it as another context in which our lives take place, those lost opportunities are reduced compared to those we gain thanks to exploring the possibilities that the Internet brings us.

      5. Helps reinforce self-esteem

      For some people, the idea of ​​losing time due to confinement greatly undermines their self-esteem Given this, online training is a good antidote. It is not the same to look back on the last day of confinement and see that we have spent every day watching TV, than to look back and see that we have been specializing in a new professional field and that we have something else to put into practice. our resume, for example.

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      Do you want to take advantage of the potential of the Internet to train yourself?

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      If you are considering the possibility of starting an online course, we invite you to see our online courses with a 20% discount until the end of the quarantine. In UPAD Psychology and Coaching We have training programs in various areas of business coaching and sports psychology, and all of them can be started at any time. There are options that allow training in basketball psychology, injury recovery, soccer psychology, tennis psychology, motivation and training skills for parents of young athletes, and more.