Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome: What Are Its Symptoms?

Some medications, such as opioids, have addictive effects and can lead to addiction. Find out what the symptoms of opioid withdrawal syndrome are and what you should do if you experience it.

Opioid withdrawal syndrome: What are its symptoms?

Sometimes, when talking about addiction and abstinence syndrome It comes to mind that certain substances called drugs can cause addiction if consumed repeatedly. However, when certain drugs are abused, they can also lead to addiction.

Opioids are a type of substance that includes both substances that are known as drugs and others that are known for their pharmacological capabilities, that is, for contributing positively if taken in the case of pain. However, its continued use can generate addiction and, therefore, withdrawal syndrome when trying to stop using it. To know more about the symptoms of this syndrome, continue reading this article.

What are opiates?

Opioids are substances that are of great interest at a pharmacological level since they have analgesic capabilities, therefore, reducing and relieving pain. Some of the best known opiates are morphine and the codeine which are commonly used to treat problems that involve intense pain, cough, etc. However, there are other substances that are part of this same group and that are not known for their pharmacological properties but rather for being considered drugs, being heroin one of the best known drugs within this group.

Despite the great analgesic properties that some of them have, the reality is that they have a great addictive capacity and their uncontrolled consumption can lead to the appearance of an addiction. This happens because its consumption produces changes at a neurochemical level when consumed repeatedly that persist over time and, therefore, negatively interferes with the person’s quality of life, generating the symptoms of an addiction. In fact, repeated opioid consumption can lead to the presence of psychological disorders such as, for example, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, sexual dysfunctions, among others.

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What is Abstinence Syndrome?

He abstinence syndrome (regardless of the substance) is a set of reactions that occur when a person stops consuming a substance to which they were addicted. dependence The syndrome of abstinence It involves both physical and psychological symptoms and is basically one of the reasons why people who have an addiction have difficulty stopping using. This syndrome is mainly characterized by a craving for consumption and a constant search for the substance to which the addiction occurs. In fact, people who have this syndrome can put their lives at risk to get that drug in question.

Just as drugs and certain substances have a different effect on each other, withdrawal syndrome is not exactly the same for all drugs. Therefore, depending on the drug to which you have an addiction, the abstinence syndrome It will be different. However, at a general level, the withdrawal syndrome usually entails the opposite effects to those that the consumption of the drug produced.

Symptoms of opioid withdrawal syndrome

When we talk specifically about opiate withdrawal syndrome, the symptoms appear after cessation of their consumption or when a reduction in the amount occurs after being exposed to intense and prolonged consumption over time.

Specifically, the symptoms that appear in this syndrome are the following:

  • Dysphoric mood: Dysphoric mood refers to a mood characterized by irritability, anxiety and sadness.
  • Insomnia: People with opiate withdrawal syndrome often have sleep problems and this symptom usually lasts over time.
  • Physical symptoms: How opiates provide relief from pain and abstinence syndrome It usually generates symptoms contrary to the effects of the drug; there is usually a subjective sensation of pain, especially in the legs and back, as well as fever, sweating, nausea, etc.
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You may be wondering how long does withdrawal last and the reality is that it depends on each case. However, in general, the symptoms that tend to last longer are those related to anxiety, insomnia, anhedonia, etc., since the physical symptoms usually disappear gradually in approximately 5-7 days.

What do I do if I am dependent on opioids?

The particularity of addiction to substances that can act as drugs is that they may be needed to treat physical pain or be part of a treatment to relieve the pain of certain diseases. The treatment of addictions in general is usually expensive, since whether or not to have an addiction is not part of a personal decision but rather changes occur at the brain level that make it difficult for a person to stop using. However, the drug addiction It can be more complicated, especially if that drug is part of a treatment for a disease.

Treatment of opioid withdrawal usually involves both pharmacological and psychological treatment, and both must be supervised by a professional. So if you think you have opioid dependence and that when you try to stop consuming them, you present any of the symptoms mentioned, you should contact a professional so they can help you.