Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) In Children: Causes And Symptoms

He oppositional defiant disorder (TOD) is a dysfunctional pattern of disobedient, defiant, and hostile behavior toward authority figures that some boys and girls present.

Sometimes, expressions such as “emperor children” or “Emperor child syndrome” are also used to refer to this type of behavior in childhood.

Causes of oppositional defiant disorder

It is a disorder whose incidence is higher in boys than in girls. Several investigations have revealed that oppositional defiant disorder affects 20% of children between 5 and 10 years old However, educational psychologists and pedagogues agree that this figure could be somewhat exaggerated due to different biases when evaluating this type of behavior and comparing it with child behavior that is considered normal.

Oppositional defiant disorder usually has its onset around 8 years of age, but depending on the case, it can even debut at the age of 4-5 years. It is often pointed out that It is a dysfunctional behavior that is caused by a combination of biological, psychological and environmental factors


To find out if a child has oppositional defiant disorder, must repeat your behavior pattern for at least 6 months, fit within at least half of the symptoms described above and clearly transgress the limits of habitual childhood misbehavior.

The set of behaviors must differ significantly from other children of similar ages and the same level of cognitive development. The behavior must result in notable problems in the school environment or in interpersonal relationships.

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Detection and diagnosis

Children who present symptoms that fit ODD should be evaluated by a psychiatrist or psychologist.

Whether we are talking about children or adolescents, There are certain psychopathologies that can cause symptoms and behaviors very similar to those of oppositional defiant disorder and therefore must be taken into consideration:

Therapy and treatment

The person who can best evaluate and outline an effective treatment for this type of case is a qualified mental health professional, expert in individual therapy and in developmental disorders and families For their part, parents must also learn a series of guidelines and tips to manage and improve their child’s behavior.

There are also some drugs that can be administered in cases where ODD is a consequence of another underlying psychopathology, such as depression or childhood psychosis. In any case, drug treatment should always be the last option since psychological and family therapy report good levels of effectiveness in correcting this disorder.

Expectations and possible complications

Psychological therapy can have a good effect in most cases, but there are cases of especially problematic children whose behavioral pattern is more consolidated. Children with oppositional defiant disorder They can grow until they reach adolescence and adulthood, dragging behavioral disorders

In some cases, the child with ODD may develop antisocial personality disorder in adulthood.

In order to treat the disorder as soon as possible so that the prognosis is favorable, consult with your doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist if you have doubts about whether your child could be adopting behavioral patterns typical of ODD.

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Prevent oppositional defiant disorder

As parents, We must be consistent when setting rules and limits for our children in the home environment In addition, punishments equivalent to the child’s mischief must be applied; We must never be too severe or contradictory with rewards or punishments.

Children mainly learn by imitation This means that parents, as primary referents for children, serve as a mirror for the development of certain behavioral patterns. Therefore, we must be careful. And of course, we must avoid emotional abuse or rejection because it could be a triggering factor for the appearance of this disorder.

Some articles that can help you educate your child correctly

If you have five more minutes to read, we advise you to take a look at these posts that will give you some keys to prevent ODD and help your child learn adaptive behavior patterns