Perinatal Grief: How To Overcome The Loss Of A Child During The Perinatal Stage?

How to overcome perinatal grief? What can we do about the pain suffered in perinatal death? Discover how to deal with the bad experience of perinatal loss with psychology.

How to overcome a perinatal loss?

The perinatal death It is one of the hardest experiences that parents can suffer. In this way, perinatal grief represents a before and after in the lives of people who suffer from it. The loss of an unborn child or overcoming an unwanted abortion can be overcome through the personal effort and work of those affected.

What is perinatal grief?

As we have already mentioned, perinatal death means the loss of a child who has not yet been born. Overcoming an unwanted abortion can have a lot of psychological havoc on both the mother and the father and on the relationship. So much so that on many occasions people suffer from perinatal loss l with silence and pain for the dead baby.

1. Symptoms of perinatal grief

There are some symptoms in common when experiencing perinatal death On the one hand, parents usually have a feeling of disorientation, a mental daze and even think that gestational grief and its pain will last forever. Among the main symptoms of perinatal death we can find the following.

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2. Insomnia or change in sleep patterns

In many cases the perinatal loss It can lead to a change in a person’s sleep behaviors. So much so that the loss of a child and thoughts related to this bad experience can lead to the development of a sleep disorder such as insomnia.

3. Mood swings

Mood is the first thing that is affected during perinatal grief and perinatal loss In many cases, pain can produce a recurring feeling of sadness that ends up leading to depression.

4. Anxiety

He gestational grief It can cause anxiety in people who suffer from it. Parents coping with an abortion are often plagued by thoughts of insecurity about their future and themselves.

5. Inability to concentrate

The perinatal death It not only affects the personal lives of the parents who have suffered it. So much so that in many cases losing a child in the perinatal stage can have effects on the parents’ profession and work.

6. Headaches and exhaustion

It is completely normal that in the perinatal loss or gestational loss symptoms of exhaustion and constant headaches are felt. This is due to the rumination process that negative thoughts can have about the experience experienced due to the loss of a child.

How does perinatal grief affect our mental health?

How can perinatal grief affect mental health?

Many of the symptoms suffered during the bad experience of a perinatal death can evolve into certain mental pathologies. Understanding them can be the key to get over an abortion not wanted. Mainly people who have suffered a loss in the perinatal stage can develop the following psychological diseases.

  • Anxiety and depression

The mental numbness that comes along with the memories and the bad experience lived during the perinatal death It can lead to the development of symptoms of anxiety and depression. So much so that these types of diseases can affect future pregnancies.

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

Seeing a stillborn can be the source of the development of post-traumatic stress disorder. In many cases, people may look numb, have nightmares about it, experience obsessive thoughts, and remember the experience of the perinatal loss and again.

  • Insomnia and sleep disorders

A pregnancy loss It can mean you end up losing sleep due to thoughts about it. So much so that in many cases parents can develop a sleep disorder that affects their daily life in many aspects.

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In all cases of the perinatal death The help of a professional psychologist is required to overcome these bad moments. With effort and inner work you can see the way out of perinatal grief.

How to overcome perinatal grief?

How to overcome perinatal grief?

The key to overcome perinatal loss It’s the time. Despite this, we can always work to make the negative feelings about it affect us to a greater extent. Although support from a mental health professional is more than necessary in these cases, we can always follow the following tips to overcome an unwanted abortion.

1. Accept the pain

Denying pain or pregnancy denial or the memory of it is an attitude that not only will not help us but will also cause us much more suffering at this time. In this way, we must accept perinatal death and its causes and accept it despite everything it implies.

2. Verbalize feelings

One of the first attitudes that parents usually have towards perinatal grief It is precisely trying not to talk about it. Verbalizing our emotions and feelings is one of the keys to normalizing the situation and leaving behind all the havoc that perinatal losses can have on our lives.

3. Be patient

As we have already mentioned, the experience before a dead fetus It can only be overcome with the passage of time. You will have bad days and better days, but the feeling of pain will take time to go away. Patience in the face of these emotions will be important to overcome these moments.

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In many cases the key to leaving behind perinatal death and perinatal grief It will be trying to understand that we do not have control of all situations. Despite this, the memory will always be with us and we must tolerate that feeling of pain that will accompany us.