Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD): Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

While it is true that the hormonal changes typical of menstrual cycles have the ability to influence a woman’s mood, there is a condition in which these changes occur in a very pronounced way.

We talk about premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which we will talk about throughout this article; as well as its symptoms, possible causes and treatment guidelines.

What is premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)?

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), also known as severe premenstrual syndrome or severe premenstrual disorder is a condition that only affects women and during which the patient may experience symptoms of severe depression, severe excitability and irritability, and tension approximately 7 to 10 days before the start of the menstrual period.

This type of condition is considered an extension, with much more intense symptoms, of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Although in both cases the woman experiences a series of emotional and physical symptoms, in premenstrual dysphoric disorder these are significantly more intense, to the point that they can interfere with personal, social and work functioning.

It is estimated that this condition occurs in approximately 3 to 8% of women who menstruate monthly and regularly. Nevertheless, There is great controversy and disagreement around PMDD The reason is that there are some professional sectors that defend the idea that in reality, women who suffer from it actually suffer from some other type of disorder that is magnified during these days prior to menstruation.

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PMDD symptoms

As mentioned previously, premenstrual dysphoric disorder and premenstrual dysphoric syndrome share a series of symptoms that differentiate them from other mood-related disorders.

Nevertheless, the main difference between premenstrual dysphoric disorder and premenstrual syndrome lies in the fact that while premenstrual syndrome does not significantly interfere with the person’s daily routine, PMDD presents much more intense, pronounced and debilitating symptoms.

Below is a list of the symptoms associated with PMDD. However, there is no single, common pattern of symptoms; rather, they can vary from one woman to another, both in incidence and severity.

Within this symptomatology we can distinguish between those symptoms or manifestations of a physical nature and the psychological symptoms of the condition.

1. Psychological symptoms

Among these symptoms we find the following.

2. Physical symptoms

These are the most common physical symptoms.

What causes does it have?

At the moment there is no satisfactory answer to the question of what causes premenstrual dysphoric disorder. However, it is known that the hormonal alterations typical of these periods play an important role in it.

There are a series of factors that facilitate the appearance of this disorder. Some of them are:

Furthermore, as mentioned above, there are a large number of cases in which menstrual dysphoric disorder is accompanied by the following psychological conditions:

How can it be diagnosed?

There are no diagnostic tests, neither physical nor psychological, that allow a direct and rapid evaluation of premenstrual dysphoric disorder. To make a successful diagnosis, which eliminates the possibility that the person suffers from some other type of psychological disorder, it is necessary to take a complete medical history of the patient. This may be accompanied by a psychiatric evaluation and a series of physical examinations such as a complete gynecological examination

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A very useful technique in diagnosing this type of condition is for the patient to carry out a self-assessment using a symptom calendar or diary. In it you can keep a record of the most important symptoms, also noting when they appear and under what circumstances.

The idea is to keep this diary for at least two menstrual cycles in order to determine the possible causes of the disorder and develop a treatment more tailored to the specific needs of the patient

In the same way, this diary will facilitate a record of the person’s evolution throughout the treatment and will be able to see their results and achievements reflected.

PMDD treatment

Once the diagnosis of PMDD has been made, it is very likely that the healthcare professional will begin a pharmacological treatment with the aim of reducing the intensity of the symptoms and thus reduce the levels of discomfort and give way to possible psychological therapy.

This pharmacological therapy may include the use of antidepressant medications such as fluoxetine or sertraline, which facilitate the reduction of emotional symptoms, as well as fatigue and sleeping problems; or resort to birth control pills with the intention of achieve hormonal and, therefore, emotional balance

Furthermore, in some cases nutritional supplements such as tryptophan, vitamin B6 or magnesium have also been effective in treating these same symptoms.

On the other hand, some studies suggest that the use of certain natural remedies such as chasteberry can help reduce symptoms of irritability, mood fluctuations or breast sensitivity.

However, before starting any type of treatment, including the most natural one, it is necessary to consult with a medical professional to assess which is the best option for the patient’s specific symptoms.

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Once pharmacological treatment has started, it is highly recommended to start psychological therapy through which to address the psychological problems of premenstrual dysphoric disorder and the possible complications that it causes in the patient’s daily life.

Finally, changing daily habits for healthier ones will also generate numerous beneficial effects on a person’s health. These changes include the following guidelines:

  • Balanced diet in which whole foods, fruits and vegetables predominate. As well as a decrease in the consumption of caffeine, energy and alcoholic drinks, sugars and salt.
  • Performing aerobic exercise recurrently.
  • Modification of sleeping habits.