Progesterone: Characteristics And Functions Of This Sex Hormone


Testosterone, estrogen and progesterone are without a doubt the best-known hormones linked to sexuality. Although the last two have traditionally been associated with women and the first with men, the truth is that these are three hormones that both men and women have in their bodies (although at different levels). Of these three, the most remembered by the majority of the population are testosterone and estrogen, progesterone often being relegated to a secondary role However, we are dealing with a hormone of great relevance for the body, whose importance and roles we are going to talk about throughout this article.

Progesterone: general characteristics

It is known as progesterone one of the main sex hormones secreted by the body Progesterone is a very important steroid, in fact being considered a precursor substance to both testosterone and estrogen.

It is mainly linked to female sexuality, being secreted mainly in the ovaries (the corpus luteum of these being what emits it) and the placenta. This secretion presents large increases in the moments after ovulation, being linked to the thickening of the endometrium. However, the ovaries and feet are not the only points where progesterone can be found, as it is also synthesized in small quantities by the adrenal glands.

This hormone is especially known for its role in reproduction, and especially at the time of pregnancy and gestation, although it has a large number of roles associated with it in our body. Its production at the ovarian level begins with the first menstruation and varies throughout the life cycle. Large variations can be observed after ovulation, in pregnancy and menopause, as well as in different medical conditions such as adrenal hyperplasia.

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Also present in men

Although generally when we think of progesterone we identify it with the female gender, the truth is that, as with testosterone and estrogen, it is a hormone that is present in both sexes. And despite the fact that its main point of synthesis is the ovaries, as we have said It is also secreted by the adrenal glands

Furthermore, in the case of men it is also synthesized in a very small amount by the seminal vesicles. Thus, although it predominates in women, men also have a certain amount (although very less compared to that of women) of progesterone in their body.

Some of the main functions of this hormone

As we have indicated previously, progesterone is a very important hormone for the human body. Although some of the most recognized occur in the female gender, they also alter and are linked to different roles and functions in men. Among the multiple roles that this hormone plays, some of the most notable are the following.

1. Prepares the endometrium for embryo implantation

One of the best-known roles of progesterone has to do with reproductive function. And progesterone actively participates in the preparation of the endometrium producing its thickening in order to facilitate a possible implantation of a fertilized egg.

2. Contributes to the maintenance of pregnancy

In the same area as the previous point, the action of progesterone allows the pregnancy to be maintained over time by not allowing the existence of changes in the endometrium that could generate the detachment of the embryo, such as those typical of the menstrual cycle. Paralyzes and stops the action of estrogens and other hormones

3. Regulates the menstrual cycle

The presence of low levels of progesterone has been associated with the presence of irregular and abnormal menstruations, and exogenous progesterone is often prescribed. in order to improve the regularity of cycles

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4. It is linked to libido

Although we tend to think more about other hormones when we talk about sexual desire, progesterone has been shown in various research to have a relationship with the level and experience of sexual desire and sensuality.

5. Action on the brain

Progesterone not only has sexual and reproductive effects, but also generates effects on the nervous system. Specifically, it has been observed that generates a depressogenic effect, reducing nervous activation and generating a relaxation of said system. In fact, it facilitates physical relaxation and sleep, having sedative effects. Different studies seem to reflect that it also has antidepressant and anxiolytic action.

In addition, in the brain it has been detected that it has neuroprotective effects that hinder neuronal degeneration, as well as the fact that it contributes to regulating apoptosis or programmed cell death.

6. Growth and maturation

Progesterone is also a relevant hormone when it comes to sexual maturation and physical development. For example, It is linked to the onset of puberty and to the development of secondary sexual characteristics (the latter especially in women).

7. A role in the skeleton

The formation, strength, and maintenance of bone density are also affected by progesterone. Specifically, this hormone has been associated with increased osteoblast functionality which facilitates the generation and formation of bone

8. Breastfeeding

Progesterone helps the development and growth of the breasts and mammary glands in women, in addition to helping prepare them for breastfeeding during pregnancy. However, milk production itself is linked to prolactin.

9. Contributes to glycemic regulation

Another of the multiple roles and roles of progesterone is their participation in regulating glucose levels both in women and men.

10. Action on the endocrine system

The role of progesterone also extends to the endocrine system, and it is considered a precursor substance to both estrogens and testosterone. It also participates in the regulation of the synthesis and emission of adrenal hormones.

11. Helps prevent neoplasms

Progesterone also plays an important role in the male body, contributing, among other things, to prevent prostate hyperplasia and the emergence and spread of cancer at this point in the body. This is due among other factors to the fact that progesterone prevents testosterone from converting into dihydrotestosterone.

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12. Produces an increase in temperature

The presence of progesterone has been associated with an increase in temperature in different parts of the body, something associated with the maintenance of vital organs. Specifically, this increase appears in the torso and abdomen, increasing blood flow to these areas.

13. It is linked to the immune system

It is considered that progesterone also acts on the immune system, facilitating the protection of the body. Likewise, it contributes to the fact that pregnancy is not considered a harmful agent and does not produce a reaction of the immune system against the fetus by producing immunosuppression of some components of said system at the same time as allows some types of leukocytes to interact with the endothelium to facilitate embryo implantation It has also been seen to improve the body’s immunity, as occurs for example at the level of the intestinal mucosa.

14. Regulates body fat

Progesterone is a diuretic and has also been associated with lipid control and management Among other effects, it participates in transforming them into energy, as well as managing the accumulation of fat in different parts of the body.

Disorders and alterations to which it is linked

This hormone is of great importance for the body, and its lack or excess can generate different repercussions or can mitigate the effect of different alterations.

For example, it has been observed that progesterone inhibits the effect of estrogen, something that has sometimes been used in the treatment of problems such as endometriosis. Lack of progesterone is also associated with more liquid, abundant and irregular menstruation. Likewise, drugs containing progesterone are often prescribed to reduce the symptoms of polycystic ovaries.

It also prevents hypothyroidism generated by high levels of estrogen. Likewise, it is observed that its presence at adequate levels makes spontaneous abortions difficult In men, it protects against prostate cancer.

On the other hand, an excess of this hormone has been associated with the presence of drowsiness, nausea, cramps and headaches. It can also cause breast hypersensitivity, decreased libido, mood changes (linked to premenstrual dysphoric syndrome) and fluid and fat retention.