Psychological Treatment Of Chronic Pain: Psycho-Corporal Conciliation Therapy

Psychological treatment of chronic pain: Psycho-Body Conciliation Therapy - How to deal with chronic pain and illness

The significant suffering experienced by people with chronic pain or who face a serious organic disease is increased by all the personal, social, work, and relational repercussions that accompany their health problem. Their life situation worsens enormously as they have to give up many of the aspects that have been fundamental in their life for years and an identity “crisis” occurs, as it is difficult for the person to recognize themselves as “they were” before. .

In the next PsychologyFor article, we will talk about the psychological therapies for the treatment of chronic pain and we will present a new holistic approach to deal with this problem: Psycho-Corporal Conciliation Therapy.

How to deal with chronic pain and illness

The tendency of thought to divide mind and body, as well as the possible unconscious need of the individual to look for a “culprit” for their health problems, ends up, on many occasions, directing all that anger towards their own body, or towards the members or organs. affected.

From a rational point of view, it may seem illogical to blame the body itself for producing (to oneself) pain and suffering, however, this punishment (self-punitive) mechanism of body-mind fragmentation is tremendously common and is probably part of the unconscious dynamics of any psychosomatic process. Originally, it works as a self-defense mechanism, but it ends up damaging us in a cruel and relentless way through aggression towards ourselves, towards our body.

Psychological intervention for pain and chronic illness

In daily clinical practice, when a close and safe therapeutic relationship has been established, we can hear patients suffering from chronic pain openly cursing their damaged limb, blaming their body for all the suffering generated, and for the “negative” changes. that they have assumed in their life. In these patients, the mind-body conflict It is consciously and explicitly evident, opening therapeutic possibilities aimed at promoting conciliation and fusion between both.

However, it is very common that, given the apparent irrationality of openly showing this “anger” against one’s own body, certain more specific psychotherapeutic techniques are necessary to establish a dialogue between body and mind. In these cases, it is important to adapt to the characteristics, needs and times of each patient so that this dialogue that goes beyond the rational can be effective.

Psychological treatment of chronic pain: Psycho-Body Conciliation Therapy - How to deal with chronic pain and illness

What is Psycho-Corporal Conciliation Therapy?

The losses that are generated represent an enormous burden of frustration, which often manifests physically in the form of tension, anger, different types of psychological disorders and other harmful emotional reactions that in many cases worsen the evolution of the disease and one’s own perception. from pain. In order to avoid the appearance of symptoms that worsen the situation, it is essential to apply the best psychological therapies for the treatment of chronic pain.

When talking about Psycho-Corporal Conciliation Therapy, it is not intended to define a specific technique or a specific intervention protocol, since each patient may need a different approach. For this reason, it seems essential to me to reflect on the therapeutic strategy to follow to achieve the objective of improving the mind-body relationship and eliminating, as far as possible, the psycho-emotional conflicts that tend to confront them and create the illusion of separation.

Psychological treatment of chronic pain: Psycho-Corporal Conciliation Therapy - What is Psycho-Corporal Conciliation Therapy

Evaluation of psychological treatment

Some patients respond very positively to relaxation and creative visualization techniques, however, in people who express rejection and difficulties relaxing, paradoxical suggestive strategies may be necessary to promote the state of calm necessary before establishing dialogue. Certain Gestalt therapy strategies and techniques are very useful and generally well accepted by patients once the trust necessary for a good therapeutic alliance has been generated. A transpersonal approach that encourages full acceptance and unconditional love is the basis of the reconciliation process mind-body

Many patients are surprised by the different emotional states they experience during the sessions and when making decisions. body awareness that generates them. Showing in the form of words and emotions all the rage and anger directed at the body, as well as the body’s own response to the aggression suffered, can help release blockages through sessions with an important cathartic component.

Opening the possibility of forgiving and being forgiven and establishing a more egalitarian and healthy mind-body relationship means for many patients a release from the burden of suffering and an important self-study which can lead to a real change of focus on life.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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