Psychology And Nutrition: The Importance Of Emotional Eating

What we eat not only affects how we feel, But how we feel also affects the way we eat

It is for this reason that there is a branch of psychology specialized in taking care of the way we eat. It is usually called Nutrition Psychology either Eating Psychology

Psychology and food: a necessary tandem for our health

Although many people do not believe it, psychology can be important to improve adherence to a diet, either to improve body image or to control excessive food intake in cases of overweight, as there are psychological variables related to success when following a diet.

Therefore, psychologists are professionals who can provide their services so that individuals can make behavioral changes or lifestyle changes. There are tools (such as good planning, avoidance of stimuli, etc.) that can be beneficial to carry out a successful diet plan.

A psychologist can be a great help in the fight against obesity, since the emotional aspects are very important when it comes to achieving a permanent change in the habits that affect eating. Furthermore, in severe cases of eating disorders the psychologist is an indispensable figure for the correct treatment of pathologies.

Eating with the palate: a pleasant behavior

Many people do not eat based on their nutritional needs, but rather it is their palate that motivates them to eat food without control. This may seem like an everyday act, but It can be very harmful to your health if you abuse foods with low nutritional value and a high content of substances harmful to the body (such as fats trans ).

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Abusing the pleasurable act of eating can not only make us feel more tired and constantly search for more food, but it can cause serious health problems. Eating with the palate is a behavior that has to do with pleasure and, therefore, the reward system, mediated by dopamine, comes into play. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that actively participates in reinforcing pleasurable behaviors such as sex or drug use.

Emotions affect our diet: emotional eating

In many cases, people know the pedagogy of nutrition very well, the problem is that they do not adhere to a dietary plan for many reasons: lack of motivation, unrealistic goals, negative self-efficacy beliefs, exposure to interfering stimuli and, above all, a low mood

The relationship emotions-nutrition It is clear, since in times of emotional instability we are more likely to consume fatty foods. This is not positive for weight control and causes excess fat in the diet. When we use diet to calm our emotional state, this is called emotional eating.

Psychological and emotional variables are very important to be successful in the diet, since for many people it is not an easy path. On the other hand, we must understand human behavior and know that when we are anxious or have emotional problems, many individuals respond with large intakes of food. In addition, stress also causes mood problems that influence food intake.

Depression and binge eating

In severe cases such as depression, it is common for depressed individuals to increase their food intake disproportionately. According to him Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) Over the course of depression, episodes of overeating may appear but without loss of control (something that does occur in binge eating disorder).

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The reason why individuals with depression or emotional problems often go in search of food to feel better and calm their mood is because many foods include tryptophan, an amino acid that causes the release of serotonin (low levels of serotonin). are associated with depression and obsession).

The lack of serotonin causes different negative effects on the body, such as anxiety, sadness or irritability. Since the body does not produce tryptophan, it must be obtained from the diet. Therefore, foods rich in this amino acid act as natural antidepressants.

There are several studies that link serotonin with a greater sense of well-being, relaxation, better sleep, higher self-esteem, greater concentration and a better mood. In addition, serotonin has an important function in the brain since it establishes the balance between other neurotransmitters such as dopamine or norepinephrine (norepinephrine). These neurotransmitters are important as they are related to distress, anxiety or eating disorders.

Foods to improve our well-being

Below is a list of foods rich in Tryptophan:

Finally, regarding serotonin, Low levels of this neurotransmitter are associated with obsessive behaviors and binge eating disorder

In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigationexplains that researchers at the USDA/ARS Child Nutrition Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine, in Houston, and Texas Children’s Hospital, in the United States, showed that The hormone estrogen can increase serotonin production to inhibit binge eating

Psychology applied to nutrition

As we have commented, There is a relationship between psychology and nutrition The call “Nutrition Psychology” deals with the study and application of these phenomena both in their normal conditions and in those that occur in pathology. The quality of the link between the psyche, social, emotional and educational factors, and nutrition, are essential for the healthy development of any person.

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In the Western world, and due to the existing socioeconomic system, we have been educated to consume aesthetics. This causes pathologies or eating disorders such as Anorexia or Bulimia if work is not done to minimize the effects of image culture. This need for exchange between disciplines such as Nutrition and Mental Health makes the contribution of psychology necessary for the healthy development of individuals.

For example, the problem of obesity is not only about losing weight, In many cases there are certain aspects involved that must be addressed and that not only have to do with nutrition An individual who has been obese since childhood has never had a thin body representation of him. Any change that occurs will not only affect his weight, but will have consequences on his identity. Psychology, therefore, plays an important role in the well-being of people, and nutrition is an important aspect for the full development of an individual.