Psychotherapists: Immediate Healers?

Psychotherapists: immediate healers?

One of the conflicts that many psychotherapists encounter is the immediacy and promptness with which people seek to solve their problems.

Generally, when clients attend a consultation they say phrases like: “I need you to help me…”, “tell me what I have to do so that…”, “how can I feel better now”… It’s like If the emotional problems that bring them to the consultation were decayed or damaged teeth for extraction; the client attends the consultation, asks for one of their damaged teeth to be removed or covered and believes that this is enough, then returns to their daily lives, stopping the consultation. take care of that and the other teeth again.

Currently, people live in a whirlwind of rush and quick remedies, which means that they no longer want to spend long hours of psychotherapy in the office, and the most striking thing is the difficulty in making decisions, assuming control of their lives, identifying what They are being manipulated, recognize that their relationship is not what they expected and perhaps even decide to end it. It’s like not wanting to assume the responsibilities that come with having a free, autonomous and happy life that they can be as they want, achieving learning to continue doing things in the same way or to change the way they do them so that they come out different, which brings them closer to well-being.

In psychotherapy, immediate solutions do not exist

Patients/clients come to the office with the idea that they will stay for more or less 45 minutes or an hour, and after this they will leave completely healthy and happy, since they can perceive or consider that if the therapist talks to them, tells them something and that’s it. As if by “magic” or as if he were a “magical healer” of emotions, the problems that brought him to consultation are solved. Without considering the importance of their behavior, of taking responsibility for their improvement. But Without your commitment, the desired improvement will not be possible.

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The client becomes the relevant point of the therapeutic process, since the therapist will not live the client’s life, but rather the person themselves, which is why it is vital that they take control of their life, initially with the support of the psychotherapist, to then have one hundred percent control of your life.

These beliefs that the psychotherapist will help you or solve your problems is also part of a larger problem, since Some psychotherapists try to give the image of magicians, of “all-powerful” those who can solve everything, from depression, anxiety, personality disorders, violence, forensic evaluations, vocational guidance, bullying and more, which includes indistinct attention to children, young people and adults; then people generate beliefs that everyone can do this, which becomes a delusion.

What does psychological therapy offer?

In general, each psychotherapist has a specialty or some areas of expertise, but not all, and it is definitely not he or she who solves the difficulties that people have, on the contrary they are only experts in questions, experts in Socratic dialogues, in promote changes and promote the flexibility of the person’s thinking, allowing better social functioning, according to the demands of the environment so that the person feels full and satisfied.

It is important that psychotherapists first understand the role they play at the time of a consultation, which is based on their training and expertise, which allows them to motivate the client/patient to take co-responsibility for their psychological treatment, since by implementing your knowledge, learning, experience, approaches… you will give everything you have as a professional; and the second will put the predisposition to improve, to be as you would like, to implement and develop the activities, actions that are indicated, and demonstrate that by carrying them out you will have more conflict resolution and coping strategies, and you will achieve what it took you The consultation can be handled, controlled and managed in the best way, so you will be able to face it, as well as other difficulties that may arise…

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It is the responsibility of psychotherapists not to sell magic, not offering immediate mental health or that he or she is the one who solves the clients/patients’ problems, but rather showing that it is a job of co-responsibility. That there is no magic, but there are therapeutic approaches, tools, learning, that will be developed throughout each session, in which the client/patient will be able to recover their ability to achieve, to achieve and seek what they want, which You will feel more confident in what you do, based on the instructions, reflections and activities that your psychotherapist suggests in each session.

It must be understood that psychotherapy is a treatment that is carried out through a certain psychological approach, which is informed to the client. It is a systematized and planned application, and the techniques that are applied do not arise out of nowhere, but rather occur within the framework of the approach that is applied and what is stated in the therapeutic process as therapeutic objectives.

All this is done in order to achieve functioning and emotional stability and social of the person and that can adapt to the environment in an appropriate way, generating stability. Hence the importance of the client actively participating to achieve the social functioning they desire.


To conclude, it is recognized that the psychotherapist is not a magician, who guesses the discomfort of his clients/patients, but rather the opposite; Based on his theoretical-practical training, he seeks to understand the factors that worry and unbalance the client/patient individually and that allow you to design an individualized intervention strategy.

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Psychotherapy is not a copy and paste, but rather it is the development of all therapeutic skills, within the framework of the approach that is decided to apply to address the individuality of each client, through psychological tools in order to achieve improvement in the area of ​​mental health.