Rare Symptoms Of Anxiety

Rare symptoms of anxiety

The body and mind can present some oddities that are inexplicable to us. It is possible that on some occasion we are surprised with something that was not within our plans and that causes us to have to modify our entire routine. Related to this, have you ever felt like your body played tricks on you at a social gathering? Is it possible to have everything under control? Sometimes, we believe that we have complete self-knowledge regarding ourselves, but this is not the case, since life can take unusual turns that were not in the plans and cause a general alteration.

While it is true that things can be a little unpredictable, having concrete and accurate data about this issue can give us some relief in the face of so much uncertainty. Therefore, in this PsychologyFor article you will find 10 rare symptoms of anxiety.


Firstly, one of the symptoms that can arise after having been in contact with anxiety-triggering situations is impulsivity. In general terms, impulsivity consists of a lack of body control that manifests itself at specific moments.

This is because the person suffering from anxiety may have difficulty thinking deeply about their actions.

Muscle ailments

The pain in specific areas of the body They constitute another of the atypical symptoms of anxiety. Although this symptom may vary depending on each person, as a general feature, discomfort in the body that is not related to biological causes may appear.

In this sense, it should be noted that muscle tension is a predisposing factor to suffer physical ailments.

Rare symptoms of anxiety - Muscle ailments

persistent dreams

Difficulty channeling emotions can also affect the area of ​​rest. In this way, they can arise persistent dreams and n those in which the same sequence develops that generates greater anxiety. The content of dreams is an aspect to work on in a psychological space, since it is linked to unconscious thoughts over which the person does not have any type of control.

Dietary alterations

People who suffer from generalized anxiety also often have a complicated food relationship. When this happens, changes appear in eating habits that can cause major conflicts in both physical and mental health.

Given this, it is possible that prolonged periods without eating food or moments filled with binge eating may arise. In turn, vomiting and nausea are also usually associated with these difficulties.

Difficulty in attention and concentration

Anxious people are usually worried about the stress they experience daily. For this reason, they can generate problems in the area of ​​attention and concentration at different moments of daily life. The explanation for this symptom is that there is a high level of mental energy put into the stressful situations that are experienced.

This prevents physical and mental rest from occurring that can be used in other areas, which will cause a considerable lack of attention and concentration.

Rare symptoms of anxiety - Difficulty in attention and concentration


Although this symptom may have a minor impact on the person who suffers from anxiety, the truth is that It can be an indicator that something is not working well.

In short, tingling is a physical sensation that manifests itself with temporary numbness in certain places in the body as a result of a possible lack of blood circulation.

Excessive gases

Anxiety is the persistence of unchanneled energy in the body. For this reason, everything excessive manifests itself in different ways depending on the person. In some cases, there may be episodes of excessive gas in which the person presents a body swelling that he has not been able to control.

If you want to know more about this topic, in the following article we explain why anxiety causes gas and how to avoid it.

Alteration of taste buds

When someone has anxiety they may experience different flavors in their mouth. Despite knowing what the tastes are for certain foods, it is to be expected that there will be a alteration of taste buds linked to episodes of anxiety.

These types of episodes are due to an overactivation of the central nervous system.

Permanent fatigue

Repetitive and excessive activation of the central nervous system can modify a person’s lifestyle. Faced with these contingencies, the presence of a permanent tiredness It appears as the imminent result of stressful situations. This occurs because the body is subject to alert states that it cannot channel.

Rare symptoms of anxiety - Permanent fatigue

Repetitive thoughts

Finally, another of the peculiarities that anxiety generates is repetitive thoughts. In general, they are associated with concerns about current and/or future situations that have not yet been satisfactorily resolved.

These thoughts appear in the mind in an unlimited way and can be confused with obsessions. In the face of lack of action, ideas are one of the rarest symptoms of anxiety.

Rare Anxiety Symptoms – Repetitive Thoughts

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Rare symptoms of anxiety we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Fernández López, O. Jiménez Hernández, B., Alfonso Almirall, R., Sabina Molina, D., Cruz Navarro, R. (2012). Manual for diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorders. Electronic Journal of Medical Sciences in Cienfuegos, 10 (5), 466-479.
  • Martínez Mallen, M., López Garza, D. (2011). Anxiety disorders. Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry Magazine, 44 (3), 101-107.

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