Relapse Into Addiction Can Be Prevented

Relapse into addiction can be prevented

One of the most common questions about addiction has to do with the possibility of relapse Most people wonder why a person who has been clean for a while suddenly binges on alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, or falls back into some other addictive behavior.

These relapses are difficult to understand because They seem to go against everything the person has worked for up to that point

The keys to understanding addiction relapse

Addiction is a complex mental health and social problem that can manifest as a chronic, relapsing brain disease.

While the causes of addiction are still understood, some factors have been shown to contribute more to the risk of addiction than others. This includes genetics, exposure to drugs or alcohol during some period of our lives, family history of addiction problems or mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.

Relapse prevention is an important part of addiction treatment. It is the process of Know the warning signs that can trigger a relapse That is why it is important to take the necessary measures to avoid them or deal with them when they happen.

An addict can relapse for many reasons, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the road. There are many different ways to avoid them, including finding what caused it.

Keep in mind that relapses are an unfortunate but natural part of recovery. appear when it is taken for granted that we have achieved it

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And no, overcoming an addiction is not easy at all.

It doesn’t matter if it is a substance or behavioral addiction problem; Overcoming that dependency takes time and is complicated. Furthermore, it will require a great effort from you and you will need to reevaluate all the values ​​in your life.

Substance addiction is very powerful because it targets the brain’s reward system. It can take years to recover, so it’s crucial that you find tools to help you overcome it.

Addiction relapse

The challenge of leaving dependency behind

Addiction is a complex and difficult topic. For the individual, it means fighting two main enemies: his addiction and himself For friends and family, it means trying to find ways to help you fight both of these enemies.

It is very possible that you want to fall into the temptation to consume again. This is greatly influenced by the psychological factor, by which the addict remembers and positively anticipates her contact with the object of addiction. This, on the other hand, causes you to enter a state of anxiety during which you cannot do anything but think about it.

On the other hand, relapses are usually due to alterations in brain chemistry. Drug and alcohol use can cause dopamine to build up in the brain, which can lead to addictive behavior.

The body begins to ask for the substance you consumed, and it is possible that the biology of the brain asks to repeat that consumption or that behavior to achieve that pleasurable effect. In case you don’t give in and decide not to fall, you should know that you are going to feel bad and you must be prepared to combat the withdrawal syndrome.

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Drug or alcohol addiction can be a very powerful force. When people are faced with the decision to stop using or continue using, they often feel overwhelmed by the consequences of their addiction. With a lot of frequency, the person will relapse into their addiction to escape the emotions that arise from facing their addiction head-on

And this is why it is essential that you have internalized those values ​​that have made you want to stop using, and that at all times you feel motivated not to do so. Otherwise, you will fall again.

So, relapse is normal and inevitable?

Recovery from addiction is a long and difficult journey. Some addicts achieve complete abstinence and never experience urges or lapses, but for many others, this is not the case. To get rid of addiction more effectively, a multifaceted approach is required, intervening in the social, the organic, the behavioral…

A common mistake made in addiction programs is assuming that there will be relapses Furthermore, sometimes the patient tends to be explained from the beginning that this can happen and that the program is not a “cure.”

Addiction is a chronic disease that does not go away. Unfortunately, relapse is common. That’s why it’s important to work on relapse prevention strategies with your therapist and take steps to minimize the risk of craving.

As a person with an addiction, the patient may not realize that their addiction has an effect on the world around them. In addition to the emotional consequences of addiction, a drug habit has consequences on finances and relationships. When the addict relapses into his addiction, the foundations that have been built throughout his recovery process are violated. The emotional effects can be great, but they also exist.

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