Role Of Contact Lenses In Ocular Health And Psychological Well-being

Can sight influence our mental health? Perhaps you have never questioned it, but eye health can be a key factor in taking care of our psychological well-being. The eyes are the entry channel for many stimuli that help us understand and relate to the environment, so maintaining good care of our eye health can help us improve our personal well-being, both physical and mental.

Next, in this PsychologyFor article, we explain what the role of contact lenses in eye health and psychological well-being, a product that can help improve self-esteem.

How eye health influences mental health

The eyes allow us to perceive the world that surrounds us, so feeling a lack or deficiency in this aspect can directly influence our personal and psychological well-being. Currently, we live facing overexposure to screens and lighting that can harm our eye health and, consequently, our mental health.

The vision loss or the overload of visual stimuli can increase anxiety and stress levels, but also visual fatigue. The feeling of frustration at not being able to see something clearly can alter the emotional state, the perception of one’s own image and enhance the feeling of lack of freedom when having to wear glasses. Given this, contact lenses are an alternative that Improves quality of life of a lot of people.

Benefits of wearing contact lenses

Although the use of glasses is widespread, they can even become a personal badge or a fashion accessory, there are still many people for whom prejudices or insecurity win the day when it comes to facing their visual health..

Therefore, with the aim of minimizing the negative effects on our psychological well-being, contact lenses are an alternative capable of not only helping us improve our vision but also to keep our self-esteem intact and, ultimately, improve our quality of life.

Contact lenses are a product that positively impacts the emotional well-being of those who use them, as they give them a greater freedom of movement allows them to do more physical activity and gain security which has an impact on the improvement of their social relationships.

In addition, it also helps to improve academic or work performance and increases personal satisfaction since contact lenses allow you to recover vision without affecting your self-image.

Role of contact lenses in eye health and psychological well-being - Benefits of wearing contact lenses

How to use contact lenses to improve eye health and mental health

Opting for contact lenses allows you to improve both eye health and mental health, but how to use them properly? While it can be a little daunting at first trying to put them on, you just have to follow the following steps To do it correctly:

  1. Make sure you have the very clean hands in order not to interfere with your eye health.
  2. Carefully remove the contact lens from the package and place it on your index finger, making sure it is facing the correct way, that is, with the rounded part touching the tip of the finger.
  3. Next, with the thumb and index finger of your dominant hand, firmly holds the eyelid upper, bringing it towards the eyebrow, while the middle finger lowers the lower eyelid, so that the eye is wide open.
  4. Now, with the opposite index finger, which holds the contact lens, you must carefully place the lens inside the eye.
  5. Once it is in place, look left, right, up and down so that the contact lens is placed in place. Then, slowly release your eyelid and blink carefully.
  6. Repeat the operation on the other eye!

At the time of remove contact lenses you must follow the same procedure but, in this case, use your index fingers and thumb to gently pick up the contact lens, while you look up and remove it very carefully.

The proper use of contact lenses involves different facets. In addition to their good fit, it is important to check that they are the right contact lenses for your vision problem. Furthermore, you must make sure the contact lens is 100% clean and that it is not broken before putting it in the eye, since this could cause other problems such as irritation or decreased vision.

Also, you should know that It is not recommended to wear contact lenses for more than 8 hours followed and it is necessary to remove them before sleeping. If you do not remove them before going to sleep, the consequences for your eyes could be diverse, from minor complications, such as dryness, itching or redness, to more serious ones such as inflammation of the cornea or ulcers.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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