Sara Navarrete Psychology Center: Couples Therapy In Valencia

Sara Navarrete

The Sara Navarrete Clinical and Health Psychology Center It was born in 2013, founded by the psychologist who gives its name to the center.

Sara Navarrete trained at the renowned University of Valencia, where Sara specialized in the area of ​​Clinical and Health Psychology, and especially in the treatment of couples therapy and the main problems derived from it such as anxiety, anguish and depressive symptoms presented by people who are in a relationship that does not work and that produces negative feelings.

The team at the Sara Navarrete Clinical and Health Psychology Center

Their team is made up of Sara Navarrete, who works as director and psychologist, Rosa Moreno who works as a psychologist and psychotherapist, Sara Diego who works as the Center’s Clinical Psychologist, Jose Medina who works as a legal psychologist and Eva Macías who works as a psychiatrist. and psychotherapist at the center.

Sara Navarrete, director and psychologist specialized in self-esteem, emotional dependency and couples therapy. Rosa Moreno is specialized in adult therapy, coping with breakups and emotional dependency.

Besides, Psychologist Sara Diego is a specialist in clinical psychology and anxiety, depression and self-esteem problems, couples therapy, breakups and emotional dependency. Jose Medina is a forensic psychologist and carries out psychological evaluation and report preparation work.

And finally, Eva Macías is a psychotherapist and psychiatrist at the Sara Navarrete Clinical and Health Psychology Center.

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Specialists in Emotional Dependency, Self-Esteem and Couples Therapy

Although this psychology center in Valencia covers different psychological problems, They are specialists in couples therapy and emotional dependency

When problems related to crises and important conflicts appear in the couple, feelings of sadness, emptiness and anxiety usually appear in each of the members of the couple, that is when they go to a specialist in the area of ​​couples therapy, in which key moment is fundamental so that the problem does not become chronic

Usually, when a person feels that their partner does not understand them, when they feel that instead of their partner they are more of a roommate, that communication is not good and that they suffer from anxiety, then it is possible that there is damage. deep in the emotional and cognitive part. In short, the most common thing is for each member of the couple to feel feelings of emptiness, general discomfort and anxiety.

Starting couples therapy with experts in this problem is essential to solve chronic feelings of emptiness and communication problems as soon as possible and allow the couple to return to normality in the relationship.

Committed methodology and very patient-centered

Sara Navarrete’s team He is trained in clinical psychology and cognitive-behavioral therapy Although the center specializes in couples therapy, among the psychological treatments offered we can highlight work in cognitive therapy with the following psychological disorders: social phobia, self-esteem, bulimia, agoraphobia, anxiety, grief, chronic stress, grief, work stress, general anxiety, etc.

The phases of therapy in which the treatment is performed in this center is the following:

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The Center for Clinical and Health Psychology specializes in couples therapy, self-esteem and emotional dependency, although It also treats major psychological problems such as anxiety, depression or other mood disorders

Regarding the periodicity and duration of the therapies, the therapies are normally weekly or biweekly, always agreed upon by the psychologist and the patient, and their duration is approximately 60 minutes. You can check their rates on the website.

Informative work

One task carried out by the psychologists of this center is the dissemination of opinion articles through their blog and YouTube channel. The informative contents are communicated in simple language, and they address questions of great interest such as “can you overcome infidelity?”, “how to overcome a romantic breakup” or “when to go to the psychologist.”

Besides, Its director Sara Navarrete collaborates with various media outlets in which she provides her opinion as an expert in psychology. Finally you can see it in various lists on our website, such as the one of the best psychologists in Valencia and Spain.


The Center for Clinical and Health Psychology It is located in the center of Valencia on Gran Vía Marqués del Túria 49, next to Colón Street in the Valencian neighborhood of Ensanche, one of the most central in the capital.