School Failure: Why Does It Happen And How Can We Solve It?

Are your children experiencing school failure? Do you think you may be in a school dropout case? Discover how to detect the causes of this situation and solve the problem.

What are the causes of school failure?

When a child or adolescent brings us one suspense after another, when we see that he does not do his homework if we are not sitting next to him, when his agenda is full of complaints from his tutor or when it seems that going to class and studying is little less than torture for him or For her, two very clear explanations come to our mind: either she does not have sufficient capacity or she is lazy. If we opt for the first option, we feel sorry for him and we look for extra classes. If we believe that he does not approve because he does not try hard enough, we get angry, we threaten to take away what he likes most and we trust that this will change. However, the reasons why our children do not obtain the academic results we would like are not usually so simple.

What is school failure?

We call school failure when children experience a lack of interest or certain psychological problems that end up affecting their grades and learning performance.

In many cases, the majority of school failure It has both psychological reasons and influence on the environment. Thus, there are many reasons why a child could experience school failure.

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Causes of school failure

It is possible that the problem is due to learning difficulties, lack of attention, low motivation for studying, poor stress management due to everything we demand of it, lack of skills to cope with frustration due to bad results, to ineffective management of study time or to a very long etcetera. Each of these explanations requires specific help. Sometimes, it is enough to listen to our son or daughter to know how to help them; Other times, however, we don’t get any response from you or we don’t have the necessary tools to solve the difficulties you are facing. Although there are many causes of school dropout the reality is that there are some reasons that are repeated in the vast majority of cases.

1. Bad family environment

In many cases, children with tendency to drop out of school They are in a family environment that encourages them to feel bad about their environment. Among the most common causes of a family with this type of education or poor relationship between its members is the socioeconomic level as well as a poor educational style for their children. The educational standard of parents, as well as the actions they take towards their children, have a strong impact on their children’s educational results. So much so, that many studies have shown that the family environment is a decisive factor for the success of children in their adulthood.

2. Undetected health problems

Sometimes there are physical problems that can affect both the learning and mental development of children. On many occasions, most physical conditions are detected almost instantly by parents, but there are cases in which these problems can go unnoticed. When it exists a school failure the essential thing is to try to visualize if there really can be a physical illness that we have not detected in children.

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3. Intellectual deficiency

There is some probability that our children are in a case of intellectual deficiency when we are in front of a case of school failure In these situations, parents feel a certain fear of trying to detect these problems. To be able to do so, you only need to pass a series of tests with which the student will see his or her deficiencies and thus be able to work on them in a completely standardized way.

4. Learning difficulties

One of the causes that most trigger school failure are presenting certain learning difficulties that have not been resolved in time. In these cases we are talking about problems with dyslexia, in the ability of children to express certain feelings, or those difficulties that at first glance are difficult to express. If we believe that our children are experiencing this, it is essential to consult with a child psychologist.

5. Psychological problems

Of all the causes of school failure The most common are psychological problems. On many occasions we think that children cannot experience certain psychological pathologies such as depression, anxiety or even stress. This belief is very far from reality. There are many cases of school failure in which children have psychological problems.

6. Bullying or bullying

In some cases, bullying can go unnoticed.

or both by parents and by the center’s own teachers. On these occasions, the essential thing is to detect it in time so that there are no psychological consequences in the child who has suffered it. Therefore, it is essential to be able to talk to our children in a completely transparent way about it.

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Most common causes of school failure

How to prevent or help in a situation of school failure?

If your child is in one of these situations, keep in mind that there are many consequences of school failure that can be more than detrimental to children’s development. In order to help children who are experiencing academic failure, it is very important to identify and treat the problems that are causing this state in their learning.

The most important thing in any of these cases is that we we face problems with solutions, so we just have to find it. Of course, we will not always have the answer and we will not always be able to offer our children the necessary strategies to overcome their school difficulties and that does not mean that we are doing anything wrong (nor are they, of course), it just means we must seek help from A professional.