Sedentary Lifestyle: What Dangers Does It Have For Our Physical And Psychological Health?

sedentary lifestyle

In recent decades the lifestyle we lead has undergone great changes. Our quality of life has increased, we enjoy more comforts and tasks that previously required great efforts have become simple thanks to technology. On the other hand, The introduction of screens into our daily lives has made us less inclined to socialize and go outside

This has led to a much lower level of physical activity, to the point that many people spend their entire day sitting in front of a computer without even meeting the minimum recommendations of the World Health Organization regarding movement. A sedentary lifestyle is not the best ally for our health. In fact, a lifestyle without any movement is associated with different risks for our physical and mental state. In this article we will talk about them.

What do we understand by sedentary lifestyle?

The truth is that there is no specific definition of what a sedentary lifestyle is. In general terms, this could be considered the absence of physical activity practiced on a regular basis. In the case of Europe, it is estimated that more than half of the population leads an inactive life with insufficient movement to meet the minimum requirements for good health.

If you are thinking that an active life is synonymous with spending the day in the gym, you are wrong. The truth is that with half an hour a day of exercise at moderate intensity you can already obtain considerable benefits, improving mental health and reducing the risk of suffering from different pathologies such as diabetes, obesity or different types of cancer. Added to this, regular movement helps keep the musculoskeletal system in shape, improving physical capacity and functioning in young and old.

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As we already mentioned, the lifestyle that most of us lead has become markedly sedentary. Industrialization and computerization have significantly reduced the physical effort that humans must perform in different jobs and processes. Nowadays, there are many people who work in office jobs, in which there is no type of physical requirement. Teleworking has even eliminated commuting, which significantly reduces movement options throughout the day

Dangers of a sedentary lifestyle for physical and mental health

The truth is that a sedentary lifestyle implies a series of risks for physical and mental health. Below, we are going to comment on some of them.

1. Risk of cardiovascular disease

When a person leads a sedentary life, their risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease, as well as suffering from high blood pressure, significantly increases.

2. Premature death

It is estimated that people who lead a sedentary life are 20% more likely to die prematurely In other words, not being physically active can reduce life expectancy.

3. Difficult menopause

Menopause is defined as a physiological period in a woman’s life in which important hormonal changes take place. This leads to the interruption of menstruation, although this process is usually progressive. Typically, menstruation is linked to symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, loss of libido, irregular periods, night sweats, etc. Although all women inevitably go through this situation, it seems that those with an active lifestyle experience this transition more lightly, while those who lead a sedentary life tend to have more intense symptoms.

4. Sleep disorders

A sedentary life can also interfere with the quality of our rest. Generally, inactivity during the day can lead to problems falling asleep properly at night

5. High stress levels

A life without movement is often linked to higher levels of stress. Physical exercise is the best natural anxiolytic, since it allows us to disconnect, release energy and substances in the body that improve our general mood. Giving up these moments of movement can make us more vulnerable to stress, especially at times when we are going through a challenge or difficulty.

6. Lethargy

An active life allows us to stay motivated, with strength and energy to face whatever comes our way. On the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle tends to make us more lethargic, listless and lazy. Once we enter the spiral of inactivity, everything usually becomes difficult for us, it is more difficult for us to find the desire to do things, carry out our activities, go out, etc.

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7. Isolation

When we exercise we tend to be more open to going outside, socializing and staying active. However, a sedentary lifestyle can harm our mental health as it promotes isolation. If we do not carry out any type of activity, it is easy to fall into the spiral of staying at home, increasingly avoiding going out, making plans, meeting up

8. Obesity

Lack of exercise can contribute to the development of obesity. This can be linked to different health problems derived from excess weight.

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sedentary lifestyle dangers

How to implement a more active lifestyle

Reading these lines, you may identify with a sedentary lifestyle. If you think that you are not moving enough and would like to be more active on a daily basis, below we will see some keys that can help you improve in this regard.

1. Walk whenever possible

It is possible that you are resorting to the car in situations where it may not be necessary. Many times, convenience makes us travel short and affordable distances on foot using transportation, which reduces our movement throughout the day. If you don’t live far from your work, it may help you to walk that distance to the office. This will also allow you to enjoy some fresh air and reduce polluting emissions for the environment

2. Stretch and pause

If you work long hours in front of the computer, you may end the day stiff. Improving your mobility is possible if you take breaks from time to time and take advantage of that moment to stretch.

3. Rediscover movement

Many people associate movement with doing intense workouts. However, this does not have to be like this. If you don’t consider yourself someone who loves exercise, you may simply not have found what gives you enjoyment. Movement cannot be achieved only by going to the gym, it is also possible through dancing, walks with your pet or hiking in nature. Think about what suits you best and give it a try.

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4. If you have little time, do routines at home

Many people say they don’t move because they don’t have time to do so. It is true that many times making time for sports is complicated when we have many responsibilities in the day. Although it is ideal to exercise outside, it may help you to do some quick routines from home. To do this you can search on the internet or use different apps

5. Give rest the importance it deserves

Maintaining an active lifestyle doesn’t mean spending the day non-stop. Exercising is incompatible with the absence of rest, so setting aside time to know how to take a break and recharge your batteries is essential. Rest allows you to compose yourself to maintain energy and motivation. Without rest, excessive movement stops being beneficial and becomes as harmful as a sedentary lifestyle itself.

6. Get your home ready

As we already mentioned, exercising is possible in many ways. When there is a lack of time, turning everyday tasks into an opportunity for movement is a great idea. The best example is found in domestic tasks. Although it may not seem like it at first glance, cleaning, organizing and taking care of your space at home is a way of moving In addition, having your house in order will also give you a lot of mental serenity.

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how to combat sedentary lifestyle


In this article we have talked about some risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of movement in daily life is linked to dangers for physical and mental state. However, changes in society have only increased people’s tendency toward inactivity and isolation. Currently, more than half of the European population does not meet the minimum recommended levels of physical exercise, which translates into greater risks for the health of society as a whole.

A lack of regular exercise and movement can increase the risk of premature death, mental health problems, sleep disorders, high stress levels, isolation, obesity, etc In this situation, it is advisable to take some measures to start having a more active lifestyle. An example of this could be walking whenever possible when going to work, stretching from time to time while sitting, looking for forms of movement according to our tastes, knowing how to rest, doing exercise routines at home if there is little free time and doing housework.