Seduction Techniques: How To Attract Others According To Psychology?

Do you feel like you can’t seduce others? Do you think that the art of seduction cannot be learned? Discover how to seduce others through psychological seduction techniques.

Are there seduction techniques?

Can you reach be a seducer? Is seduction an art or is it intrinsic to the personality? Everyone wants to be an ace at seduction. Despite this, many times people fail to have sufficient skills to show their charms and be able to seduce others. Here we will show you what the personality of a seducer consists of as well as some psychological tricks with which to reach someone’s heart. Even so, even if you learn the art of seduction, the reality is that seducing a woman or a man will only be worth it if there really is a common bond.

What influences seduction?

The seduction It is an art that is difficult to both explain and teach. Although the best way to become a seducer is to enjoy good self-esteem and security, it is true that from psychology there are some secrets with which we can play to our advantage.

1. Smell and pheromones

In the seduction Smell plays a very important role. All body odors are detected by our body at an unconscious level, they contribute a lot to our first impressions, rest assured, a confident person with great self-confidence and love for others does not smell the same as a fearful, insecure and misanthropic subject. .

Human beings, like other mammals, are biologically programmed to detect body odors automatically, without going through our conscious level. It is known that the more different smells we have in our memory, the more emotions and feelings we have, which in turn are aroused by the smells, the situations and the contexts in which they took place and, therefore, the greater the unconscious emotional level which has nothing to do with the emotional level expressed or perceived.

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2. The chemistry of our brain

There is a neurotransmitter in humans called phenylethylamine, this is a precursor substance to dopamine and is synthesized from phenylalanine. Phenylethylamine is believed to be the cause of falling in love and the feeling of passion, it is the neurotransmitter responsible for romantic love and art of seduction This substance is developed from glances, handshakes, small body touches and various simple activations such as body approaches, small provocative gestures, etc. Direct eye contact is essential, which stimulates phenylethylamine and awakens the feeling of being in love. The most visible bodily effects are the dilated and large pupils, these widen when looking at the parts of your partner’s body that you like and from loving and sexual thoughts.

3. Our language and behavior

Once in hookup situation, We should encourage brief, gentle casual contacts and unconsummated physical contacts, in addition to gradually incorporating insinuations and friendly and playful physical contacts. It is very stimulating to incorporate language loaded with suggestive adjectives and verbs into our everyday language; adjectives such as hot, sensual, juicy, hot, tempting, exciting, fiery, among many more.

4. Make the other feel desired

A very important rule is to make the other person feel like the fascinating center of your desire with looks, body approaches, smiles and suggestive postures; In general, the following behaviors occur.

What influences seduction?

What psychological traits participate in seduction?

There are many factors that participate in seduction Despite this, we can try to improve those that depend on psychology. Trying to improve them will make your abilities to seduce others better, although what will always determine success will be the bond that is formed between the two participants.

  • Look: Essential eye contact to stimulate interest.
  • Smile: It maintains harmony and personal magnetism, always making you pleasant.
  • The gestures: Take care of your body expression, always maintain a relaxed position.
  • Security and trust: It denotes maturity and sensitivity. Be sincere.
  • Sense of humor: With success, precision, opportunity and without excess.
  • Know how to listen: It makes you close, attentive and pleasant.
  • Mystery: Discovering each other’s lives little by little is fascinating and makes them feel special, as if you had only told him or her.
  • Patience: Moving forward with serenity, security and without haste is more rewarding and stimulates motivation, desire and passion. (Patience is the fundamental key to success.)
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Seduction techniques

As we have already said, to seduce a man or a woman, one of the first basic rules is to show yourself as you are. Even so, psychology has established some seduction techniques with which we can have some extra points in front of the person we like.

1. Show confidence

One of the keys to seduction is enjoying good mental health. Therefore, it is essential to have both good self-esteem and appear confident in front of others. Show confidence in yourself, be free and natural, without complexes, we must let ourselves be carried away by our instincts and not try to be other people.

2. Keep your strengths in mind

You must take advantage of each of your charms, for this it is necessary that before knowing how to be seductive or seductive It is essential to know yourself. The basis for seducing others is knowing what strengths we have and how we can highlight them in front of our loved one.

3. Be fun

Having a good sense of humor as well as being funny are two strengths to be able to be a ace of seduction So much so that in order to master the art of seducing it is vital to have fun with the person you like.

4. Smile

Smiling is vital to attract all the people around you. So much so that for the seduction of women or men It is essential to try to appear happy and smiling. This happens because by generating endorphins we become closer to others.

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5. Have good self-esteem

Enjoying good self-esteem as well as not suffering from anxiety, depression or stress is essential if you want to be a seducer in front of others. Therefore, mental health goes hand in hand with art of seducing

Seduction techniques

6. Be mysterious

A way to capture the attention of others It will be through fostering an atmosphere of mystery. To do this, you can try not to give too much information about your personal life so that others end up wanting to know about you.

7. Be empathetic

Empathy is the basis of any formula for seduction In order to seduce someone, it is important to have a pleasant tone of voice, show interest and encourage communication.

8. Don’t talk too much about yourself

People who constantly talk about themselves appear arrogant in front of others. Therefore, it is vital for seduce To others, try to cultivate conversations that are about interesting topics and not just revolve around our interests.

9. Relax

To seduce a woman or a man It is vital to try to maintain a relaxed attitude without showing tension or insecurity in your attitudes. This will make everything flow better between the two of you and will also promote a good atmosphere.

10. Be patient

Know and seduce others It’s not a one-day thing. That is why it is essential to try to get to know the other person delicately and spending time. Love always requires work and dedication.

Together with these keys you can improve your skills to seduce to others. But the fundamental thing in the art of seduction is to be good both inside and out. Therefore, to be an ace at seduction you must have good mental health.