Self-esteem Problems In Adolescence: What They Are And How To Help

Self-esteem problems in adolescence.

Adolescence is a stage of changes and transitions that both young people and the adults in charge undergo. During this phase of life, one’s own identity is formed and, consequently, self-esteem is a conditioning factor in the way in which this evolution is experienced.

In this article we will talk about self-esteem problems in adolescence and about how we can prevent them from home or the circles close to them.

Self-esteem and adolescents

If something characterizes the stage of adolescence, it is its complexity. The transition from childhood to adulthood is accompanied by great changes at all levels: personal, social, family and academic.

The way in which the adolescent faces and resolves these changes will be highly conditioned by his or her self-esteem. Which will play an important role in managing these events as well as will be affected by how they are managed.

It is a time in which young people experience a great need to be attractive to others and to be socially accepted, which is why interpersonal relationships play an enormous role in the formation of self-concept.

Being part of a clan or social group is essential for the formation of one’s own identity, which will have a direct impact on the adolescent’s level of self-esteem.

The construction of one’s own identity

It is at this same stage that the degree of self-esteem that the person possesses can condition, both positively and negatively, relationships with others That is, a young person with low self-esteem will be more likely to experience a series of difficulties in using his social skills; On the other hand, an adolescent with high self-esteem has confidence that makes it easier for him or her to relate to others.

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It is common that during the period of adolescence, the self-esteem of both boys and girls is not excessively high, since any event, no matter how small it may seem from the outside, can significantly alter it.

Any trait or physical condition that may be perceived as unattractive or unattractive, such as body hair or acne, as well as the feeling of not being accepted or understood, is capable of profoundly diminishing the quality of a young person’s self-esteem.

Due, the construction of one’s own identity may be affected, since this occurs throughout adolescence. A young person with low or fragile self-esteem may be afraid to show themselves as they are, since the fear of rejection is always present at this stage. Therefore, it is very likely that he forges a first identity according to the pressures or expectations of other peers.

How to prevent self-esteem problems in adolescence

Although developing self-esteem is a personal task that the adolescent must carry out on his or her own, a series of techniques or tactics can be carried out from home to help and pave the way towards building self-love.

Below, we provide a series of tips or recommendations for those parents, family members or friends who do not know how to Help teenagers improve their self-esteem

1. Make sure the home is a safe context

Due to the need for acceptance, the adolescent may experience great insecurity in certain environments such as school or institute and the group of friends. Therefore, it is necessary for him to perceive that, at least in his home, he has the security that he needs.

The home must become a space of trust, in which the person can perceive that they are appreciated just as they are. Communication at home must be fluid and secure. That is, the teenager must know that he can share his feelings without being judged.

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Therefore, the mission of those who live under the same roof as the adolescent is to create a safe and appropriate environment that facilitates communication

2. Sincere and natural communication

The quantity of communication between family members is as important as its quality. Since through these exchanges of personal information, the adolescent will be able to perceive her family as a support and a trustworthy resource.

Active listening, patience and correct advice are key to helping strengthen the self-esteem of young people.

Although it is common that during this stage young people tend to reject parental advice, it is necessary that they know how to gain the trust of their children and that the advice does not take on a mandatory tone, but rather is natural and spontaneous.

3. Praise and flatter

It is an unconscious but quite common mistake not to praise or congratulate others every time they achieve something or when they do something well. In addition to praising achievements, it is also necessary praise efforts made despite not having achieved something

The stage of adolescence is a period in which many mistakes are made. However, these cannot overshadow the rest of the achievements or the efforts made to achieve their own goals.

It is difficult for adolescents to feel that their parents are really happy with them and on some occasions they may perceive these compliments as false. To avoid this, praise must be given at the right time and in proportion to the effort or goal achieved

4. Criticism, always constructive

In cases where the adolescent makes a mistake or it is necessary to make a judgment about his or her behavior, criticism can be used. But always from a constructive point of view and never in an offensive or outrageous way

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The teenager needs to know what he has done wrong, as well as the reason for the criticism and how he can improve. Making a criticism or negative judgment without foundation or explanation will only cause a decrease in her self-esteem.

5. Set limits and rules

The establishment of norms and rules at home favors the development of a sense of responsibility and, consequently, increases and strengthens self-esteem. Nevertheless, These standards need to be realistic and flexible otherwise they can cause more conflict at home.

6. Always consider the opinion of the adolescent

The need to feel integrated also extends to the family environment. Include the adolescent’s opinion in home decisions It will make you feel like you are part of something and you will perceive that it is important for family dynamics.

Adolescents enjoy being treated like adults, so asking for their opinion or a suggestion will be a compliment that will have a positive impact on their self-esteem.

7. Stimulate interests and hobbies

Supporting children’s interests, hobbies or hobbies, as well as encouraging non-regulated activities outside of school is of utmost importance for the development of self-esteem.

A teenager who He perceives that his parents support him in what he likes You are much more likely to achieve satisfactory results and succeed in what you like. This will strengthen your self-esteem and promote your own acceptance.

8. Advise on personal care and hygiene

If there is something that characterizes the period of adolescence, it is hormonal changes and the consequences they have on the body This, together with the concern they usually have about their personal appearance, can cause major headaches for them.

Therefore, advising in a cautious and delicate way about body hygiene, grooming and clothing will be extremely useful to them, they will feel more secure and will strengthen their self-esteem.