Seligman’s Grooming Theory: Explaining Phobias

Seligman preparation theory

There are many theories that try to explain the acquisition of phobias. Why do you think some phobias are more common than others? In this article we will know Seligman’s priming theory which attempts to explain this phenomenon.

The theory refers to two main concepts, the preparation (phylogenetic aspects) and the predisposition (ontogenetic aspects) for the development of phobias. If you want to know why you are more likely to be afraid of heights, fire or snakes than to be afraid of doors, for example, keep reading!

Seligman’s preparation theory: characteristics

Martin Seligman was the researcher who established the priming theory. According to this theory, the organism is prepared phylogenetically (through an evolutionary process of the species) to associate or learn the relationship between certain stimuli with ease (biologically primed stimulus to be associated with a response), because this learning is adaptive.

Seligman’s preparation theory arose in opposition to the principle of equipotentiality, which held that all stimuli could elicit phobic responses. Thus, according to Seligman, only some stimuli would be prepared to cause phobias. These would be dangerous stimuli, which put the survival of the species at risk, such as lions, snakes, heights, fire, etc.

Seligman, in a way, conceives phobias as powerful adaptation tools of the species which increase the probability of survival and perpetuation of the same.

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Central concepts of the theory

Seligman’s preparation theory is made up of two fundamental concepts, which are as follows.

1. Preparation

Alludes to phylogenetic aspects, typical of an evolutionary process of the species. There are three types of stimuli in terms of their “degree” or level of preparation:

1.1. Prepared stimuli

Is about stimuli biologically prepared to be learned as harmful (for example associating an unpleasant taste with a belly ache).

1.2. Unprepared stimuli

They are stimuli that end up being acquired with certain trials (for example in laboratory situations; light beams that are associated with an aversive stimulus after several trials). These would be “neutral” stimuli, with no biological burden to be acquired, in this sense.

1.3. Counterprepared stimuli

They are stimuli that are impossible to learn, that is, impossible to associate with a specific concept (for example, an electric shock, which is not associated with a belly ache).

2. Predisposition

It refers to ontogenetic aspects, that is, to individual differences resulting from the development of the organism.

The Garcia effect

From Seligman’s theory of preparation, another interesting and widely used concept in learning psychology emerges, which is related to the concept of “preparation” already mentioned: the García effect.

This effect tells us about an aversion to acquired taste; It was discovered from the study of some rats, when they found that they associated an unpleasant taste with a belly ache, since they are prepared to associate such a taste with the disease (so that we understand each other, due to their “direct” relationship or “similarity”. ” between the flavor and the belly).

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On the other hand, rats are unprepared to establish an association between flavor and electric shocks (due to their lack of “similarity” or relationship between stimuli).

The Garcia effect highlights or explains the easy acquisition of conditioned nausea in cancer patients; That is, these patients end up associating the taste (bad taste) of chemotherapy with subsequent vomiting, and therefore end up becoming conditioned.

Characteristics of phobias

According to Seligman’s theory of preparation, phobias have 4 characteristics consistent with the concept of preparation:

1. Selectivity

Certain stimuli produce fear more easily than others. This implies that phobias, as we have already mentioned, are crucial for the survival of species.

2. Easy acquisition

One rehearsal is enough to acquire a phobia (and it does not necessarily have to be a traumatic stimulus).

3. Resistance to extinction

The phobias They are strongly resistant to extinction (resistant to disappearing). This is the most characteristic aspect of phobias, according to Seligman’s preparation theory.

4. Irrationality

Finally, there is a disproportion between the real danger of the stimulus and the anxiety response it produces, that is, phobias are irrational.

Reformulation of the theory

Öhman reformulated Seligman’s preparation theory and differentiated two types of phobias, according to their evolutionary origin:

1. Non-communicative origin

These are phobias of heights, closed spaces, agoraphobia, etc. That is to say, They do not have a “social” or communicative function.

2. Communicative origin

They would be phobias that fulfill a communicative role between species; for example, animal phobias and social phobias.

Animal phobias would be interspecific between species (they appear not only in humans), and would involve escape or defense, especially in childhood. On the other hand, social phobias would be intraspecific (typical of the human species), causing responses of dominance and submission frequently appearing in adolescence.

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Bibliographic references:

Belloch, A.; Sandín, B. and Ramos, F. (2010). Manual of Psychopathology. Volume I and II. Madrid: McGraw-Hill. Clark, D.A., & Beck, A.T. (2012). Cognitive therapy for anxiety disorders. Madrid: Desclée de Brouwer.