Sexual Disorders Due To Alcoholism: Causes And Treatment

Sexual disorders due to alcoholism: causes and treatment

Sexual disorders caused by alcoholism may result from depression of the central nervous system and decreased sexual sensitivity. Treatment for these cases usually involves addressing both excessive alcohol consumption and sexual difficulties, through psychological therapy, medical support, and the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is a fairly common practice in our society, which is why many people face this problem on a daily basis. However, inadequate regulation of this type of beverage can lead to disorders and difficulties in sexual practices, among other harmful effects on health. In this PsychologyFor article, we explain what the sexual disorders due to alcoholism: causes and treatment.

Why alcohol causes sexual dysfunctions

Alcohol is known for its ability to alter the normal functioning of the body and affect various systems, including the sexual system. Excessive alcohol consumption can have several negative effects on sexual function in both men and women. Below we explain the most frequent causes of sexual dysfunctions due to drinking alcohol:

Inhibition of the central nervous system

Alcohol negatively affects sexual performance since restricts neuron communication associated with the production of chemicals related to sexuality. Consequently, some men have trouble having erections while women may have difficulty reaching high levels of arousal.

Likewise, it is possible that inhibition of the central nervous system has an impact on the hormonal production of testosterone and estrogen. Testosterone plays an important role in sex drive and erectile function in men, as well as arousal and sexual desire in women. Furthermore, alcohol also can affect blood circulation which can decrease blood flow to the genitals and make sexual response more difficult.

Increased impulsivity

The lack of inhibition that the intake of alcoholic beverages has has the effect of increased impulsive behaviors. In this sense, it is possible that some people may undergo sexual practices that endanger the lives of others and themselves.

In this sense, it is worth highlighting that the transmission of sexual diseases has a higher probability of occurring. In this article, we explain how to control impulsivity.

Psychological impact

Another important factor in the appearance of sexual dysfunctions in these cases is the psychological impact of excessive alcohol consumption. In this sense, alcoholism can cause feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, which can negatively affect intimacy and sexual performance.

In short, alcohol produces sexual dysfunctions by interfering with the sexual response, affect sex hormones, reduce sensitivity and affect blood circulation. It is important to note that moderate alcohol consumption may not have significant effects on sexual function, but excessive and chronic consumption can have negative consequences in this area.

How alcoholism affects sexuality

There are sexual disorders that can appear in the presence of alcoholism in some people. In this section, we will talk about how alcoholism affects sexuality:

  • Erectile dysfunction: the inability of a man to have and maintain an erection for a considerable period of time, which negatively affects sexual relations.
  • premature ejaculation: Excessive alcohol consumption can affect the ability to control ejaculation because it prevents its prolongation over time. Consequently, the person will orgasm too quickly. In this article you will see how to avoid premature ejaculation naturally.
  • Delayed ejaculation: This type of problem occurs when high levels of alcohol prevent a man from reaching orgasm when he wants. In turn, this will cause the completion of a sexual act to be delayed.
  • Menstrual dysregulation: menstruation ceases to have a set period due to the lack of production of sex hormones. That is, alcohol prevents estrogen levels from being adequate to have regular menstruation.
  • Infertility: the person loses the ability to produce sperm or eggs that allow conception.
  • Lack of sexual energy: Excessive and prolonged alcohol consumption decreases the desire to have sexual encounters due to inadequate hormonal production.

Sexual disorders due to alcoholism: causes and treatment - How alcoholism affects sexuality

How to treat sexual disorders due to alcoholism

Addressing sexual disorders due to alcoholism consists of using devices prepared to help people who have this problem. In this way, it is possible to produce symptomatic relief. In the next items, we will develop the main treatments:

alcohol withdrawal

First of all, the most important thing in cases of sexual disorders due to alcohol intake is address the problem of alcoholism. Treatment may involve participation in detoxification and rehabilitation programs, individual or group therapy, and support from support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous.

Psychological therapy

Psychological therapy can be effective in addressing the psychological and emotional aspects related to sexual disorders, as well as the symptoms and causes that are causing them. In this sense, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on the behaviors, emotions and thoughts that generate difficulties in sexuality and offers tools aimed at facing these situations in a more pleasant way.


On certain occasions, taking medications prescribed by a mental health professional are effective for modify the functioning of the central nervous system and address specific symptoms of sexual disorders, such as erectile dysfunction or loss of sexual desire.

However, in these cases the supervision of an expert on the subject is always necessary, as well as avoiding self-medication.

Have a healthy social environment

The people around the person who has sexual difficulties as a result of excessive alcohol consumption can also be an influence on the daily life of the problem. In this sense, it is pertinent build a healthy social environment that promotes recreational activities to help people with this pathology.

Likewise, adopt a healthy lifestyle Including a balanced diet, regular exercise and exercises to manage stress can improve general health and contribute to improved sexual function.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Sexual disorders due to alcoholism: causes and treatment we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Ávila Escribano, JJ, Pérez Madruga, A., Olazábal Ulacia, JC, López Fidalgo, J. (2004). Sexual dysfunctions in alcoholism. Addictions Magazine, 16 (4), 1-6.
  • Duany Navarro, A., Hernández Marín, G. (2012). Alcohol, sexual function and masculinity. Cuban Journal of Comprehensive General Medicine, 28 (4), 611-619.

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