Signs Of Emotional Infidelity

Infidelity is one of the most difficult situations a couple can go through. When the couple is unfaithful, the exclusivity pact that was had with the other is completely broken and of course the respect that existed in the relationship. In the case of emotional infidelity, it is a feeling that is not concrete and that appears even without us realizing it when we spend too much time with another person outside the couple, either for work reasons, because we already had a friendship with them. that person, etc.

In this PsychologyFor article: signs of emotional infidelity we are going to tell you some keys so that you can detect if your partner is being emotionally unfaithful to you, some of these signs will surprise you.

6 signs to detect emotional infidelity

There are 2 types of infidelity, sexual infidelity, which occurs when the couple has a love affair for one night or sporadically where there are no feelings involved, and emotional infidelity. Emotional infidelity appears when a special connection is generated with another person who is not the couple, where there is no sexual contact.

Below we will let you know which are the signs of emotional infidelity What your partner may be emitting if he or she is emotionally unfaithful to you:

  • Constantly name the other person. You notice that he or she constantly talks about the other person. They may spend their time telling everything they have experienced, what has happened to them recently, making comparisons with you, etc.
  • He calls you by name. It is common for them to accidentally get confused and call you by the name of the person in question.
  • Talk to him/her a lot. You notice that he spends a lot of time talking to his partner or friend, that he tells him everything that happens to him and stops telling you things.
  • Increase or decrease in sexual relations. It may be that overnight your partner feels the desire to have many more sexual relations with you than they usually did because they project the physical attraction and desire they feel for the other person onto you. The opposite can also happen and suddenly the sexual desire for you has almost disappeared.
  • It’s more distant. Another sign is that your partner behaves distantly towards you. When a person acts distant towards us, sometimes it is not necessary for him or her to say or even do something, you simply feel and perceive that there is something different about him (her).
  • He’s not interested in you. You notice that now he shows very little interest in you and it is not because he is having some kind of problem or going through a difficult situation, it simply seems that he does not care what happens or not with you and sometimes you feel that, directly, your boyfriend is not paying attention to you.

Signs of emotional infidelity - 6 signs to detect emotional infidelity

Emotional infidelity: how to overcome it

Although emotional infidelity is one of the most painful situations one can go through, there are always ways to cope with it and ensure that this situation does not ultimately destroy our self-esteem and self-love. Below we mention some keys to help you achieve it.

  • Talk to your partner. Propose to your partner that they sit down one day to talk about what is happening, explain to them what you perceive with their way of acting, the way in which they have changed with you and how that situation is making you feel. Avoid complaints and never resort to violence; on the contrary, tell him assertively and sincerely how you feel at the moment and ask him to give you an explanation. Finally come to a conclusion and determine what would be the best solution.
  • Make an effort. If you have finally decided to overcome the infidelity and continue with the relationship and nip your partner’s relationship with the other person in the bud, it is necessary that not only he (she) make an effort to recover the relationship and renew itself. Both have to do their part to give the relationship a good second chance and make it grow.

Signs of emotional infidelity - Emotional infidelity: how to overcome it

Psychological therapy to overcome emotional infidelity

In most cases it is not easy to recover from emotional infidelity, especially when there is deep love for the partner. It’s not easy to accept Although this may be happening, it may not even be the case for the person who is being emotionally unfaithful. So when they have tried to move forward despite it and it is not possible or when the couple has finally decided to end the relationship and the pain is too deep, it is always advisable to receive psychological care.

Couples therapy for emotional infidelity in marriage

The objective that psychological therapy would have in this case is if it is decided to recover the relationship, to overcome the wound that has been left in the person who was the victim of infidelity, to improve the very destructive perspective that one had about what happened, that both parties can make peace in a healthy and sincere way and provide them with tools so that they can grow their relationship. In the event that a breakup has occurred, the affected person would be helped to rebuild their life again, thus overcoming depression due to infidelity. You work on your self-esteem and self-love and finally you achieve that the pain of the breakup allows you to move forward and diminishes over time.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Signs of emotional infidelity we recommend that you enter our Couples Therapy category.

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