Silent Or Masked Depression: 10 Signs That May Indicate That You Suffer From It

Can I be suffering from depression and not be aware of it? Depression is a disorder that presents itself in many different ways. In some cases, people may not believe they are suffering from it.

Silent or masked depression: 10 Signs that may indicate that you suffer from it

Depression does not always arise in the same way. In fact, there are many cases in which people try to hide all the symptoms related to this disorder from those around them, and even end up not perceiving it as a problem even for themselves. When depression goes unnoticed, even in those people who suffer from it, it is called silent or masked depression But what symptoms can indicate that this is happening?

What is silent depression?

In some cases, depression may not cause easily identifiable signs and symptoms may also end up developing gradually. Furthermore, in these cases, the symptoms of depression They can occur due to other disorders, such as anxiety or chronic stress. When this happens, even the people who suffer from it do not recognize that they may be facing this disorder, which means that they do not even seek help from a professional.

What are the symptoms of silent depression?

Some of the symptoms that may indicate that a person is facing a masked or silent depression are the following:

  1. Lack of energy or constant tiredness: People who suffer from this type of depression may experience low energy levels upon waking up or even feel very exhausted during the course of the day.
  2. Anhedonia: It implies a loss of interest in what was previously enjoyed. In fact, people may feel like they no longer experience pleasure despite being in a positive or joyful environment.
  3. Overwork: Focusing on too many things or working too much can be an attitude adopted to try to deflect and avoid certain negative thoughts. So, if you are working too much or always occupying your schedules, perhaps it is a way to avoid certain thoughts or feelings that you don’t know how to deal with.
  4. Lack of personal care: Neglecting oneself, that is, leaving aside personal hygiene, can also be a sign that one may be facing silent depression.
  5. Social isolation: Many people with this type of depression tend to avoid social events, even if they are with their friends or loved ones. They may even avoid communicating with other people at all costs.
  6. Intense mood swings: Experiencing persistent mood fluctuations, such as anxiety, nervousness, irritability or sadness, can also be a sign that you are experiencing silent depression.How to help a person with hidden depression?
  7. Low self-esteem: People with a lack of self-esteem often have a tendency to express feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, as well as constantly feeling guilty about their situation or thoughts.
  8. Bad habits: Many people may end up having bad eating habits or even disturbances in their rest. People with depression may eat or sleep too much or too little.
  9. Constant feelings of emptiness: People with silent depression also often feel empty or that they are not contributing.
  10. Substance abuse: In some cases, sufferers of this type of depression may end up trying to address all the negative feelings they are experiencing through alcohol or other substances.
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As you have been able to see, the Depression is a multifaceted condition which can end up causing a wide variety of emotional or physical symptoms. Therefore, if you feel reflected in these signs, you should go to a professional psychologist.

How to help a person with hidden depression?

If you want to try to help or reach out to a person who may be suffering from silent depression, the best thing you could do is precisely try to make them realize that perhaps their problems could indicate a depressive disorder. On the other hand, in this situation, it is important to offer support to loved ones who may be suffering from depression. This may involve listening to these people when they need it and, above all, letting them know that you are there for whatever they need from you.

What to do if you think you may have masked depression?

If you think you can be dealing with depression, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist. Even so, it is also important that you keep in mind that depression is a condition that affects not only emotionally, but also on a cognitive and social level, which means that you can be affected in many aspects. Therefore, if you think you may be going through this situation, it is important to treat it and work on your well-being.