Sociable Love: What It Is And How It Affects Our Relationships

Sociable love

Love is a great source of satisfaction but also of conflicts. Is about a universal feeling surrounded by complexities ; No two people experience it the same way. This difference leads to numerous and different disagreements in couples.

Furthermore, loving someone can cause great internal turmoil. Therefore, many poetic and theatrical works talk about this universal feeling and try to explain it by highlighting its difficulties. But not only artists are interested in love and its complexities…

From the field of psychology, attempts have also been made to understand love through different research and hypotheses. What’s more, in the last century, several rational theories about love have appeared that attempt to address it in an understandable way.

The triangular theory of love states that all love relationships are based on the presence or absence of three characteristic elements: intimacy, commitment and passion, which are located at the ends of a triangle. According to this idea promoted by psychologist Robert Sternberg; Existing forms of love can be described and defined according to which of these components they possess, and consummated love – to which we aspire – contains all three in equal balance.

sociable love It is part of one of the 7 ways of loving that Robert Sternberg identifies. This type of love is found in relationships that feature intimacy and commitment, but not passion. We can say that beyond passionate love, relationships that are based on the type of sociable love share a series of unbreakable agreements that have been established over the years.

In this article we try to understand this type of love -based on intimacy and commitment- that It can be the key to couples that last over time beyond the first years of falling in love.

What is sociable love?

Sociable love is defined as a lasting form of love that is built over time and is characterized by the interdependence of the members of the couple where feelings of intimacy and commitment predominate.

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Because this love occurs and develops over time, it usually occurs in couples who have been together for many years; it usually occurs in marriages with children or with a long history behind them. From the perspective of Robert J.’s triangular theory of love, according to Sternberg, these types of relationships have a high degree of intimacy and commitment.

The commitment derives from the long-term promises in which the other can trust that we will always be there, no matter what happens Maintaining a relationship in both good and bad times is necessary for this type of stable love. This component includes the decision to love someone for a long time.

Within a relationship there are emotions that arise from a feeling of closeness. The intimacy component refers to the desire to share, give and receive. This occurs within a relationship when feelings of affection, connection and bond are experienced with the other.

In these aspects, Sociable love is distinguished from passionate love Passion is often considered the ideal component of love and romance. However, this type of movie love can be dangerous when it is not accompanied by intimacy or commitment.

What is sociable love

Many people feel great passion at the beginning of their relationships, but this fades over time if there is no trust to overcome bad times together. Commitment occurs when a bond has been formed that surpasses the initial love You need to focus on this component, rather than just passion, if you want to enjoy a long-term relationship.

Passion for someone produces a strong physical and mental attraction. But, without intimacy and trust between two people, romantic relationships are difficult to maintain. Romantic love fades faster than sociable love, since this type of passionate love does not include the intimacy component.

How is sociable love manifested?

Romantic relationships where there is commitment can last a lifetime. However, whether they are successful depends as much on the personalities of the people involved as it does on their life stages. Additionally, some people believe that passion is essential to life; This can put them at risk of seeking new romantic adventures as they get older.

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sociable love It is similar to the relationship experienced by two close friends, who have experienced and overcome many things together. However, this type of love is not like empty love, which is based solely on obligation or commitment. The connection and complicity between two people who enjoy sociable love is tremendous. Each part of the couple sees in the other the person they trust the most and is the one with whom they decide to share their lives; including its good and bad things.

Couples based on sociable love enjoy great mutual understanding that arises from the passage of years and overcoming different difficulties. They support and care for each other on a deep level, choosing each other every day, they are also able to be vulnerable and share both dreams and achievements as well as failures.

In sociable love, the two members of the couple are closely connected and provide each other with great stability and security. Both They share a common life project and a future perspective

Biochemistry of sociable love

Love in all its forms is fueled by chemistry. Helen Fisher, a well-known anthropologist, claims that humans have developed three separate brain systems. Each of these systems is directed by specific associated neurochemicals. Testosterone causes passion; dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin are at the origin of romance; and oxytocin and vasopressin cause attachment.

High levels of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, known as the love cocktail, they occur at the beginning of the relationship and do not usually last more than a few years at best. Luckily, the hug chemicals (oxytocin and vasopressin) last longer.

This causes people to feel greater attachment as they age thanks to the release of hormones. Thus, the biochemistry that creates the attachment system that sustains a long-term romantic relationship replaces the biochemistry of the euphoric romantic love of the early years of the relationship. As we see, the chemistry of passionate love is ephemeral; Its changing nature suggests that it will eventually evolve into a more stable, mature love.

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Can passion be rebuilt?

Passion can disappear from relationships that last a long time However, it is not something that by definition only exists at the beginning of knowing someone; This can be rebuilt proactively.

While building a relationship is always difficult and faces many challenges, several couples successfully overcome the initial phases and waning of passion. This element must be rebuilt several times over the course of a life together. However, the good news is that couples who have already passed this test once have a better chance of achieving it again

Although, if we live in a sociable love bond and we would like to develop the absent passionate component; There are a series of keys that can help us achieve this. Sharing new and exciting experiences has been shown to cause the same neurological effects in the brain as romantic love.

This suggests that rebuilding passion between couples requires us to make changes to our daily routine; these changes may include: taking on a new challenge together, acquiring a new skill, or playing a sport. Risky activities give participants the opportunity to feel embarrassed, which helps strengthen the bond, in addition to sharing quality time. There are also small ideas that can help us reconnect with passion, for example, watching a movie to feel and share together what the characters and their emotions experience.

Some believe that romance can also be forced by going back to the initial stages of courtship. You can try to make your couple fall in love again with an intimate dinner or a weekend getaway. Once we find the spark, it’s important to keep it going. It is essential to commit to trying new experiences or enjoying shared moments.