Somatoform Disorders: The Different Types Of Somatization

Surely you’ve heard of somatization, but did you know that there are different types of somatic disorders? Enter and discover what they are and the risk factors involved.

Somatoform disorders: The different types of somatization

Somatization is characterized by the presence of physical symptoms that do not have an organic cause. However, the absence of a medical illness that supports these symptoms does not mean that the person does not suffer from them or that they do not negatively interfere with their life. On the contrary, people who suffer from this problem feel misunderstood and emotionally exhausted, as a result of searching for a diagnosis that they cannot find.

Although somatization is often talked about as a general problem, the reality is that there are different disorders that are based on somatization. Keep reading to discover what they are, what the differences are between them, and the risk factors for developing this type of disorder.

What are somatoform disorders?

The somatic symptom disorders (also called somatomorphs either psychosomatic disorders ) are a group of disorders that share a common characteristic, the presence of physical symptoms that have no medical cause, but that generate significant discomfort and deterioration in their lives. Therefore, the somatoform disorders They revolve around somatization.

When we talk about somatization The idea may cross our mind that the person is inventing these symptoms, however, generally this is not done consciously, although in children and adolescents it is more difficult to establish the level of conscious control they exercise over the symptoms.

People with somatic symptom disorders They tend to seek professional help quickly, but always from primary care services since they attribute this discomfort to physical causes and not to psychological ones. Therefore, in most cases, it is after multiple medical tests and treatments that a psychological cause is identified.

What types are there?

According to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), there are different types of somatoform disorders and although they all revolve around somatization, the symptoms of each of them vary from one another.

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Somatic symptom disorder

People who have a somatic symptom disorder It is common for them to present several physical symptoms that cause discomfort and that negatively interfere with their daily lives, although sometimes, only a single symptom that causes discomfort may occur. The symptoms They can be either specific or more general so they vary between people, and, for example, localized pain in a specific area of ​​the body may occur or, in another person, a more non-specific symptom such as fatigue. Although there is no medical explanation for these symptoms, it does not mean that people do not suffer; people’s suffering is authentic and not faked.

In addition to the physical symptoms, people who suffer from this disorder have a high level of concern about the possible illness, which leads them to constantly evaluate bodily sensations, ending up concluding the worst about their own health. In fact, sometimes, the patient’s symptoms can play a central role in the person’s life, affecting their interpersonal relationships, work environment, etc. and it is common for it to occur with the presence of other psychological disorders such as depressive disorders and of anxiety

Illness anxiety disorder

He illness anxiety disorder It is also commonly known as hypochondria Unlike the previous one, no physical symptoms appear as such, but rather the discomfort revolves around excessive concern about suffering from or contracting a serious illness, which would mean living with that illness. This concern leads them to present high levels of anxiety and constant worry and alarm about their bodily sensations, which leads them to obsessively self-examine their body. This concern and alarm is also activated when hearing news about illnesses, hearing that someone has become ill, etc. and any attempt to calm them is in vain.

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People with this type of disorder research symptoms excessively on the Internet and constantly seek comfort from the people around them, which ends up generating frustration in those close to them. Although we can conclude that these people constantly go to the doctor, the reality is that this may not be the case. In fact, there are two types of anxiety disorder due to illness, the first is with request for medical assistance (people frequently go to medical assistance services for tests, procedures, etc.) and the second is with avoidance of assistance (people avoid going to the doctor due to excessive fear of to be diagnosed with what they fear so much).

Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptoms disorder)

He conversion disorder It is characterized by the presence of one or more symptoms that imply the alteration of a sensory or motor function, such as, for example, paralysis, visual or auditory alteration, etc. and these symptoms are not due to a neurological disease. Although there is no medical illness behind these symptoms, the disorder causes discomfort, since, for example, a person who has symptoms of paralysis will have exactly the same problems as a person who has paralysis with an organic cause.

It is common for this disorder to begin after suffering a stressful life event or trauma and it is common for it to present with symptoms of derealization, depersonalization and dissociative amnesia.

factitious disorder

Factitious disorder, unlike the previous ones, is characterized by the simulation of symptoms medical or psychological. This simulation can be either by falsifying symptoms or by inducing an injury or illness in oneself (or others). Although we may conclude that this deception is to obtain some external reward such as aid, etc., the reality is that there may not be a clear external reward.

People with this disorder may falsify clinical reports or physically injure themselves in order to be considered sick by others.

Factitious disorder can be of two types:

  • Applied to self: The person falsifies or induces an illness or injury to himself. He presents himself as if he were a victim of an illness to others, as if he had a disability or injury.
  • Applied to another person: In this case, the falsification or induction of injury is towards another person such as, for example, a child.
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Causes of somatization:

It is not known exactly the causes of somatization However, if factors (individual, family and environmental) have been found that can predispose, precipitate or maintain these problems:

  1. Individual factors: It has been found that people with an anxious temperament or a history of anxiety are at greater risk of developing this type of disorder. On the other hand, it has also been found that having suffered a physical illness such as, for example, severe gastroenteritis, etc. can subsequently precipitate somatization.
  2. Family factors: Having a family with an excessively overprotective parenting style, as well as having family members with physical health illnesses, are risk factors for the development of this type of disorder. Furthermore, experiencing stressful situations within the family can contribute to or maintain somatic symptoms
  3. Environmental factors: As we have already mentioned, experiencing potentially stressful events can lead to the development of disorders that are related to somatization, such as, for example, abuse and neglect in childhood, interpersonal problems, etc.

If you present physical symptoms that cause you discomfort, it is necessary that you go to a doctor in order to rule out that these are not due to organic causes. If you still continue to experience them even though medical causes have been ruled out, it is essential that you go to a professional who can evaluate what is happening to you and be able to plan individualized treatment.