Systemic Therapy: What Is The Systemic Approach And How Can It Help You?

Do you know how systemic therapy can help you? Do you think you have a way of relating to others that affects you in your daily life? Discover how systemic therapy can help you

What is systemic therapy?

Most psychological therapies use the most effective methods to observe past experiences and try to know how a person thinks or feels. Instead, through the systemic therapy It takes a very different approach to trying to help people feel much better about themselves and their lives.

What is systemic therapy?

In systemic theory there is the belief that each of us is connected to all the people around us. In this way, from a systemic perspective, the problems we face in our daily lives can be solved through the failures found within the system. family system or our closest ties.

The systemic family therapy or systemic therapy Try to visualize what patterns or roles have been adopted within our relationships and how solving or changing them can put an end to personal problems. Through systemic family psychology, we try to find a positive reformulation to understand why life is seen that way and how to get the keys to build them again.

The main idea of ​​this systemic treatment is that individuals are not understood in isolation but within various sets of systems. The objective of this systematic approach is mainly to change the individual within the context to which he is subjected daily. Therefore, to do systemic therapy, the people involved must be brought together to try to provide answers and solutions to the problem.

Features of systemic therapy

The systemic methodology It differs greatly from other psychological therapies. Systemic family therapy or systemic family therapy techniques has the following characteristics.

  1. Understand individual experiences: When a person faces a problem, they are usually related to the group dynamics that we take in our lives. Through the family systemic psychology An attempt is made to reframe these problems that seem only to us through the relationships established with the people we have next to us. By analyzing the way in which systemic psychotherapy is approached, we try to understand why people behave this way in the contexts of our routine.
  2. Detect patterns from past experiences: He systemic approach In psychology it means trying to understand past experiences and how they influenced the way we behave and cause us certain problems. Through systemic therapy we can detect the pattern that we must deal with and work on to overcome our concerns.
  3. The person is not seen as defective: According to systemic family therapy or systemic psychotherapy The blame for having certain problems does not come from the individual in question. Through the family systemic model, an attempt is made to visualize the role played within a group to visualize the problem being faced.
  4. It is a circular therapy: most of psychological therapies They are linear. In contrast, systemic therapy believes that cause and effect are not visible in the same space and time. Therefore, according to systemic psychology, what happened in the past can create a result that we do not like in the present. In this way, systemic theory is circular since it sees that there are certain patterns that repeat over time.
  5. It is more practical than analytical: The systemic methodology It does not seek to understand the reason for an attitude, but rather tries to solve the problems that a person faces. For this reason, systemic psychology does not try to see the cause but rather wants to confront our mistakes through more practical facts.
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What is treated with systemic therapy?

How can systemic therapy help you?

The systemic perspective Try to face all problems through practice and relationships with others. That is why systemic psychology can help in the following.

  • Depression and low self-esteem: On many occasions, it is the experiences with others that cause us to have low self-esteem that can lead to depression. In these cases the systemic family therapy It provides the tools to visualize the attitudes that trap us in this poor view of ourselves.
  • Addictions and substance abuse: Dependence on certain harmful substances for each person can go hand in hand with certain past experiences that affect them today. In these cases the systemic family therapy Try to see the patterns with which the person deals with them.
  • Anxiety: The systemic psychotherapy It involves trying to confront our anxiety through the relationships we establish with the people we encounter in our daily lives. In this way, anxiety can be preceded by prejudices due to past experiences.
  • Eating disorders: On many occasions, eating disorders go hand in hand with the relationships we have had with our parents in childhood. Therefore, the family therapy techniques They attempt to create a positive reformulation of these links to address eating problems.
  • Problems with your partner: Problems in the relationship can be treated through systemic psychotherapy since we try to see those patterns in which the person makes mistakes with their closest ties. In this way, the attitude that is repeated over and over again in your relationships is corrected.

Psychologists during systemic therapy They can use various methodologies to treat the problem with which you present to your consultation. For this reason, they have the tools you need to change yourself inside and out.

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Benefits of systemic therapy

Benefits of systemic therapy

Going and using systemic intervention can help you improve your life in various ways. Through the systemic approach We find the following benefits.

  1. Change the perspective of our problems: The systemic theory It makes it possible to visualize our mistakes through other perspectives. The best way to change our lives is to restructure our way of thinking.
  2. Understand different perspectives: Seeing how others can think is another of the benefits that education brings us. family systemic psychology Being able to take into account the different perspectives that surround us will undoubtedly be the most effective way to better confront our failures.
  3. Recognize our strengths: Seeing what relationships are like with the people around us will also give us an effective way to recognize our virtues. In this way they can be used to compensate for the defects that hold us back in life.
  4. Learn to deal with difficulties: The difficulties we have to face on a daily basis can make visible what really matters in our lives. Therefore, you can learn to deal with them by giving them the importance they deserve.
  5. Identify those changes that benefit us: Focusing on what benefits us will allow us to change faster than if we focus on all our problems. The Systemic family therapy and its techniques They help us focus on what is really crucial for us.

Psychologists who use systemic psychology provides a series of tools capable of benefiting both inside and outside the person. If you are looking for a change in your life, systemic therapy can be your great ally.

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