Telencephalon: What It Is, Parts And Functions

The brain is the most complex organ of the human being, since it is made up of a wide variety of components that are responsible for carrying out numerous functions and processes. Therefore, knowing the anatomy of our brain allows us, for example, to advance scientifically in the research of diseases or in the development of drugs necessary for the treatment of certain pathologies.

On the other hand, we usually know some of the functions that the human brain performs, but it is difficult for us to differentiate and identify which part of the brain is responsible for carrying them out. Therefore, in this PsychologyFor article we offer you information about one of the components of the human brain: the telencephalon: what it is, parts and functions

What is the telencephalon

To know the definition of the telencephalon, it is essential that you know that it is part of the brain, the organ in charge of controlling all the functions performed by the human being. Specifically, the telencephalon is the largest part of the brain and is considered the more developed structure of the brain that is, the telencephalon is one of the aspects that differentiates us from other living beings, such as animals.

On the other hand, it is found located on the diencephalon We recommend that you consult our article Diencephalon: what it is, parts and functions to position it correctly. Furthermore, the telencephalon represents the rough surface that characterizes the human brain, which is divided into two partially symmetrical hemispheres, located to the left and right of the head, respectively.

In the same way, the telencephalon is made up of different structures or parts that are connected and synchronized with each other, since they are not self-sufficient on their own, needing each other to perform their functions. These structures are mainly responsible for carrying out the voluntary actions of the human being and to facilitate the experimentation of complex emotions.

Parts of the telencephalon

What are the parts and functions of the telencephalon? As we have pointed out in the previous section, the telencephalon is made up of various parts or structures that work together for its correct development. The different parts that make up the telencephalon are defined below:

  • Cerebral cortex: this structure of the telencephalon is composed of Gray matter, as well as neurons coordinate with each other. This part constitutes the most visible layer of the brain, made up of folds and rugae.
  • Hippocampus: it intervenes in numerous processes and whose involvement can lead to amnesia. It is mainly responsible for the consolidation and evocation of memories We leave you this other post to expand your knowledge about what is the hippocampus and what is its function?
  • Brain amygdala: It is located in both hemispheres within the temporal lobes. In addition, it is one of the components of the limbic system, a set of cells dedicated to emotional regulation. This structure is responsible for the emotional memory that is, the consolidation of emotional reactions.
  • striatum: exercises information channel, serving as a source of data to the basal ganglia. Therefore, it is an active part of the development of automated movements. Click on the following article to learn more about the striated nucleus: what it is, function and location.
  • Olfactory bulb: is the structure in charge of receiving information about the smells incoming through the nose, since it is located near the cerebral cortex. Once this information is received, it is sent to the brain through the olfactory tracts.
  • basal ganglia: They are found on both sides of the thalamus. It is a small structure designed to broadcast the sensory cues to the brain. The basal ganglia are made up of a set of gray matter, characterized by being made up of numerous connections to other parts of the brain. Its main function is related to voluntary movements and their automation.

Telencephalon: what it is, parts and functions - Parts of the telencephalon

Functions of the telencephalon

On the one hand, in general, the telencephalon fulfills various functions and participates in numerous brain processes due to the great variety of structures that make it up. But, if you are wondering what the main functionalities of the telencephalon are, it is responsible for perceiving and integrating all the information captured by the cerebral cortex so that the brain can manage it and generate the response More appropriate for every situation.

Furthermore, as mentioned above, the telencephalon is one of the most complex structures of the human brain. Thanks to the set of parts that make it up, it is possible to transmit different types of information that facilitate the adaptation of the human being to different stimuli from outside.

These main functionalities allow other physical, intellectual and emotional functions of a complex nature to be developed. So, the functionalities of the telencephalon at a specific level are the following:

  • Perform voluntary movements
  • Experiencing emotions.
  • Reason and be aware of what surrounds us.
  • Develop thoughts abstract.
  • Empathize, consolidate and manage memories through memory.
  • Have intellectual skills.
  • Automate movements.
  • Manage sensations

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Telencephalon: what it is, parts and functions we recommend that you enter our Neurosciences category.


  • Allen, J.S., Bruss, J., & Damasio, H. (2005). Structure of the human brain. Research and science, 340, 68-75. Available at:
  • Diamond, MC, Scheibel, AB, & Elson, LM (1996). The human brain. Ariel Neuroscience. Available at:
  • Menendez, RB (2010). The fundamental logical structures and their representation in the human brain. Eikasia: philosophy magazine, (32), 140-172. Available at:
  • Rodríguez López, A. (2017). Topographic study of the neuronal populations of the mugil’s telencephalon. Available at:

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