Telepsychology In Times Of Coronavirus

Telepsychology in times of coronavirus

At this time of quarantine, it is easy for psychological disorders due to anxiety to appear, in addition to other severe difficulties related to stress. And it is no wonder, since the current situation is absolutely extraordinary and has managed to destabilize the entire current political, economic and social panorama, as well as its members.

Furthermore, a new circumstance appears in this unexpected crisis. Psychologists have to work from home to care for people who need it since now their work is more necessary than ever due to all the psychological disorders that are being unleashed exponentially.

On the other hand, doctors, who always collaborate with psychologists in managing people’s stress, are putting out the biggest fire in history and can barely address the psychosomatic crisis resulting from COVID-19, that of psychological-psychiatric problems. , which is now no longer the problem of a few, but rather encompasses a large sector of the population that is being impacted by a multitude of consequences in relation to this mandatory stop.

Thanks to technological advances, psychotherapy is expanding

This is the good news: Technology allows everything in psychology to continue developing with a certain normality even if you have few resources and digital skills.

With a mobile phone you can access many psychologists as a client or patient, thus being able to obtain all the benefits of psychotherapy as if you were attending an in-person consultation with a professional.

Now more than ever, people are encouraged to choose a professional regardless of physical distance and you can opt for a much more related expert regardless of the country in which you are located.

What exactly is online therapy?

Online therapy is remote psychological intervention through videoconference with the support of any other technological resource which facilitates communication and allows the work of the psychologist, thus helping the patient-client in the resolution of conflicts and/or dysfunctional emotions.

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The reasons why a person chose online psychology, until recently, were mainly that they did not have a specialist in their area, because they traveled frequently, because they had inflexible schedules or because they wanted the privacy and discretion of their home.

In this new reality, the only possibility is online psychology to deal with psychological problems. avoiding the risk of contagion and respecting government instructions

Furthermore, psychological disorders have skyrocketed, currently registering a record incidence of anxiety crises, post-traumatic stress disorders, phobias and hypochondria, as the main diagnoses.

Differentiating characteristics to take into account

Many people choose online therapy these days and especially in this quarantine season, where it is the only option.

The benefits of online psychology are many, since You can meet with a psychologist from almost anywhere in the world from your own home or work environment, and with greater privacy and discretion.

It is true that it is still a modality that generates a lot of distrust or certain doubts due to the physical distance of the professional, the quality of the relationship that is going to be established, the myth that physical proximity is necessary to help, and the distrust of some people in digital methods.

In any case, telepsychology has become a good option to receive psychological care; These weeks represent a new and powerful rebirth of this modality that already began its boom in the year 2000.

Is it as effective as in-person therapy?

The most frequent doubt that appears in people who need psychological care is about the level of effectiveness and validity of this modality and whether online psychology is equivalent to in-person psychotherapy.

The answer is yes, it has the same validity and the same quality, since the only thing that differentiates them is the communication channel. Furthermore, the American Psychiatric Association concludes that both types of interventions are equivalent.

Another common doubt we find is whether using digital tools can interfere with the therapeutic alliance between patient and psychologist. The answer is no, the communication channel is the only change in the relationship between the two people who form this collaboration and The work that the psychologist develops is exactly the same

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According to the most recent meta-analysis studies that make comparisons between results from one modality and another, the scientific validity of online treatments is equivalent to in-person treatments both in terms of results and in the solidity of establishing the therapeutic alliance.

The variables that guarantee the results have to do with the same factors that appear in face-to-face psychology and one of the most relevant has to do with the professional preparation of the psychologist specializing in psychotherapy, his or her experience and skills in telepsychology that is, in the online mode that has some additional characteristic to take into account, such as taking care of the communication channel.

What is needed to hold an online session?

The client or patient needs simple conditions to access an online consultation and they are the following; connection to a stable Internet network, a device with a camera and microphone that can be a smartphone, tablet or laptop or desktop computer and email to receive appointment reminders and if documentation, reports or invoices need to be exchanged.

The psychologist or psychology center should also have certain conditions, such as a secure platform that protects the client’s confidentiality and guarantees the protection of their data, as well as have training in this treatment modality that allows you to be more effective

The only drawback that appears is for people who are not familiar with the Internet. It should be said that this difficulty is perfectly solvable, since it is simply a matter of becoming familiar with the new situation.

Online psychotherapy also has a benefit the clear reduction in costs in transportation and time for each person who performs the therapy

Online psychotherapies are ideal for adults who carry out individual sessions, and in couples therapy it is recommended in combination with face-to-face sessions; They are not especially indicated for children or adolescents under 16 years of age, although in the current case where there is no other option, this is considered better than the absence of treatment. However, you can always ask for the collaboration of parents or a family member to carry out the consultation with the child or young person.

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In cases of serious pathology it is not the recommended first choice therapy, but in adverse circumstances where there is no alternative it is still much better than the absence of it.

It is important to emphasize that online psychology It is the first choice therapy for people with some specific phobias, especially those who suffer from agoraphobia and are afraid to leave their homes and walk or stay in open spaces. It is also very useful for people who suffer from depression or are diagnosed with eating disorders, as well as for any type of addiction, and for all those who have a chronic illness and cannot travel.

Professional intrusion is a problem to take into account

With the current need for psychological services, people are appearing who identify themselves as psychologists or clinical psychologists and who do not have the aforementioned qualification. This has caused psychologists’ associations to be on alert to identify these possible infractions and thus ensure the safety of people who, in vulnerable situations, require help from a qualified professional.

It is possible to prevent these situations by selecting a psychologist from a recognized network of health professionals that offers guarantees or by ensuring that the selected psychologist has all of his or her accreditations so as not to be exposed to what is described above, thus making it necessary for the person hiring to have all the guarantees and requirements to practice your profession