The 10 Best Geriatric Residences In Las Palmas De Gran Canaria

Geriatric Centers in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is an island city located on the Island of Gran Canaria, which is located in the Province of Las Palmas and belongs to the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. Its population is 380,000 people, being the most populated city in its autonomous community.

The main economic engine of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is the tourism sector. The excellent volcanic sand beaches and the stable, sunny climate all year round make it a highly sought-after territory for European and American tourists.

The 10 most rated geriatric centers (nursing homes) in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

If you are looking for a geriatric center in Las Palmas, you are in the right place In the following article you can find the 10 best-rated residences in the entire territory.

1. Amavir Tías Gerontological Center

Amavir Tias

The residence for senior citizens Amavir Tias It is designed to make life easier for residents, thanks to the beautiful gardens, bright terraces and furniture and materials adapted so that older people can live in an environment of comfort and well-being.

The center has several coexistence units, distributed to serve in the most effective way people who require different types of medical and health care. These units are like small independent residences in which people with similar characteristics are grouped together, such as their degree of dependency.

Thanks to this distribution, a highly personalized treatment can be offered that allows all types of specific needs to be quickly addressed.

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2. Sanitas El Palmeral Residential Center

The Palm Grove

He Sanitas El Palmeral Residential Center offers all types of solutions for people who are elderly and need medical and health assistance during their daily lives. The center specializes in trauma and neurological rehabilitation, with an expert team that will help residents accelerate their recovery.

The professionals at the center are a multidisciplinary team, experts in different areas of care for the elderly, who will provide you with excellent care, monitoring your state of health, your diet, and the medication you must take, so that you can feel calm and at home.

3. Amavir Haría Gerontological Center

Amavir Haría

He Amavir Haría Gerontological Center It is located on the island of Lanzarote and is designed to offer an idyllic environment of tranquility and comfort that facilitates the daily lives of residents, with beautiful gardens, bright spaces and facilities equipped to treat all types of health problems.

The objective is to improve the quality of life of older people, so that they can feel calm, thanks to the excellent team of experts and health professionals who will work every day for their physical and psychological well-being, with completely specialized care based on the specific needs of each resident.

4. DomusVi Santa Brígida Residence

The DomusVi Santa Brígida Residence It is located in Gran Canaria and is a center with large open spaces, bright areas, terraces, and an ideal garden so that residents can walk calmly and assisted by the health professional.

The objective of this center is to guarantee excellent medical care to all its residents, so that they can enjoy a situation of personal well-being in a relaxed environment, and with completely personalized attention. In addition, the center has health care for people with physical or mental disabilities.

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5. Queen Victoria Residence. Socio-sanitary Center Hospital

The Queen Victoria Residence is a socio-health hospital that provides a comprehensive gerontological care service, where the resident has specialized assistance 24 hours a day so that their well-being is optimal.

The center has a total of 99 permanent places, 13 of which are arranged through the Institute of Social and Socio-Health Care, and also has 30 places for the day center available to people who require it.

  • This residence is located at Paseo de la Cornisa s/n, 35011 Palmas de Gran Canaria.

6. Ballesol Las Palmas Residence

The Ballesol Residence Las Palmas It has a center fully prepared to offer personalized treatment for each resident, always seeking to make people feel at home, in a quiet and pleasant environment.

The team of doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists and animators will work together so that the residents are in a stable situation both physically and emotionally. To do this, they also have facilities adapted with the most effective technology for each type of treatment.

  • This residence for the elderly is located at Perojo Street nº 14, 35003 Palmas de Gran Canaria.

7. San Lorenzo nursing home

The San Lorenzo nursing home It is another great option if we are looking for centers for seniors in Las Palmas. This residence offers specialized treatment for each person through closeness and professionalism. The innovations that have been carried out over recent years allow us to have a secure and domotized center of more than 15,000 square meters, so that residents have all the facilities in their daily lives.

The human team is excellent, with top-level specialists who work every day to meet the specific needs of each person, offering personalized treatment based on the physical or cognitive difficulties they have.

  • The center is located at Juan Ramón Jiménez street 33 Ojos de Garza 35219 Telde (Las Palmas).
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8. La Pineda Geriatric Residence

The La Pineda Geriatric Residence It is a recommended place to serve older people who need specialized assistance so that they can carry out their daily lives in conditions of safety and personal well-being.

This residence is located in a privileged area of ​​the island, 10 minutes from the center of the capital and with an area of ​​gardens ideal for sunbathing, walking or talking in a peaceful environment.

  • This residence for seniors is located at Hernando de Pineda street 9 Cruz de Pineda 35413 Arucas (Las Palmas).

9. Our Lady of the Sea Assisted Medical Residence

The Our Lady of the Sea Assisted Medical Residence It is a center for the elderly made up of an excellent team of professionals including medical staff, nursing, physiotherapy, social worker, and activities adapted for elderly people such as excursions, hairdresser, gym, cafeteria and garden, among other services.

To access assisted medical residence, it is necessary to meet a series of requirements, such as being a beneficiary of social security. This center stands out for having good accessibility, a parking area and excellent treatment of its residents.

  • This geriatric center is located on Mister Blisse s/n – La Garita street, 35200 Telde (Las Palmas).

10. Arucas Socio-Health Center

The Arucas Residence offers assistance to people over 65 years of age, both for permanent stays and as a day center. It has a total of 47 permanent places and 24 for the day center, completely public. In addition, they also have 24 private spaces at their disposal, and 16 for day stays.

The objective of the center is to work so that people feel at home, offering completely personalized treatment so that residents can be in an environment of tranquility and well-being with which they can enjoy their daily lives, surrounded by the best professionals. .

  • His office is located on Pedro Hernández Pérez Street, 35400 Arucas (Las Palmas).