The 10 Best Geriatric Residences In Valladolid

Geriatric Residences in Valladolid

Some families find that a loved one, whether a parent, grandparent or uncle, requires permanent professional care or cannot live alone at home for any other reason. It is at these times when you need to seek the services of a specialized geriatric center to take care of that person.

These types of centers are currently perfectly equipped places, where a specialized team of professionals will offer the best care services, both health and social, and in any other aspect that our family member may need.

The 10 best centers for the elderly in Valladolid

In the city of Valladolid, we will undoubtedly find a center that adapts to our characteristics, personal needs and that offers the best services. Next We will do a brief review of the characteristics of the 10 best geriatric centers in the city so you can choose the one that best suits you and adapts to your needs.

1. Residence Estates

Estate Residence

The Estate Residence for seniors is one of the best centers to choose from in Valladolid, both for the excellent services provided by the center’s team of professionals and for its cozy facilities, which will undoubtedly make our loved one feel at home. home.

The objective of the center’s professionals is to achieve maximum well-being in the person and offer an intensive and multidisciplinary intervention, the main services of the residence being comprehensive medical assistance, rehabilitation services, occupational activities and other entertainment services.

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2. Orpea Residence


In the Orpea Residence We will find great flexibility so that residents can choose between permanent, temporary or weekend stays, among others, and also between single or double rooms.

In addition to a wide variety of residential and personal care services, this residence also offers 24-hour medical services, as well as nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and sociocultural animation.

3. Lacort Residence

Lacort Residence

The Lacort Residence It has an offer of 30 residence places, which means it is capable of offering the best individual geriatric care by a team of professional workers committed to the well-being of older people.

All kinds of social and health services will be offered in this center, which has spacious and bright facilities suitable for rest and leisure of residents, of which we highlight the living rooms, the dining room, the visiting rooms and the large and pleasant outdoor garden.

4. Riosol Residence

In the Riosol Residence We will find all those elements aimed at the well-being of older people, from spacious and bright facilities, equipped with all possible equipment to a team of qualified professionals with a great vocation to serve.

The main services offered at the residence are, in addition to a first-class comprehensive health intervention, a social care, support and entertainment service that will liven up the residents’ stay.

5. Vitalia Valladolid

Center Vitalia Valladolid, is without a doubt, another of the best residential centers where we can trust the care of our loved ones. In it we will find a center with all kinds of amenities to favor the stay of its residents, and professionals with almost 10 years of experience.

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The center offers specific intervention for diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other dementias, as well as cardiovascular diseases, through efficient programs with high success rates. In addition to that, the center also provides personal care and support services.

6. Patio de los Palacios Residential Center

In it Patio de los Palacios Residential Center We will find a recently built residence with spacious and bright facilities, of which we highlight the terraces with views of the city center and the interior gardens.

A team of qualified multidisciplinary professionals will offer a medical and nursing care service, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and also social care and support.

  • This residence is located on Calle Francisco Javier Martín Abril, number 2.

7. Ballesol La Victoria Residence

The Ballesol Residence La Victoria It has a wide range of facilities and leisure activities that, without a doubt, will ensure that residents have the best possible stay. Some of which are the reading room, the gym, the chapel and the large garden in the center.

Thus, in the center we will also find all kinds of professional geriatric care services, among which we highlight the 24-hour medical service, psychology, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, occupational therapy and also sociocultural animation.

  • Find it on Avenida Gijón, number 28.

8. La Rubia Residence

The La Rubia Residence is a center that offers comprehensive geriatric care to elderly people who are in a situation of dependency or able-bodied people who cannot live alone.

The center also has a team of qualified professionals specialized in different fields, who will offer the best services.

  • This residence is located on Carretera de Rueda, number 64.
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9. Esperanza Residence

The Esperanza Residence It offers great flexibility in accommodation modalities to adapt to the characteristics of each of the residents.

Likewise, the professional intervention of the center’s workers is also individualized and specialized in various areas of action.

  • The Esperanza Residence is located at Camino de la Esperanza, number 29.

10. Roots Center III

In it Roots Center III We can also find all kinds of services specialized in the care of elderly people who need it.

All of this is offered by a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals in intervention in various areas of geriatrics.

  • You will find this center on Calle Camino de la Esperanza, number 79.