The 10 Most Intelligent Countries According To Their IQ

Have you ever considered Which is the smartest country in the world according to Average Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of its population?

This is precisely what Richard Lynn, a British professor of psychology, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish professor of political science, thought, who decided to carry out a study in which they determined the average IQ of inhabitants in more than 80 countries.

The results are controversial and have caused much debate, so they should be interpreted with extreme caution.

Research data

Intelligence is one of the traits most valued by our society, along with beauty or health. However, Ranking countries by intelligence can be quite controversial, since there are different types of intelligence in which a person can excel. Despite this, many academics have tried, through a series of intelligence tests, to measure what is known as our intellectual quotient, that is, IQ or IQ (for its acronym in English).

Thanks to this construct, Lynn and Vanhanen carried out a study in which they sought to find out the average IQ of the inhabitants of a country, and then make a comparison between 80 nations. The authors argue that national IQ constitutes an important factor, but not the only one, that contributes to differences in national wealth and economic growth rates.

The 10 most intelligent countries in the world based on IQ

Below you can find the top 10 positions in the ranking of the smartest countries on the planet. They are the following:

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10. Switzerland

Switzerland is, without a doubt, one of the healthiest economies in Europe and occupies sixth place in this ranking with an IQ of 101. Innovation, sustainability and quality of life, three characteristics of this intelligent society.

9. Mongolia

Mongolia is one of the smartest countries in the world, despite not being among the richest. Furthermore, this country has also recently been selected as one of the best countries in the world in the “World Countries Awards 2017” ”. This state received different awards, among which stand out: the most beautiful capital in the world (Ulan Bator), the friendliest people on the planet or the best cuisine in the world.

8. Iceland

Iceland occupies sixth place in the ranking of the most intelligent countries in the world. In fact, it is a country with a great academic tradition, of which it is said that almost every inhabitant gives birth to a “book.” In this nation of just over 300,000 people, one in ten individuals publishes a book.

7. Italy

The tradition of thought, innovation and science in this region goes back hundreds of years When we think of Italy, we quickly have to remember the Roman Empire or the Italian Renaissance. Some of the greatest sculptors, painters, writers and poets come from this boot-shaped country.

Today, Italy remains above the average of the most intelligent countries, especially in the fields of mathematics, science or physics. The IQ of the transalpine country is 102.

6. Taiwan

  • Position: 4th
  • IQ: 104

Taiwan is known worldwide for its advancements in technology, as well as its revolution in its public education system. Many people in Taiwan are bilingual, and since one of this country’s largest trading partners is the United States, many young people have studied hard to become fluent in English, which increases success in your professional career

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5. China

  • Position: 3rd
  • IQ: 105

China, officially the People’s Republic of China, is one of the largest sovereign states in Asia, and is the most populous country in the world, with more than 1,381 million inhabitants. It was established in 1949 and its capital is Beijing. Currently, China is one of the largest economic powers in the world, disputing first place with the USA.

4. Japan

  • Position: 3rd
  • IQ: 105

Japan is a country known worldwide for the quality of its education, although it is famous for having a very demanding and controversial philosophy of early childhood education. Students spend long hours studying to prepare for exams, and There is great cultural and social pressure in this regard

In terms of scientific research, Japan is one of the most notable countries. The University of Tokyo is one of the best universities on the planet and is considered the best university in Asia. The literacy rate in Japan is 99%, one of the highest in the world.

3. South Korea

  • Position: 2nd
  • IQ: 106

South Korea is one of the most innovative nations on the planet, and there are many inhabitants who make a living from research and development. South Korea is said to have the fastest and most reliable Internet in the world, which seems to demonstrate its commitment to science, research and technological progress.

However, not everything related to this country is good, as its educational system is highly competitive. As a result of difficult exams, long school hours, and high competitiveness in schools, it is a country known for having a high suicide rate among students.

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2. Singapore

  • Position: 1st
  • IQ: 108

Like many countries on this list, Singapore is an Asian country. Tied for the first country in this ranking, both have an average IQ of 108. Singapore is a small state located near Malaysia, and is a highly technological country that places great importance on business and finance Its students lead the world in achievement in the fields of mathematics and science.

1.Hong Kong

  • Position: 1st
  • IQ: 108

There is debate as to whether or not Hong Kong should belong to this list, as it is not technically a country. However, its administrative autonomy and its economic model different from China, make excluding Hong Kong from this list ignoring a country with the highest IQ in the world. Hong Kong probably has the second best education system in the world after Finland. This makes it the “top” country on this list with an average IQ of 108.

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