The 10 Steps To Become A Magnet For Your Clients

The 10 steps to become a magnet for your clients

Even if you don’t believe it yet, you are unique and there is no one in your sector who can offer your clients what you can offer them.

I know. You… You still don’t see it! Keep thinking that you need more degrees, more testimonials, more experience, more of anything before you believe that you too can be successful. All those They are excuses, many times to justify yourself, instead of proving to yourself that you can do it too. That you too can become a magnet. In a reference in your niche.

And this happens because you simply don’t know what the right steps are. You’ve tried everything, but nothing. Or you haven’t even tried. And it’s normal if no one has taught you where to point your GPS and the basic stops to ensure you reach your destination successfully. And that is what I share with you today.

    The 10 steps to become a magnet for your clients and become a reference

    These are 10 steps that will make clients come to you so that you don’t have to chase after them. 10 steps that will give a 180 degree turn to your business.

    1. Your inner alchemy

    Yes, you have something unique in you, your inner alchemy, which makes you unique and is your identity. Different from anyone else in your profession

    When you want to become a reference, a magnet, it is essential to invest time in this phase. Work on your identity, develop a message, a learning that perhaps already exists, but mold it to your identity.

    You create that magic pill for your clients, that no one else has. And once you find what makes you unique, your entire presence, your narrative, your image… It must be coherent.

    Remember that your personal brand It’s what people think of you when you’re not around. You have to look to be inspired by your competition, but not to copy, but to do the opposite. To differentiate yourself.

    2. Opportunities

    Create irresistible opportunities Something that your clients don’t want to miss.

    I suggest you build a product architecture. A pyramid in which your most exclusive, highest-value products are at the top, and in which your clients will have more access to you or even have services where you do something for them. Depending on your niche.

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    At the second level you can have less exclusive services, where you accompany them in a group.

    At the lowest level of the pyramid you can have services where you give them content, such as online courses, but they do not have your support.

    Attract customers

    You can create as many levels as you want, but don’t forget the clarity

    And the important thing is that only the clients who reach the highest level, with high-value products, are the ones who will have the most access to you.

    In my case, in my mentoring, I only accept 4 new clients a month. They are clients that I select very exclusively and with whom I have private mentoring. They are clients I want to work with because of their values ​​and commitment. They are clients that I know I will enjoy working with, I will help them and I will grow with them.

      3. Your promise

      Consists in explain clearly and simply how you are going to help your clients Where you pick them up and where you take them.

      Many times we get complicated with the narrative. Let them know what they will receive when they work with you, what it is like to work with you, and what change they will feel and experience.

      Your clients do not buy your methods, your tools, your techniques… They buy experiences and results They buy emotions that they want to feel when they have experienced that change that they are going to experience with you.

      And that is why it is so important to create your own system. Your own magnet method, which you will be able to explain to them simply to explain where you pick them up, the steps you will take them through and the change they will experience.

      We all want 3 things (well many more!) in life. They are our essential needs And if you manage to combine your method with one of them and make it have a differentiating point, that will help you become a magnet. In a reference.

        From there you start working on your niche, your sub-niche and from there your magnet method.

        4. Inspiration

        You have to inspire them to believe that they can. And, what’s more, You have to make them see that you believe in them more than they do themselves

        You will inspire them and they will notice that they can. That someone sees in them what they don’t even see themselves.

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        And that is very powerful, and at the same time it is true.

        Listen to them. Understand them. Inspire them.

          5. TOP Clients

          What do I mean by TOP clients? It does not mean working with those who can pay you a high amount, which is phenomenal, but work with those you know have a commitment that they are coherent and that they are focused on achieving results by your side.

          And to do this, something that can help you is to always focus on the “why” rather than the “what”.

          Normally we want a what (lose weight which is very typical) not to lose weight, but to feel healthier, more agile, sexier… It helps with emotions.

          6. Be disruptive

          Yes, be disruptive. Even leaders, and you are one, have to be disruptive Neither the past nor the present are points of reference.

          You have to think 3-5-10 years ahead. It’s not a matter of opposing everyone, but they find your message. Your mission. Your legacy.

          And once you know your message, create your entire narrative around this message What do you faithfully believe in? Create a movement. Create your own hashtags, create your narrative always speaking to the limbic brain.

          Remember that we act and buy 97% of the time with emotions, but for some reason we have been taught to use 3% of our brain!

            7. High Value Service

            This is where you have to stand out. And all the points that we have talked about previously are the ones that will help you.

            By finding your identity, what makes you unique, and by creating your magnet method that helps your clients achieve the transformation they want, you will be offering high-value service.

            And this is where many people get stuck because they think… Who is going to pay a high value for me? When I talk about high value I’m talking about mentorships of 3,000 euros or more.

            What is true is that where you have arrived you have not achieved it in 2 days. Are your experiences, your training… are you encapsulating years of learning in 3 months? Or as long as your services last.

            You are helping them become that person they want to become.

            Nobody is going to ask you for what you don’t offer them. Come out of the closet and offer your high value.

            8. Reference

            You have to become a reference. On a magnet. In an authority And you will wonder… How?

            • Participating in presentations
            • Participating in podcasts and interviews
            • Writing articles
            • writing a book
            • Showing testimonials and success stories.
            • Co-creating with other people
            • Finding strategic alliances
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            9. Empathic Communication

            Consists in always be there Hear.

            Both new clients and those who have been with you for a long time. Don’t relax. Your loyal customers need attention.

            They need to know that you are there and that you are growing with them. May you accompany them on the way.

            What is important is that you follow the principle of your pyramid of values ​​and the closest follow-up You do it with your TOP clients, and delegate contact with the clients below your pyramid. And no, it’s not about leaving them unattended, but you should focus on engaged customers.

            10. High Value Visibility

            This last point is what most new entrepreneurs focus on, but it is of no use to you if you have not taken the previous steps.

            And what is happening? That fail.

            You have to be consistent If you want to position yourself as a magnet for your clients, as a reference, as an authority, you have to have high-value visibility.

            You have to have high detail. An image and visibility in line with your message and cared for in detail. Because if you don’t take care of your visibility and personal brand… Do you think your clients will think that you are going to take good care of them?

            You have to live up to it and be consistent with everything else. Remember, your personal brand is what people think when you are not in front of them.

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            These 10 principles and how you put them into action they go hand in hand with your self-confidence And that is why it is crucial to start working on your mindset. In finding your identity.

            Because the personal brand is created from the inside out. Believe it until you believe it. Create and grow.

            𝐂𝐮á𝐥 𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐦á𝐬?

            I’m looking for 10 people who want to become a magnet for their clients.

            If you want to be one of them, a super-exclusive group starts on July 7 at my MAGNET program

            Write me a WhatsApp and let’s talk about if it’s for you. No, I don’t have a sales funnel because it is not an infoproduct. They are high-value group mentoring and cannot be explained in a sales funnel.