The 11 Best Seduction Techniques, According To Experts

Seduction is an interesting topic in which psychology has a lot to contribute To seduce you have to master different communication skills and different social skills, since it is an act that is carried out between two people.

Expectations, the image we give, the things we say and the security we show are key elements in being able to get closer to that person we are attracted to.

    Seduction techniques and rules

    Some experts such as Robert Greene, author of the book The art of seductionaffirm that There are different seduction techniques that practically ensure success when it comes to flirting (obviously not 100%).

    Now, it is important to understand that each person is different and, therefore, instead of focusing on aspects that we believe can work for everyone, it is necessary to focus on the needs of the person we want to seduce.

    Seduction is an individual process in which we must analyze and intervene depending on each situation. Each person has a different vision of the world and has different tastes and it is not possible to seduce all people equally.

    Of course, there are a series of golden rules of seduction ; They are the ones you can see below.

    1. Self-confidence and security

    Self-confidence It is not a seduction technique in itself but an attitude a way of showing oneself to others.

    Without self-confidence it is impossible for the seduction process to go well. That is why, first of all, you have to work on your self-esteem and approach the seduction process with a positive mentality. The security that we show is decisive to captivate the person we are attracted to.

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    If you think you have no chance with that person, you can change your mindset and make the matter less important. As I said, attitude is what matters So don’t have very high expectations (which can be frustrated), but relax and don’t idealize the person you intend to seduce. Be calm and confident.

      2. Be realistic

      Being realistic is not a technique either, but it is a necessity. Do not try to use seduction techniques in situations where failure is assured. For example, when the person is in love with their partner and they are about to get married.

      In some situations, seduction techniques will not be useful ; However, where you have a chance, following these tips will help you break the ice and maximize your chances of meeting that person you want so much.

      3. Focus on the brain

      Many people make it clear that their desire is to be intimate with the other person, and although this is normal, there is no need to shout it from the rooftops, especially when there is still no trust between both

      To have options with that person, it is always better to stimulate the brain before the genitals, and that means that there are good communication and good chemistry In other words, connect with their interests, their needs, and make them feel important.

      4. Take your time

      Seduction has to do with going step by step, and what makes a person desire others is often anticipation. When you find that person you are interested in, take your time She waits a bit before approaching you and starts by listening more than talking. Don’t reveal your intention within a few minutes, as this could be unpleasant.

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      5. Work on your social life

      One of the golden rules of attraction is that no matter how much you go after someone, it is not going to make that person fall into your arms. Normally we are seduced by people who have great social value, who other people like; that is, they have an active social life, since in part we see its value reflected in the opinions of others

        6. Work on yourself

        There is nothing more seductive than a person who is happy with what they do and is proud of herself That is why to be liked by others, one must feel fulfilled and must pursue their dreams. When someone connects with themselves it is easy for them to connect with others.

        7. Detect the other person’s needs

        We often think that the rules or techniques for flirting work for everyone, and that is not exactly the case. Because? Well, because each individual is a world and has its needs. Sometimes we can hear the phrase “if you pass by him or her you will see how he or she looks for you.” Actually, The only thing you can achieve with this is to make him move further away from you. and trust between you is lost.

        The important thing is that the other person is good with you, that they are good when you are around them. That’s why it’s better to focus on their needs instead of paying too much attention to popular beliefs or generalities.

        8. Generates positive feelings in the other person

        And the explanation for the previous point is that people want to feel good and we want the individuals around us to generate positive feelings in us. It is the good moments that we remember, because unless a person has self-esteem problems, he will tend to flee from toxic people.

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        9. Use a sense of humor

        The best technique to flirt is to make people laugh In line with the previous point, there is nothing that generates more positive feelings than when we laugh with another person and have a good time, since our brain secretes neurochemicals related to pleasure and well-being: serotonin, endorphins, etc.

        The sense of humor It is one of the qualities of the people that generate the most attraction This is according to John Medina, a biologist who concludes that we are attracted to people and things that are fun, interesting, intriguing, and that catch our attention.

        10. Create your own brand

        The American newspaper The Times, interviewed Arden Leigh, director of a well-known New York seduction center, and she affirms that women are more successful when they differentiate themselves from other women. The seduction expert affirms that you have to think like a company, specifically in regards to branding “Branding yourself is the best way to seduce others and touch their emotional side,” says Leigh.

          11. The power of mystery

          Think mystery book, because you are always wanting to know more and more after each page you read. Well, mystery is one of the most effective weapons of seduction, since causes a person to develop expectations of the other

          That is why it is not good to give everything at once when we want to conquer someone, but rather we must go step by step, letting time do its work and the other person become interested in us. These expectations and illusions, which have great seductive power, make the other person want to know more and more as they get to know us, and the feeling intensifies with the passage of time.