The 14 Most Common Problems In Relationships

By logic, Relationships do not always go through their best moment and, sometimes, crises can appear for different reasons. Relationships are interpersonal relationships and therefore our beliefs and our way of behaving will be decisive in whether it is satisfactory or not.

It is worth remembering that It is possible to solve many of these disagreements so that stability can reign again within the relationship. Of course, this requires will and, in serious cases, help from a psychologist.

The most frequent problems in a relationship

It’s strange that couples don’t encounter potholes in their path, since each member of the relationship has their own way of thinking and behaving, which can sometimes make it necessary to debate and reach consensus to enjoy good health in company. In other words, although every relationship has its ups and downs, successful couples learn to manage conflict and are aware of the importance of taking each other’s needs into account.

But what are the most common conflicts that can arise in relationships? Below you can find the answer to this question.

1. Communication problems

As I said, couples learn to manage conflicts, and in this aspect communication is very important. Dialogue is essential for the good progress of the relationship and is one of its basic pillars, since it allows maintaining the common life project initiated by two people who love each other.

If one of the members he doesn’t have enough empathy and is not able to understand the other, or if he does not have the ability to express his opinions assertively, a relationship can hardly work because conflicts are guaranteed.

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2. Coexistence

One of the most frequent problems in relationships is cohabitation. Many times we have unrealistic expectations about what it will be like to live with that person we love, and sharing space for so many hours, these false beliefs can cause conflicts to flourish that must be managed in the right way at the right time. When living with others it is always necessary to negotiate, give in and reach agreements, and relationships are no exception.

3. Infidelity

Although infidelity usually has other causes, for example, poor communication or lack of affection, it becomes a very serious problem within the couple, which often cannot be overcome. In various surveys carried out in Spain, the data conclude that 60% of men and 45% of women stated that they had been involved in some infidelity throughout their lives. Therefore, it seems that infidelity is something that is very present in relationships. Couples therapy can be very effective in overcoming this problem.

4. Sexual problems

When there is little harmony in intimate relationships Conflicts in the relationship increase, as it affects the expression of affection and the stability of the relationship. Caresses, silent looking into each other’s eyes, hugs and, of course, sexual relations help the couple feel united and loved.

Some sexual problems that can affect not only the individual who suffers from it but also his or her life partner are: premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and lack of desire, in men; and anorgasmia, lack of desire, vaginismus and dyspareunia, in women.

5. Differences in core values

A person’s fundamental values ​​influence the opinions held by each member of the couple and their behavior, and when they do not fit with the couple’s values, they usually cause serious conflicts. Although it is not always easy to overcome them, respect for the opinions of others It is key to minimize these conflicts, even if sometimes you do not share them.

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6. Traumatic events

Sometimes traumatic events can occur in the life of one of the members of the couple that can lead to an existential crisis. This, obviously, will also influence how the couple relates and their well-being. If either of you has gone through a delicate moment For example, the death of a close family member, in many cases it is advisable to go to psychological therapy so that the personal situation does not end the relationship.

7. Problems outside the couple

While traumatic events can wreak havoc on the relationship, other problems outside the relationship can also influence the members’ bond. For example, when one of you feels stressed or burned out at work this may also be noticeable at home.

Too much or too little work, strict or inflexible schedules, job insecurity, or poor relationships with colleagues can be noticeable not only in the workplace, but also in your relationship.

8. Problems with the couple’s family

Sometimes it may happen that conflicts have no direct relationship with lovers, but they can arise with members of their family (and even with close friends), which can hinder the good progress of the relationship and affect the couple. And if, for example, problems arise with the mother-in-law or father-in-law, in a short time this will have an impact on the relationship.

9. Economic difficulties

As I said, work stress can be a problem, but it can also be not having a job and going through serious financial difficulties The inability to have family economic stability makes it difficult to visualize the future and, therefore, conflicts are frequently present in the relationship.

10. Children

Having children is, without a doubt, one of the best experiences and consequences of loving someone, as it represents absolute love and the presence of a new member in the family. However, what can be really beautiful can also be complicated at times, largely due to unrealistic expectations about having children or role conflicts, and due to the stress generated by parenting

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11. Uncertain future

Couples who enjoy good health are those who have a shared project, that is, a common project They see themselves together and, therefore, act in awareness of this possibility. But when the members of the couple have doubts about being with each other, then difficulties arise. Conflicts in this situation are frequent.

12. Monotony

One of the couple’s big problems is monotony, which usually appears when the two members have been together for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to prevent this from happening. For example, in the sexual field, experts recommend trying new experiences so that the flame does not go out.

13. Emotional dependence

Emotional dependence also creates serious problems in the relationship. Generally, this occurs because one of the two members He has low self-esteem and becomes addicted to his partner Then, you lose objectivity and the relationship becomes a constant conflict.

  • You can learn more about what this phenomenon means in this article: “Emotional dependence: pathological addiction to your romantic partner”

14. Disappointment

Sometimes we have unrealistic expectations of our partner, and when we start to have more contact with them we realize that It wasn’t what we had imagined That does not mean that our partner is not a worthy person, but that many times we are the ones who create these unrealistic expectations about what love is and about the person we live with.