​The 14 Types Of Couples: What Is Your Romantic Relationship Like?

Love is one of the great motivations of human beings, and in fact, having a partner is one of the great vital objectives that people have.

Being in love is great, and it makes you wake up every morning as if you were on a cloud. However, that initial period of falling in love later has to be worked on. Being in a relationship is a constant negotiation where, on many occasions, different personalities coexist

Keys to having a healthy relationship

This clash of personalities, interests and even objectives can turn relationships into a real ordeal. There may still be a great attraction, however, the difficulties that may arise and especially poor communication, can cause the relationship to become toxic. So that this does not always happen we must:

Love according to Sternberg’s theory

There have been many love theorists, one of the best known is Robert Sternberg. In his triangular theory of love, the American psychologist states that there are three different components that manifest themselves in any relationship: intimacy, passion and commitment:

Types of loving couple

In love, not everything is black or white, but there are many ways to love. But how can we classify couples? Following Sternberg’s theory, and This proposes different types of love and, therefore, different types of couples

In this article you can find the different types of couples. They are the following:

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1. Infatuation

Infatuated couples are characterized because they only have one characteristic of the three that have been discussed in the previous section: passion. Despite being together, the members of the couple do not really know each other, resulting in low intimacy. Likewise, they also do not feel commitment. Infatuation can refer to the beginning of the relationship.

2. Empty relationships

Empty love is one that is characterized by having commitment, but there is no passion or intimacy Basically, it refers to marriages of convenience.

3. Romantic couples

Romantic love is characterized by intimacy and passion, however, there is no commitment It would be the typical summer love or short relationships in which nothing is rationalized nor agreements established between the people involved. Everything is experienced spontaneously without trying to establish it as a clearly solid relationship.

4. Sociable couples

Sociable love refers to the love that two people feel when there is intimacy and commitment, but not passion For example, when they have been in a relationship for many years and no longer have intimate encounters, but rather are governed by routine and those shared activities that can also be done in the social sphere beyond the domestic.

5. Fatuous relationships

In these couples intimacy is never built They are characterized because there is passion and commitment, but not intimacy. This makes it common to keep many secrets to oneself, even if they are important and concern the other person involved in the relationship. Love is experienced as a unilateral experience.

6. Consummate love

Relationships that present this type of love are those that can be happy. They are healthy relationships, which have the three components of Sternberg’s theory: intimacy, passion and commitment.

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Other types of couples

However, depending on the quality of the relationship, the time they have been together and the couple’s values, there are other types of couples:

7. Best friends

They say that the couple is a friend with erotic moments. Sometimes, intimate moments are shared with that person who is your faithful friend. In this type of couple, Maybe the members were friends already in school, they grew up together and shared great moments of friendship One day, the way they saw each other changed, and then romantic love arose between them. However, it may happen that people meet at a later age and after being best friends end up as a couple.

8. The fighters

According to a popular saying, hard-fought loves are the most beloved This can be true with these types of couples. They have arguments every now and then and they get along like a cat and a dog, but there they continue, paddling against the current. If you are friends with any of them, you are probably tired of comforting them. And, although you may not understand it, either one of the two members has low self-esteem, or their moments of intimacy are really excellent.

9. Those of the common hobby

Definitely, Sharing a hobby with your partner is one of the best ways to keep the relationship alive Some couples go camping together, surfing or climbing. Others are fitness lovers, and others are party animals and night owls. These couples share many moments together and enjoy each other.

10. Those of a lifetime

Some couples met really young and have spent their entire lives together These couples, without a doubt, are the ideal couple in people’s eyes, but not all relationships are this lucky. Many break down along the way due to the wear and tear caused by the accumulation of crises and quarrels, or by the loss of passion or intimacy.

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11. Long distance couples

Sometimes, it may happen that love arises but the person lives somewhere else Many decide that this is not the way to live and one of them moves to where the other is. However, for various reasons this is not always possible, and some couples have to spend a long time at a distance. Distance is not good for the relationship, which is why this type of couple does not usually last long.

12. The couple of interest

Although it is difficult for us to accept it, some people are in a relationship out of interest Whether due to economic interest, to get the papers or not to be alone. As sad as it may seem, they even get married. It is a way of understanding love in which this sensation has an instrumental purpose.

13. The madly in love

There are some couples who spread their love to the four winds, who spend all day posting photos of themselves on social networks and spend 24 hours together. If they go out with friends, they are on top of each other all the time, “making out non-stop.” These couples can’t spend a single moment without each other because they are madly in love

14. Those in the open relationship

Many couples are classic type, however, there are exceptions. Some are liberal couples, so they have a different way of thinking than traditional couples. While many would think that sleeping with others is a betrayal and infidelity, liberal couples think that for the health of the couple, they should introduce other actors into intimate relationships. Have you heard of polyamorous relationships?