The 15 Myths About Sexuality (and Why They Are False)

Myths of sexuality

Our sexuality begins to develop from the moment we are born and evolves over the years. This biological strategy is influenced by a whole series of factors that include our anatomy, psychology, physical conditions and hormonal levels. The sum and interdependence of these elements leads us to develop the sexual impulse.

As we know, Sexuality is a quite complex topic and it is impossible to understand it only from its reproductive function in its expression a series of different affective factors, desires, attitudes, behaviors, fantasies, etc. are added.

Furthermore, we sometimes forget the influence that The Catholic Church has had on sexuality for hundreds of years. But, not only Catholicism conditions our vision of sex and everything that surrounds it, in fact having faith or a religious belief is not incompatible with living a full sexual life. However, the amount of false information we find on the Internet, in movies and television shows, not to mention the way pornography presents sexual encounters, leads to the formation and maintenance of numerous false beliefs. Many young people today continue to cultivate myths that do not have any type of scientific support or foundation.

To gain a complete understanding of human emotional relationships and our bodies, It is important to debunk common myths surrounding sexual health and sexuality in general In this article we discuss the most significant misconceptions surrounding these topics.

What myths surround sexuality?

A myth is an idea that is not proven by science, but is widely believed to be true, that is, many people consider it true. These beliefs are often also attributed additional qualities due to their widespread use or through the dominant culture. How they lack support or foundation are very difficult to refute.

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Culture and tradition are often driven by myths and prejudices that cloud people’s perception of reality. These myths can lead to unwanted, even harmful, behaviors that people believe are okay when they are not. In the case of sexuality, myths can affect the development of a full sexual and emotional life and even lead to risky behavior with consequences for sexual health.

Myths about sex

Correcting these myths requires the dissemination of clear information, easy to understand and accessible to all people. Furthermore, it is vital to transmit sexual education that provides useful knowledge about sexuality and allows the development of a healthy, responsible and pleasurable sexual life.

1. In the sexual sphere there are normal and abnormal behaviors

The word normal can refer to many things, but it often includes meeting a certain standard. In the field of sexuality, subjectivity plays a fundamental role, since what is considered normal can vary greatly from one person to another. For example, if we take two different groups of people, one may judge different sexual behaviors as normal, and the other may not.

2. The larger the penis size, the better

The belief that the size of the penis influences the quality of the sexual encounter is deeply rooted in society. This occurs because the length of the member is directly related to the concept of “masculinity” that exists in today’s world. But, The reality is that size does not have a direct correlation with pleasure that can be obtained during a sexual relationship, other factors such as arousal or the size of the vagina must be taken into account in the equation.

3. Premature ejaculation is a matter of inexperience

It is true that premature ejaculation can occur more frequently in the first few times, since nerves and excitement when having a sexual encounter can influence a person to ejaculate before desired. However, Adults can also suffer from this type of dysfunction and there are treatments that can help treat it.

4. The hymen is broken when losing virginity

Virginity is defined as the state of someone who has never had sex. However, the concepts of sex and virginity vary from person to person. Furthermore, talking about “losing your virginity” and understanding the sexual experience as a loss of something are notions that have to evolve.

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The hymen is a thin membrane found at the entrance to the vagina. In general, there is a lot of confusion regarding its anatomy, many people think that it completely covers the vagina and that at some point, when stretched, it opens. However, the hymen normally already has a hole where menstruation or tampons pass. It’s true, tearing can occur the first time you have vaginal sex, and can lead to some pain or bleeding. However, this is not common, the hymen can be broken in other ways, usually by playing sports, or by inserting something into the vagina.

5. Only penetration leads to orgasm

Fake. The differences in which people of different sexes reach orgasm can generate a series of erroneous expectations about how a satisfactory sexual encounter occurs. Although some people with vaginas can reach orgasm through penetration, most people achieve this through clitoral stimulation through other practices such as masturbation or oral sex. Effective communication with your sexual partner and talking about what is expected from the relationship helps identify what the other person needs and what they consider a satisfactory encounter.

6. Masturbation is a man’s thing

Although This has been a taboo topic much more for women than for men In reality, masturbation has more benefits than harms and, in fact, it is equally beneficial for both sexes. Although, it is said that men should ejaculate frequently to avoid pain in the testicles and renew sperm; The benefits of masturbation are more of a psychological nature; They improve mood and general mood.

7. Pleasure necessarily passes through genitality

As we know, our body has different erogenous zones, the stimulation of these can also lead to sexual arousal. Stimulation of the lips, neck, breasts, nipples, inner thighs, nape of the neck, ears and perineum can cause enormous pleasure. Some people can even reach orgasm without the need to stimulate the genitals

8. You cannot have sex during menstruation

This idea does not respond to any health criteria. It may be that due to lack of information or embarrassment, some people prefer not to have sexual relations during menstruation, but doing so does not pose any risk. Regarding the lack or increase of sexual appetite, there is no universal rule, some people experience an increase due to estrogen levels and other people, on the contrary, show a decrease in libido. Sex, in some cases, can help reduce menstrual pain.

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9. Only men can ejaculate

Female ejaculation also exists, although unlike the male, it does not have a role in reproduction. Women have a prostate and its function is to ejaculate; However, there is not much information about its true nature and how it should be stimulated.

10. Contraceptives cause infertility

The answer to this myth is: it depends. The most common contraceptive methods are reversible, even a vasectomy can be reversible. Although, the more time has passed, the less likely the reversal will be successful. On the contrary, Most tubal ligation is not reversible

11. Aphrodisiac foods work

There is no scientific support to support this idea. It would seem that this would have more to do with psychological suggestion than with the true effects of this type of food on sexual desire.

12. The sex drive is more intense in men

Sex always has been subjected to cultural and social factors Sexual desire has always been better seen in men than in women, and this barrier – although to a lesser extent – is still valid today. So it is difficult to really know in terms of biology whether the sexual drive is stronger in men than in women.

13. Sex stops being important with age

There is no maximum age to have sex, sexuality doesn’t end until we die However, ignorance about sexuality in the elderly feeds a whole series of myths, such as that it is no longer important.

14. Viagra is the most effective solution to treat sexual dysfunction

Although Viagra is a drug that helps treat erectile dysfunction, it is not the only one. There are, in addition to Viagra, different oral medications that act as a first line against erectile dysfunction and produce few side effects. Currently, also Other types of treatments are recommended, such as psychological therapy to address sexual problems.

15. Masturbating affects fertility and general health

Neither does masturbating cause infertility, nor is it bad for your health. It’s more, Masturbation provides numerous benefits, both physical and psychological It helps improve overall mood and some studies suggest that it may help prevent the development of certain types of malignant cancers.