The 18 Types Of Mental Illnesses

We know of a wide variety of mental illnesses of very different types. Although each disorder has its own characteristics that distinguish them from each other, in many cases they have points in common, such as etiology or symptoms, which mean that they can be grouped into specific categories, and a classification can be made into different types.

This type of nosological classifications is used by various health professionals in order to understand and work on the different types of disorders. Therefore, In this article we are going to talk about the main types of mental illnesses.

Types of mental illness

Classifying the different types of mental illnesses is a complex task that requires in-depth research. Throughout history, various associations and groups of experts have tried to classify them, with more or less acceptance by the scientific community. These categorizations allow theoretical knowledge to be organized in a more easily understandable way, although there is a risk of ignoring or separating specific aspects that could be closely linked.

Next A brief description of most of the basic typologies of mental illness is offered. that the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DSM-V offers. Although it is not the only existing classification, given that organizations such as the WHO have their own system in this regard in the ICD-10 (specifically in chapter F, where the different mental disorders are detailed), the classification system and the criteria Diagnoses tend to be very similar.

The list presented here is only one of the possible classifications of the types of mental illnesses that have been made, and the main groupings can vary greatly depending on who makes them and sometimes controversial modifications occur with respect to previous versions.

1. Neurodevelopmental disorders

Mental illnesses linked to alterations in neurodevelopment form a type of mental illness characterized by the presence of a series of deficits and difficulties in different skills and abilities that manifest during the maturational development of the person, with the first symptoms appearing during childhood.

These difficulties represent a mishap due to both the difficulty itself and the possible slowing of maturation and the effects that it can cause, both in the short and long term, in vital aspects of the person. Within this category we can find difficulties such as intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD or learning, communication or motor disorders.

2. Schizophrenia spectrum disorders and other psychotic disorders

The study of psychotic disorders has been a fundamental pillar within psychology and mental illness research.

This type of disease presents a common symptomatology, and is the presence of both positive symptoms, that is, they add or exaggerate some aspect to normative behavior, and negative symptoms, in which the subject’s capacity is diminished and impoverished.

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Among the best-known positive symptoms is the presence of perceptual hallucinations and cognitive delusions of different types, while among the negative ones, anhedonia, language impoverishment and alogia are common. On the other hand, within this typology of disorders, schizophrenia stands out especially, but we can also find schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder.

3. Bipolar Disorder and related disorders

Bipolar disorder is a type of mental illness characterized by alternating between two opposite emotional poles, mania (or hypomania if the symptoms are minor) and depression.

This alternation produces severe emotional exhaustion in the patient, who goes from being completely euphoric and with a very high level of energy to a situation of sadness, demotivation and hopelessness. In addition to bipolar disorder and its different subtypes, we can find other disorders within this category, such as cyclothymic disorder.

4. Depressive disorders

Major depression is one of the most prevalent psychological disorders worldwide, being the most prominent disorder within the category of depressive disorders.

The basic characteristics of this type of mental illness are based on the presence of a state of pathological and persistent sadness accompanied by anhedonia or lack of pleasure and/or apathy. It is common for great passivity to occur at a vital level due to lack of motivation and hopelessness. In fact, more than sadness, what characterizes depressive disorders is the lack of initiative and interest, something that is often reflected in a symptom known as avolition.

In addition to major depressive disorder, other types of pathologies can be found such as dysthymia, postpartum depression and even premenstrual syndrome.

5. Anxiety disorders

The most common type of mental disorder both in consultation and in the general population, anxiety disorders can be identified due to the high level of psychophysiological activation that they cause together with the presence of high negative affect or discomfort.

These characteristics are often accompanied by a strong attempt to avoid things or situations that cause anxiety, which can be very limiting disorders in daily life. This class of mental disorders includes, among others, panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia), generalized anxiety disorder and different types of phobias (social, specific, etc.).

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that It is possible to develop phobias in the face of practically any stimulus. or idea as long as certain conditions are met.

6. Obsessive-compulsive disorder and related disorders

This type of illness in the OCD environment is characterized by the presence of a rigid and inflexible behavioral profile, the presence of doubts and a certain level of perfectionism. But the most distinctive and characteristic of this category is the presence of obsessions, intrusive and repetitive ideas that are recognized as their own and generally as absurd by the subject themselves.

These ideas generate high anxiety, which may or may not be accompanied by compulsions or stereotyped actions to reduce said anxiety (although they usually do not have a logical relationship with the reason for it or said relationship is exaggerated). Because the symptoms are predominantly due to anxiety, they were previously considered within anxiety disorders, but their differential characteristics have caused them to be separated from them.

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The mental disorder par excellence of this category is obsessive-compulsive disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder or trichotillomania are disorders that have also been included in this category in the latest version of the DSM, although in the past they were classified as dissociative and impulse control disorder respectively. This is due to the presence of an obsessive type of thought (specifically with a body area) and the presence of a specific compulsion in the presence of anxiety (hair pulling).

7. Trauma and other stress-related disorders

This type of mental disorder is based on the experience of certain life circumstances, or the presence or absence of a specific stressor, which, when experienced in an extremely aversive way by the person, provokes in the subject a pattern of behavior different from that which would occur if I would not have experienced such situations, and that produces a lot of discomfort in the form of a crisis.

The most characteristic disorder of this type of psychopathology is post-traumatic stress disorder, which is especially common in people who have experienced war conflicts.

8. Dissociative disorders

Some life circumstances cause the mind to react abnormally, causing a dissociation of its basic mechanisms and processes, such as memory or identity. Formerly one of the two types of mental illnesses that were considered typical of hysteria, these disorders include dissociative amnesia, depersonalization or multiple personality disorder.

9. Somatic symptom disorder and related disorders

The other and main element that was considered a symptom of hysteria, the presence of somatic symptom disorders. This type of mental illness has as its main characteristic the presence of physical symptoms without there being any physiological cause for it, the physical symptoms being a product of the mind itself. Somatoform disorder stands out (now due to somatic symptoms), conversion disorder or hypochondria.

10. Eating disorders

Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are mental disorders that we frequently hear about. These two types of mental illnesses are two of the main eating disorders, which are known for the presence of abnormal eating patterns.

Although in the two examples cited these patterns are characterized by a certain distortion of body image and the presence of an intense fear of gaining weight, rejecting the consumption of food or engaging in behaviors that force the elimination of calories, the same does not occur in all mental illnesses in this category, which also includes pica or consumption. of non-nutritive substances (for example, gypsum), or excessive food consumption due to anxiety or binge eating disorder.

11. Excretion disorders

Food and nutrition provide fundamental nutrients to the body so that it can function correctly, but at a given moment the excess elements must be expelled from the body.

In the case of people with excretion disorders, this expulsion occurs in inappropriate and uncontrolled circumstances, sometimes as a result of anxiety. In this aspect enuresis and encopresis stand outin which urine or feces are excreted respectively.

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12. Sleep-wake disorders

Sleep problems are also very prevalent in societies like ours. These problems can be due to poor sleep or insomnia or excess of it, or hypersomnia. In both cases, problems of fatigue, lack of motivation and in some cases memory and attention problems are caused.

In addition, strange behaviors known as parasomnias may appear during sleep. Disorders such as nightmares, night terrors, sleepwalking or Kleine-Levin syndrome are examples of this category. along with insomnia, primary hypersomnia.

13. Sexual dysfunctions

Although even today it is a very silenced topic and considered taboo, there is a wide variety of sexual problems. Sexual dysfunctions are made up of those disorders that alter, prevent or hinder the achievement of the different phases of the human sexual response, appearing mainly at the level of desire, excitement or orgasm.

Premature ejaculation, erection problems, anorgasmia or inhibited sexual desire These are some of the disorders of this class for which most people are consulted in the clinic.

14. Destructive impulse and behavioral control disorders

This classification refers to the presence of a sudden impulse characterized by a high level of activation and distress that the individual is unable or has severe difficulties to resist, due to the deep gratification and well-being that he receives with his behavior. An example is intermittent explosive disorder, kleptomania or pyromania.

15. Substance use disorders and addictive disorders

The consumption and abuse of psychoactive substances can cause serious problems in the body. Within this type of problems we find addiction, dependence, intoxication and withdrawal to very different types of substances, whether stimulants, depressants or disturbing.

16. Neurocognitive disorders

Neurocognitive disorders refer to that group of disorders that cause an alteration in consciousness or higher mental processes due to a disturbance at the neuronal level. Confusion syndromes, delirium or neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia fall within this classification.

17. Paraphilic disorders

The so-called paraphilias are a type of mental illness characterized by the presence of intense and persistent fantasies in which the object of sexual desire is abnormal, generally having some compulsive fixation in those types of stimuli that interfere with life or cause discomfort.

It generally refers to situations in which the object of desire is an inanimate object or entity, a non-sentient being, or the suffering or humiliation of one of the components. Some disorders of this type include voyeurism, exhibitionism, sexual sadism, masochism or pedophilia.

18. Personality disorders

Each of us has our own personality, developed throughout our lives based on our experiences, in which it is possible to observe the tendency to respond in certain ways to environmental stimuli. The type of behaviors we do and usually do, how we analyze and observe the world and even our own identity are mediated by personality.

This type of mental illness involves the presence of a personality that involves a high level of suffering to the person who has it or it greatly limits their life and participation in the world. Borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality, histrionic personality disorder, obsessive personality or avoidant personality are some of the disorders that are part of this classification.

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