The 2 Types Of Borderline Personality Disorder

Variants of borderline disorder

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is the personality disorder that has been most researched and its main characteristics are the following: instability in self-image, interpersonal relationships and mood and; On the other hand, a notable instability that affects different contexts.

There are two types of borderline personality disorder: the first, “impulsive type,” which is fundamentally characterized by the existence of impulsivity in behavioral patterns, and the second, “borderline type,” characterized by general instability. on an emotional, interpersonal level and in their self-image.

In this article We will see what the two types of borderline personality disorder are according to the diagnostic criteria of the “International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10)”.

What is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)?

Before explaining what the two types of borderline personality disorder consist of, it is worth explaining what this disorder consists of according to the most updated versions of the main diagnostic manuals on mental disorders (DSM-5 and ICD-11).

Notably the subdivision of 2 types of borderline personality disorder is found only in the previous version of the ICD (ICD-10) as we will see later, although it is advisable to keep it in mind since, although this subdivision is not reflected in current manuals, in clinical practice many mental health professionals do keep it in mind to make a more detailed diagnosis in order to search for the most appropriate treatment for each particular case.

It is also important to mention that the ICD-11 has proposed a vision of personality disorders that is different from the classifications that we usually see, coming to propose a vision that is closer to the reality present in the practice of psychiatry and clinical psychology. Therefore, only a single diagnosis appears called “Personality disorders and related traits”, so there is no categorical classification of the different personality disorders that had appeared in the DSM-5 and the ICD-10 and, therefore Therefore, there is no explicit classification of borderline personality disorder in ICD-11.

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Let’s briefly look below at the classification of borderline personality disorder according to the DSM-5 criteria and also the new ICD-11 classification of personality disorders before proceeding to comment on the types of borderline personality disorder. .

1. Criteria for borderline personality disorder according to the DSM-5

The criteria for borderline personality disorder according to the DSM-5 manual are as follows.

Criterion A is that, first of all, there is a pattern of internal experience and behavior that does not conform to normality in your culture. This pattern must appear in 2 or more of the areas of cognition, affectivity, interpersonal activity and impulse control.

Furthermore, criterion B states that These criteria A patterns must be inflexible and appear in a wide variety of situations causing significant discomfort in that person.

On the other hand, these patterns must remain stable over time to be able to make the diagnosis and their onset must date back to adolescence or the beginning of adulthood, and these patterns cannot be due to another mental disorder or the effects of substance consumption. .

2. Criteria for borderline personality disorder according to ICD-11

As we said previously, the ICD-11 only proposes a general diagnosis “Personality and related disorders”, so the definition that appears in this manual is based on the alterations and dysfunctions present in the patient at an intra- and interpersonal level.

So, first of all, the clinician makes an assessment of the severity of this personality alteration: mild, moderate or severe personality disorder based on that dimensional assessment of the severity that has been found in said alteration.

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Then, assess prominent personality patterns or traits at the categorical level; These evaluated traits resemble the “Big 5 personality” model (detachment, negative affectivity, disinhibition, anaplasty and anti-sociability) and together with those traits that appear prominent, a specific borderline pattern of behavior must be described that does not fit any of the dimensions of the Big 5 model.

Now that we have seen what the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder is according to the DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria, we will go on to explain the types of borderline personality disorder.

Types of borderline personality disorder

What types of Borderline Personality Disorder exist?

According to the WHO ICD-10 criteria, there are 2 types of borderline personality disorder (BPD), whose classifying names correspond to the two symptoms that are most significant in each case: firstly, impulsivity and; secondly, instability at an emotional, self-image and also interpersonal level.

This is why in each of the two types of borderline personality disorder that we are going to explain in more detail below, one or the other of these symptoms that we have just mentioned becomes more prevalent.

1. Borderline Impulsive Personality Disorder

The first of the two types of borderline personality disorder would be “impulsive type” BPD, whose fundamental and differentiated characteristic from the other type is the impulsivity that is present in the behaviors of these people, so that They do not usually foresee the consequences of the acts they carry out impulsively and that, quite frequently, lead to them ending up being involved in self-destructive behavior and experiencing explosions of violent acts.

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In impulsive BPD it is also characteristic that these people have emotional instability, so that Your moods could fluctuate somewhat abruptly in a very short time and without there being an apparent relationship with the external events that surround it.

The diagnostic criteria for “impulsive type” BPD according to the ICD-10 are those that we are going to list below.

On the one hand, the general criteria that allow personality disorders to be diagnosed should be met.

For the other, At least 3 of the following criteria should be present the second must be present:

2. Borderline Personality Disorder

The second of the two types of borderline personality disorder would be “borderline type” BPD, whose main characteristic is instability, which influences your interpersonal relationships, on an emotional level, and also on your self-image.

The instability that is present in your self-image or self-perception is reflected in your big changes in terms of personal preferences, goals or even sexual identity without apparently having too much discretion.

Regarding instability in social or interpersonal relationships, it is reflected in his sudden changes about what he thinks about other people in his environment, which fluctuates depending on the attention he perceives from them towards him. Instability on an emotional level can be observed through the frequent variability of their moods.

The diagnostic criteria for “borderline type” BPD according to the ICD-10 are as follows.

On the one hand, the general criteria that allow personality disorders to be diagnosed should be met.

Besides, At least 3 of the following criteria should be present the second must be present: