The 25 Main Organs Of The Human Body

Organs of the human body

Our body is not a homogeneous and uniform mass. We are complex organisms, being made up of a large number of different types of cells, tissues, organs and systems that in their entirety allow, to a greater or lesser extent, our survival and adaptation to the environment.

The organs of the human body are a fundamental part of this whole, there being a great variety of them throughout the human body. In this article we are going to briefly review just that, the main organs of the human body.

Reviewing the concept: what is an organ?

Although it is something that most people already know, it is worth making a brief mention of what we consider an organ since there can often be confusion between that concept and tissue.

We consider everything as an organ set of associated organic tissues that make up a whole structured and organized as a unit, being able to perform one (or several) specific functions within the organism. Generally, the organs are associated with each other forming different systems, which together regulate the different processes linked to specific physiological and behavioral functionalities.

Although practically all organs have their function, the truth is that Not all of them are essential for our survival, there are some that are more relevant than others and even organs that it is possible to live without. Likewise, we also have some elements inherited from our ancestors whose role is merely vestigial.

Main organs of the human body

There is a huge number of different organs distributed throughout our body. Although technically more than eighty different organs can be found and classified in the human body, in this article we are going to focus on some of the most fundamental and recognizable as such.

1. Brain

The so-called king organ, the brain is the nucleus of the nervous system and the one in charge of managing the set of bodily functions through the sending of nervous signals that govern the rest of the organs and systems. Its action allows life (in fact, brain death is considered real death) and the performance of any type of behavior. Perception and movement, as well as intellectual abilities, are produced by its performance and correct functioning. It is made up of neurons and glial tissues.

2. Heart

Organ formed by muscle tissue and the nucleus of the cardiovascular system, the heart Its main function is to pump blood throughout the body Thanks to its action we can bring oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the organs and body systems, allowing their survival.

3. Lungs

The lungs are another of the main organs of the body, and in this case they are the main element of the respiratory system These are two large organs that occupy a large part of the thorax and whose main function is to obtain oxygen from the environment to allow cellular respiration while eliminating carbon dioxide and other waste generated by the functioning of the body. These elements are carried from the lungs to the rest of the body or from the organs to the lungs through the blood.

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4. Stomach

The so-called second brain is another of the organs that allow our survival. This is the organ in charge of diluting the food we eat thanks to the acids present in it and those sent by various vesicles and other organs of the system. Thanks to its action we can digest food and subsequently absorb its nutrients

5. Liver

An important organ of the human body and part of the digestive system, its action allows us to metabolize nutrients and the different substances we consume. It is also essential when eliminating and purging elements interpreted as harmful to the body.

6. Pancreas

Another of the most important organs in the body, the pancreas is part of the digestive and endocrine system. Different enzymes and hormones are secreted in it that allow the management and regulation of different elements, such as the glycemic level through insulin secreted by the islets of Langerhans, or glucagon or ghrelin.

7. Intestines (large and small)

The large and small intestines are a main part of the digestive tract, as well as the longest. Their importance is capital, since when the previously digested food passes through the stomach, they are responsible for absorb nutrients in such a way that allows our survival.

8. Kidneys

A fundamental element of the body, these organs allow the purification and filtering of the blood in such a way that toxins and waste generated by the body’s functioning can be eliminated through the excretory system. In addition, it allows the reabsorption of blood to forward it through the circulatory system and acts as an important element in body homeostasis and blood pressure regulation.

9. Timo

This organ (although some authors consider it only a gland) is part of the immune system and is of great importance for our survival. And in the thymus we can find the organ in which T lymphocytes, white blood cells essential for the body’s defense against bacterial attacks and toxic external substances and which are generated in the spinal cord, mature and differentiate.

10. Spleen

Although it was previously believed that the spleen was an organ without function or even vestigial, the truth is that although it is possible to live without it, it does have relevant functions for our health. In fact, it is considered part of the lymphatic system and the largest organ of said system.

To begin with, the spleen fulfills the important function of serving as a blood store, which allows us to maintain adequate and constant levels of this element circulating through our body. But it does not limit its function to being a mere warehouse: it also It is part of the lymphatic and immune systems, acting as a filter and contributing to the synthesis of antibodies. It also contributes to destroying damaged red blood cells and the balance of fluids in the body. Finally, this organ is characterized by having hematopoietic cells, immature stem cells that can end up generating different types of cells depending on the need.

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11. Bladder

An important part of the body is the bladder, an organ in the form of a small sac that stores urine, a product of filtration carried out by the kidneys, and which will later allow its expulsion through the urethra.

12. Eyes

Sensory organs are also very relevant for our survival, since they allow us to detect what is happening outside. The eyes are one of the most important sensory organs, allowing us to perceive images through the capture of light stimuli, these images being subsequently processed by the brain.

13. The ear

The ear is a sensory structure that allows us to capture information from the vibration of waves, being able to capture sounds thanks to it. However, it is a structure made up of multiple elements. One of the most relevant is the organ of Corti this being the one truly responsible for the capture of auditory stimuli.

14. Nose

Identified as the main olfactory organ, the elements that make up the nose allow the detection and identification of odors. In addition, it is through the nostrils that most people (although some breathe through the mouth) introduce oxygen from the outside into our body and excrete the carbon dioxide produced during breathing. Acts as a filter for microorganisms and heats the air that is introduced into the body. The vomeronasal or Jacobson organ deserves special mention, linked to the perception of pheromones.

15. Language

Organ formed by muscle tissue that It is essential for multiple functions such as feeding ourselves or communicating orally. In it we can find the taste buds, which allow us to capture the flavors of the different foods or substances that come into contact with our mouth.

16. Penis

The penis is one of the main existing male sexual organs. It is an erectile element that allows copulation when their cavernous bodies fill with blood and the transmission of semen to the outside. Furthermore, unlike in women, it also allows the expulsion of urine through the same organ.

17. Testicles

Part of the reproductive and endocrine system these are two structures that generate and store sex hormones such as testosterone and male reproductive cells, sperm.

18. Prostate

Gland-shaped organ that is part of the male reproductive system and whose main function is to secrete substances that allow the survival and protection of sperm, being essential in the production of semen.

19. Clitoris

Female sexual organ that enjoys the privilege of being the point in the body with the highest number of nerve endings in the human body Its only known function at the moment is to provide pleasure during the sexual act or with its stimulation through other means. Curiously, the penis and clitoris arise throughout development from the same structure, and both can become erect.

20. Ovaries

Located above the fallopian tubes, the ovaries are female sexual organs that are also part of the endocrine system. These are the structures in which eggs are produced and develop, as well as one of the main producers of estrogen and progesterone in women.

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21. Uterus

Organ made up mainly of muscle and endothelial tissue it is the part of the female body that houses the future baby while it is gestating and in which it is provided with food and oxygen through the blood vessels. It provides

22. Skin

One of the most externally visible organs, the skin is the layer of tissue that covers our body and separates us from external stimulation, being a protective element. In addition to that, protects us against dehydration and participates in the regulation of body temperature and the excretion (through the sweat glands present) of toxins. It is an adaptable and flexible organ of great importance for our survival, and yet it is not usually given the same attention as other large organs.

23. Bones

Our bones can be considered an organ, whose main function is the protection of the main organs (brain, heart and lungs) and the maintenance of a body structure that allows our basic functionality. In addition, they are linked to the creation of blood cells and autoimmunity, as well as store and homeostatic system of substances such as calcium and fats (in the yellow marrow).

24. Muscles

Our muscles could also be identified as an organ. Its main function is to allow movement, both voluntary and involuntary (for example, respiratory or digestion), by contracting and dilating.

25. Teeth

These small elements present in the mouth could also be considered an organ, and may have different functions. The main and most obvious is the chewing and preparation of solid foods to be transported through the digestive tract and ensure that nutrients are absorbed. They can also serve as a defensive element against external aggression, such as that of a predator or a member of our own species. They also participate along with the rest of the oral organs in communication.

… And many more

As we have said, there are around eighty organs that make up our body, of which we have only exposed some of the most important ones. The esophagus, urethra, glands such as the thyroid. Depending on where we set the limits we will find more or less structures identifiable as organs. There is much left to investigate.

You might think that today there is a lot we know about the body. However, there is still a lot of misinformation about how our body acts, limiting the available knowledge about different bodily functions and processes to multiple more or less accepted theories.

And even today numerous advances and discoveries continue to be made. For example, relatively recently the existence of what was considered just another organ was discovered: the mesentery This organ is part of the digestive tract, being a fold of the peritoneum that keeps the intestines in place by joining it to the posterior abdominal wall (although its functions beyond that still need to be analyzed to a greater extent). In conclusion, there are many organs and much more research that can be done on the functioning of our body, something that to a large extent we still do not know.