​The 25 Most Unsafe Countries In The World

The world can be a wonderful place, but it can also be hostile and unsafe. There are countries in which violence and insecurity are very present.

Every year, the Institute for Economics and Peace prepares the Global Peace Index that aims to know Which are the most dangerous and unsafe countries in the world based on 22 indicators: number of internal and external conflicts, political insecurity, terrorist activity, number of homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, etc.

What are the most unsafe countries in the world?

Among the 162 countries studied by this institution. Below we show you the 25 most unsafe states in the world

25. Mexico

The North American country has high levels of crime, and this region has become a strategic place for drug trafficking that reaches the United States from Latin America. In the last 15 years, notable cases of robberies, kidnappings and homicides have been recorded in the country, and according to data from “The National Public Security System” indicated that in 2016 a total of 20,189 people were murdered.

24. Ethiopia

Ethiopia has high levels of criminal and political violence that has resulted in numerous injuries and deaths Theft from occupied vehicles, purse snatching and other petty crimes are common in this country. Street violence is common and sometimes kidnappings of foreigners have been reported.

23. Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast has suffered two Civil Wars that began in 2002 and 2010 This country’s Second Civil War turned into a large-scale military conflict between forces loyal to Laurent Gbagbo, President of Côte d’Ivoire since 2000, and supporters of the internationally recognized president Alassane Ouattara. International organizations have reported numerous cases of human rights violations by both sides.

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22. Ukraine

Ukraine has experienced a series of conflicts in recent years, since February 2014, especially in the south of the country The protests in Donetsk and Luhansk have turned into an armed separatist insurgency, prompting the Ukrainian government to launch a military counteroffensive against the insurgents. These conflicts have caused thousands of victims and have made this country enter the list of 25 most unsafe countries in the world.

21. Chad

Chad is considered one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world ; and many of the inhabitants of this country live in extreme poverty. Its political instability has brought violence to the streets and sparked numerous coup attempts. This country lives immersed in crime and corruption.

20. Egypt

Egypt has also seen troubled times in recent years, especially in 2012, against the then president Mohamed Morsi. Political demonstrations have resulted in violent clashes with dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries. Furthermore, in this country there is continued Christian persecution and discrimination on multiple levels.

19. India

India is a country that lives immersed in the challenges of poverty, corruption, malnutrition, inadequate public health and terrorism. Crime is also a major problem, since crimes against women, domestic violence, drug and weapons trafficking are a reality.

18. Guinea-Bissau

This West African country has suffered political instability for decades, specifically since its independence in 1974. Poverty in Guinea-Bissau is considerable, and the country also suffers from a high crime rate. Murders and human trafficking are among the most common criminal acts.

17. Lebanon

The war conflicts that occurred in Syria have also affected Lebanon Lebanon’s Sunni Muslims mostly support rebels in Syria, while Syria’s Shiites have largely supported Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Murders, riots and kidnappings of foreign nationals throughout Lebanon are a common occurrence.

16. Yemen

Yemen has suffered 11 civil wars and social unrest The country lives immersed in poverty, unemployment, corruption… The government and its security forces have been responsible for torture, inhuman treatment and extrajudicial executions. Freedom of expression, the press and religion are restricted, homosexuality is illegal, punishable by death.

15. Zimbabwe

The African continent lives in continuous conflict, as demonstrated by many countries, including Zimbabwe The country’s economy is seriously damaged, which has an impact on social dilemmas. Disputes with firearms and violent acts are the order of the day.

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14. Israel

Israel suffers a large number of conflicts largely due to its situation regarding Palestine Being in a conflictive area of ​​the Middle East, armed disputes are common. The struggle between Israelis and Palestinians that began in the mid-20th century and the Holy Land is in continuous tension, especially in the Gaza Strip.

13. Colombia

Inequality is a constant in Colombia, where, according to the Human Development Index of the United Nations (UN), The richest 10% of the country’s population earns four times more than the poorest 40% The Andean country is considered one of the most dangerous in Latin America, although other rankings consider Honduras to be a more unsafe territory than Colombia.

12. Nigeria

Nigeria suffers both economically and socially, with ongoing conflicts and violations of human rights His government is known for corruption, where public officials take advantage of their position to line their pockets. Rape and discrimination based on sex are common.

11. Russia

Russia has a high crime rate It is a country known for its mafia groups, extortion, drug trafficking, hitmen, kidnapping and money laundering. According to the UN, the Russian Federation is one of the leading countries in homicides by the United Nations.

10. North Korea

North Korea frequently appears in the media for experiencing a situation of dictatorship in the hands of Kim Jong-un Amnesty International has on many occasions denounced the restrictions on freedom and human rights suffered by the inhabitants of this country. Arbitrary detention, torture and other ill-treatment leading to death and executions are not unusual in this Asian country.

9. Pakistan

Pakistan is considered one of the countries with a high number of terrorists In fact, the Afghanistan-Pakistan zone, in terms of terrorist acts, is only surpassed by that of Syria-Iraq. Furthermore, political instability, overpopulation, poverty, illiteracy and corruption make this country one of the most insecure on the planet.

8. Democratic Republic of the Congo

A politically unstable country, but as in many African states, it is rich in natural resources Corruption and exploitation and resource extraction and exploitation reign in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. War conflicts have been frequent in the last two decades, killing more than 5.4 million individuals and causing diseases such as malaria.

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7. Central African Republic

Another African country on the list that, especially after becoming independent from France in the 1960s, He has lived through different dictatorships. The first multi-party democratic elections were held in 1993, when Ange-Félix Patassé was elected president. Serious clashes occur between Muslim and Christian factions.

6. Sudan

War conflicts have marked the history of Sudan, especially its civil wars and the war in the Darfur region Human rights are ignored in this country, and both ethnic cleansing and slavery occur. Its Sudanese legal system is governed by Islamic law.

5. Somalia

Somalia is experiencing an internal conflict that began in 1991 and is still active today The war has caused hundreds of thousands of casualties so far, and rebel troops, especially Islamists, continue to be added.

4. Iraq

Iraq is one of the countries most devastated by war, which officially ended in 2011; However, conflicts are still present, and at the political level instability is a reality. The self-proclaimed Islamic State continues to expand in this region, where major war conflicts such as those in Mosul or Tikrit have occurred.

3. South Sudan

South Sudan is a different country from Sudan, which became independent in 2011 This region has suffered internal conflict for decades, and ethnic violence is the usual trend. The result has been numerous victims.

2. Afghanistan

The conflicts in Afghanistan, which began in 2001, are known worldwide NATO and allied countries have participated in this country’s civil war, which arose after the 9/11 attacks. The victims can be counted in the tens of thousands.

1. Syria

Syria is the most dangerous country in the world today due to the armed conflict it is experiencing that began in 2011, with protests to the Bashar al-Assad government, whose forces responded with violent repressive measures. It is estimated that more than 200,000 civilians have already died.