The 3 Fundamental Keys To Understanding Coaching

Keys to understanding coaching

Coaching has exploded in recent years And, what seemed like a passing fad and only suitable for executives or people who had already been studying and walking in the field of personal development for years, has proven to be a profession that will remain due to its usefulness in different areas of society.

This has meant that there are no longer so many people who shrug their shoulders when they hear about coaching, or who even know that it is a process that anyone can resort to in certain circumstances, but there are still some steps to take to completely end coaching. the skepticism that exists around this profession and what it can achieve.

Ignorance is what fuels skepticism and information is the best weapon to combat it. Therefore, in this article we are going to detail and explain the 3 fundamental keys to understanding coaching in its entirety: what it is, what it is for and how it works.

    What is coaching?

    Coaching is a personalized and confidential process in which the coach helps his client (the coachee) to make the necessary changes to find and/or unlock your potential in order to maximize your performance and performance at all levels of your life

    Coaching, therefore, is still a process of personal discovery for the coachee where he himself, although with the guidance of the coach, ends up realizing that he has everything he needs to achieve the goals and solve the obstacles that confront him. They prevent us from moving forward and achieving them.

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    Therefore, Coaching is not mentoring, nor psychology, much less just motivation In a coaching process, advice is not given because the coach is an expert in a certain subject, mental health problems are not treated, nor are phrases said that encourage and encourage.

    Coaching is an independent profession from these others and, although they draw from common sources, and can even sometimes complement each other, each one has its field of action and its own “paraqués”

    Coaching process

      What is the purpose of coaching?

      As we have advanced above in the definition of coaching, this is a method to achieve personal fulfillment understood as the well-being that is achieved when we achieve the balance between what our ego or ambition asks of us and what our vision or soul asks of us.

      It is the method that works best to achieve goals within all the factors that determine people’s lives: health, love, friendship, money, family, work… That is, coaching. serves to build bridges and chart paths between current and current desired states within those spheres

      Some examples of problems and needs for which coaching can be used are:

        Looking at these examples, which are only a small part of all that exist, it is observed that What coaching is for is as numerous as the impediments in any sphere of life that prevent us from shining and live in harmony with ourselves.

          How coaching works (or how you get paraqués)

          Probably of the elements that are necessary to understand to understand coaching in its entirety, what is least known is how it works, how coaching is actually carried out.

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          In coaching we talk about coaching processes: it is the complete procedure, with its beginning and its end, through which the coach will guide the coachee in achieving the objective for which they have resorted to their services.

          The extension of the process depends on each objective and the attitude of the coachee himself and is divided, in turn, into sessions that can be, for example, one hour long, in each of which the coach will guide the coachee. towards deep self-knowledge which will allow you not only to carry out an analysis of your current and desired reality, your limitations, fears and beliefs, but will also allow you to create the action plan so that the achievement of the objective occurs.

          The coach has a methodology and different tools acquired during his training to be able to carry out this work of guiding the coachee, the most powerful being conversation and asking challenging questions since with this the coachee himself, through the answers he gives, not only charts his own path on his terms, but also becomes aware of who he is and where he wants to be.

            Understanding coaching from within

            We can write countless articles to try to explain what coaching is or clarify all the false myths that surround it and that generate so much confusion, but as with almost everything in life, the best way to know something well is to do it from within.

            In D’Arte Human & Business School in our mission of wanting to make coaching known and understood in its entirety to everyone, we offer the most extensive and varied coaching training, both for beginners who want to approach this profession for the first time to fully understand what it consists of. , what it does and how it is done, to more advanced training so that those who already know that coaching is the profession they want to practice can train to be coaches with all the guarantees.

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