The 3 Types Of Human Brains And Their Functions

Our body is an extremely complex system to understand due to the network of functions and organs involved. In this sense, the brain is one of the most important organs, since a series of transcendental functions related to thinking, motor skills and temporal-spatial coordination, among others, occur here. However, there are details that are sometimes not taken into account when evaluating a person from a comprehensive perspective. In fact, although there is a belief that the brain is a unified organism, the truth is that it is nothing more than a fallacy.

In this PsychologyFor article, we will explain what they are. the 3 types of human brains and their functions

mammalian brain

The mammalian or limbic brain is the sector of the brain system that is located below the neocortex It is considered the framework linked to the emotional processing of stimuli that come from outside. Within this type of brain, components of the limbic system can be found that define basic functions for the survival of the individual.

Below we show you what are the functions of the mammalian brain:

  • Emotional expression.
  • Development of affective samples.
  • Increased emotional responses in social environments.
  • Participation in group dynamics.
  • Sustaining empathy.
  • Vehicleization of falling in love with another person.
  • Decrease in stress levels.

The mammalian brain, therefore, can present itself in various activities that allow its functioning and plays an important role in the development of social interactions. For this reason, it is not possible to consider people only from a biological perspective, but one must also consider how society influences them.

reptilian brain

The reptilian brain is another of the central nuclei of the human brain system. In general terms, it could be said that plays a central role in survival within a person’s environment and makes us act instinctively. As its name indicates, this type of brain derives from the term “reptile”, following the qualities that this animal possesses.

The main reptilian brain functions are:

  • Mobilization of behaviors as responses to environmental stimuli.
  • Regulation of vital functions.
  • Maintaining balance.
  • Control of muscle movements.

Taking into account its structure, research has determined that the reptilian brain incorporates the basal ganglia, the cerebellum, the reticular system and the brain stem, among others. Without the participation of the reptilian brain it would be impossible for a person to survive the changes that may occur in their life over time. However, it should be noted that alert levels must function correctly for the good performance of this sector of the brain. In the following article you will find more information about Adaptation to change according to psychology.

The 3 types of human brains and their functions - Reptilian brain

Neocortex brain

This region of the cerebral cortex is directly related to the development of human qualities For example, the acquisition of responses through words, gestures, looks, thoughts and actions that human beings can use within their social circles. Animals cannot make use of these abilities, since they do not share the same codes as human beings.

Next, we highlight some of the main uses of the brain neocortex:

  • Development of processes linked to language.
  • Armed with concrete and abstract thoughts.
  • Possibility of symbolizing ideas.
  • Face recognition.
  • Perception of other people.
  • Self-perception capacity.
  • Resolution of concrete and abstract problems.
  • Development of the auditory system.
  • Ability to learn new activities.
  • Acquisition of behavioral habits.

Therefore, the importance of this type of brain for the basic functioning of a human being is crucial, since it is involved in the vast majority of one’s emotions, thoughts and behaviors. The brain neocortex has been developing progressively With the passage of time and previously, human beings lacked the resources that exist today. Taking into account prehistoric times, we can conclude that it has positively influenced a large number of manifestations that developed from specific needs.

The 3 types of human brains and their functions - Neocortex brain

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Seijo, C., Barrios, L. (2012). The triune brain and ethical intelligence: Fundamental matrix of multifocal intelligence. Praxis Magazine, 8 (1), 147-165.
  • Tarantino-Curseri, S. (2018). Theoretical brushstrokes around the Triune Brain to improve our hermeneutics in the field of all Negotiation. Venezuelan Management Magazine, 23 (84), 1-10.

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